Struka - Mi Casa - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Struka - Mi Casa

Mi Casa
Mi Casa
Bolesni mamojebach se vratio...
Dumbass motherf*cker came back...
Siggystroo... Na beatu...
Siggystroo... On the beat...
Prepoznaj igru brate...
Recognize the game, bro...
Pusti da predjem na temu danas svako bi da kariben
Let me get to the point today, everyone wants to act rich
Baja je na ulici ludje i u decembru
It's cold on the streets, people are out even in December
A kako zive vi to nemojte me pitati,ti cak i kupi novine
But don't ask me how they survive, you can even buy a newspaper
Tu sigurno ce pisati,prihod,minimalac,taj uma ilegala
It'll definitely say, income, minimum wage, that illegal phase
Zivi zivot kriminala,tesko reci neka hvala,(sranje)
Living a life of crime, hard to say thank you, (bullshit)
Ne da da pobegnem pa Bog neka mi pomogne
Can't escape, so may God help me
Ja gresio sam dusu samo vrha da se domognem
I've sinned my soul just to reach the peak
Pa tesko onome ko puca lako kao staklo
So tough luck for those who break like glass
Sa prosecno klinca ide od prilike ovako
For an average kid, it goes something like this
Na izbeg pulover da pokriva revolver
Hide a revolver under a sweater on the run
Tu je sisata kurva i novi "rein zover"
There's a busty slut and a new "rein zover"
Na nasoj ulici k'o u jebenoj ludnici
On our street, it's like a fucking madhouse
Gde sustizu nas udarci,pendreci i pundaci
Where our blows, truncheons, and bullets meet
Uvek cuje se po kraju,majke ubrzano staraju
You always hear around the neighborhood, mothers age prematurely
Jer osnovci sluze paju!
Because elementary school kids are serving time!
Mi casa,su casa
My house, your house
Nemas ni da hasas,sest asa i basta
You don't have much choice, six aces and that's it
Gledas iz basa,oooo,a klinci beze od murije
You watch from the jail, oh, and the kids run from the walls
I uvek pucas prvi uvek tu znas da ubijes...
And you always shoot first, you always know how to kill here...
De-devedesete jos zive audi iz stare navike
The nineties still live on, Audi cars from old habits
Pa nemoj da se cudis ako skinu ti te patike
So don't be surprised if I strip you of those sneakers
Obratite paznju na to pogledaj da nas pratite
Pay attention to this, watch and follow us
Daj dugove da platite da svaki dinar vratite
Come on, pay your debts so you can return every penny
I budete cisti i pred Bogom i pred ljudima
And you'll be clean before God and before people
Srbija ti ubija to srce u grudima
Serbia kills that heart in your chest
Laki na orozu iz pola u prolazu
Armed and dangerous, out of nowhere
Sad se krije lako potezu pa budite na oprezu
Now hide easily, dodge, and be on your guard
Ko je na potezu lovac ili volina
Who's in charge, the hunter or the prey
Mafija il' vlada,to je glavna tema novina
The mafia or the government, that's the main topic in the news
K'o konjina tarinta sali kratka ti je plata
Like a money-hungry beast, your income is short
Kad u 20 kvadrata sanjas gajbu na 2 sprata
When in 20 square meters you dream of a house with 2 floors
Upravo tako a sa kesom si na murici
That's right, and with cash you're on the hook
Visis na ulici k'o na jebenoj udici
You hang on the street like bait on a goddamn fishing line
Zivot arene a sise su u pudlici ne
Life's a battlefield, and boobs are in a box, right?
Postujes pravila i eto te u sudnici.
Follow the rules and there you are in court.
Mi casa,su casa
My house, your house
Nemas ni da hasas,sest asa i basta
You don't have much choice, six aces and that's it
Gledas iz basa,oooo,a klinci beze od murije
You watch from the jail, oh, and the kids run from the walls
I uvek pucas prvi uvek tu znas da ubijes...
And you always shoot first, you always know how to kill here...

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