Struka - Betonski snovi 3 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Struka - Betonski snovi 3

Betonski snovi 3
Concrete Dreams 3
Davno je izaš'o iz zatvora, al' to je priča matora
He got out of prison long ago, but that's an old story
Ono što me čudi je kako to da ne kapiraš
What surprises me is how you don't understand
Da sigurno ne planira to da se vrati tebi
That he surely doesn't plan to come back to you
Niti misli da je otac vašoj nerođenoj bebi
Nor does he think he's the father of your unborn baby
Sva si polu luda, osam meseci si trudna
You are half crazy, eight months pregnant
Drogirana, pijana sa stomakom do zuba
Drugged, drunk with a belly to your teeth
Na patosu života, po komšiluku se motaš
At the bottom of life, you wander around the neighborhood
I dužna i ružna, 'pak ne uspevaš da skontaš
Indebted and ugly, yet you fail to realize
Tu nema sažaljenja, ovaj život je surov
There's no pity here, this life is cruel
I moj brat se zez'o sa tim sranjem, pa na kraju umro
My brother messed with that shit too, and ended up dead
Sad smatraju te kurvom, al' ne mogu da ih krivim
Now they consider you a whore, but I can't blame them
Kada pogledam kako majka jednog deteta živi
When I look at how the mother of a child lives
Tvoj sin iz prvog braka im'o ćaleta ludaka
Your son from your first marriage had a lunatic father
Mali suzu nije pustio kad umro je od raka
The little one didn't shed a tear when he died of cancer
On mu nije bio tata, i dalje lažeš sina
He wasn't his father, and you're still lying to your son
Nikada mu nisi rekla da je Šonetov klinac
You never told him he was Shone's kid
Svi u kraju su navučeni na zlatnu prašinu
Everyone in the hood is hooked on gold dust
Zbog nje ortaci pucaju, zbog nje ortaci ginu
Because of it, buddies shoot, because of it, buddies die
Kad su anđeli pali, tad su se đavoli digli
When the angels fell, the devils rose
A mnogi su u kraju našli Boga u igli
And many in the hood found God in the needle
Svi u kraju su navučeni na zlatnu prašinu
Everyone in the hood is hooked on gold dust
Zbog nje ortaci pucaju, zbog nje ortaci ginu
Because of it, buddies shoot, because of it, buddies die
Kad su anđeli pali, tad su se đavoli digli
When the angels fell, the devils rose
A mnogi su u kraju našli Boga u igli
And many in the hood found God in the needle
Po koji put mi traži lovu, dam joj hiljadarku
How many times has she asked me for money, I gave her a thousand
Pa je sretnem u studenjaku, smotanu u jaknu
Then I meet her in the cold, wrapped in a jacket
Skamenjenu, ledenu, dok puši treću paklu
Stoned, icy, while she's smoking her third pack
Da bi bilo gore, njeno dete je u istom parku
To make matters worse, her child is in the same park
Čuči pored klupe, plače, drži je za šaku
Squatting by the bench, crying, holding her hand
Sa mislima o paklu, gleda drogiranu majku
With thoughts of hell, he's looking at his drugged-up mother
U nedelju smo keva i ja, to dete čuvali
On Sunday, my mother and I were taking care of that child
On pita gde je mama? Pitaj Boga gde ti gluvariš
He asks where's his mother? Ask God where you are wasting your life
Nema ga u školi jer deca znaju istinu
He's not in school because the children know the truth
A istina ga boli, deca su surava
And the truth hurts him, children are cruel
Profesorka pita što je tako često odsutan
The teacher asks why he's so often absent
Kad pokušam da pričam sa njim, neće da posluša
When I try to talk to him, he won't listen
Ponaša se agresivno, tuče drugu decu
He acts aggressively, hits other kids
Pre par dana mi doš'o sa unakaženim licem
A few days ago he came to me with a disfigured face
Njemu treba majka, a tebi kvoter heroina
He needs his mother, and you need a quarter of heroin
Za mesec dana Nina, rodićeš još jednog sina
In a month, Nina, you will give birth to another son
Svi u kraju su navučeni na zlatnu prašinu
Everyone in the hood is hooked on gold dust
Zbog nje ortaci pucaju, zbog nje ortaci ginu
Because of it, buddies shoot, because of it, buddies die
Kad su anđeli pali, tad su se đavoli digli
When the angels fell, the devils rose
A mnogi su u kraju našli Boga u igli
And many in the hood found God in the needle
Svi u kraju su navučeni na zlatnu prašinu
Everyone in the hood is hooked on gold dust
Zbog nje ortaci pucaju, zbog nje ortaci ginu
Because of it, buddies shoot, because of it, buddies die
Kad su anđeli pali, tad su se đavoli digli
When the angels fell, the devils rose
A mnogi su u kraju našli Boga u igli
And many in the hood found God in the needle
Juče vraćam se iz studija, kad oko zgrade murija
Yesterday I was coming back from the studio, when I saw cops around the building
Što nije ništa novo ovde na ivici ludila
Which is nothing new here on the brink of madness
Kome li je ovog puta ruka Boga sudila
Whose hand of God has judged this time
Čujem nekog klinca: "Ona lujka se ubila"
I hear some kid saying: "That crazy woman killed herself"
Vraćam film u nazad dok pokušavam da skontam
I rewind the film as I try to figure it out
1001 misao po glavi mi se mota
1001 thoughts are running through my head
Pitam klinca: "Šta je bilo? Šta se jebeno dešava?"
I ask the kid: "What happened? What the hell is going on?"
On mi kaže: "Dodaj novo ime, staroj listi leševa."
He tells me: "Add a new name to the old list of corpses."
Trudnica sa sedmog, što se skida s heroina
The pregnant woman from the seventh floor, who was getting off heroin
Sine glave joj je došla, zlatna prašina
Son, the gold dust got to her head
Al' ironija priče brate je da dijagnoza
But the irony of the story, brother, is that the diagnosis
Ovog puta nije bila njena prekomerna doza
This time wasn't her overdose
Vidiš, jebena đankoza je skočila sa krova
You see, the damn junkie jumped off the roof
Ali to tako biva kada proradi ti rovac
But that's what happens when that worm starts working
Tragedija, mlada žena, ima malog sina
Tragedy, a young woman, has a little son
Sigurno je poznaješ brate, zove se Nina
You surely know her, brother, her name is Nina
Svi u kraju su navučeni na zlatnu prašinu
Everyone in the hood is hooked on gold dust
Zbog nje ortaci pucaju, zbog nje ortaci ginu
Because of it, buddies shoot, because of it, buddies die
Kad su anđeli pali, tad su se đavoli digli
When the angels fell, the devils rose
A mnogi su u kraju našli Boga u igli
And many in the hood found God in the needle
Svi u kraju su navučeni na zlatnu prašinu
Everyone in the hood is hooked on gold dust
Zbog nje ortaci pucaju, zbog nje ortaci ginu
Because of it, buddies shoot, because of it, buddies die
Kad su anđeli pali, tad su se đavoli digli
When the angels fell, the devils rose
A mnogi su u kraju našli Boga u igli
And many in the hood found God in the needle
Svi u kraju su navučeni na zlatnu prašinu
Everyone in the hood is hooked on gold dust
Zbog nje ortaci pucaju, zbog nje ortaci ginu
Because of it, buddies shoot, because of it, buddies die
Kad su anđeli pali, tad su se đavoli digli
When the angels fell, the devils rose
A mnogi su u kraju našli Boga u igli
And many in the hood found God in the needle
Svi u kraju su navučeni na zlatnu prašinu
Everyone in the hood is hooked on gold dust

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