Struka - Plitka noc, suplji dan - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Struka - Plitka noc, suplji dan

Plitka noc, suplji dan
Shallow night, hollow day
Rođen sam nevin, neiskvaren i potpuno čist
I was born innocent, unblemished, and totally pure
Baš onakav kakvog me je hteo Isus Hrist
Just as Jesus wanted me to be
Bez predrasuda, sujete, bez ikakve percepcije
Without prejudice, vanity, without any perception
Pre nego što mi je đavo dao prve lekcije
Before the devil gave me my first lesson
Rođen sam slep i gluv za nesreću i zlo
I was born blind and deaf to misfortune and evil
Baš onakav kakvog me je zamislio Bog
Just as God intended me to be
Bez mržnje i ljubomore, bez besa i straha
Without hatred and jealousy, without rage and fear
Al' u sudaru s realnošću sam ostao bez daha
But in the collision with reality, I was left breathless
U nadi da ću s vremenom spoznati samog sebe
In the hope that in time I would get to know myself
Al' i dalje gledam samo da pijem, jedem i jebem
But I still only look to drink, eat, and fuck
Sad sam vezanih ruku, s ovom glavom na panju
Now I am bound, with this head on the chopping block
Đavo ne zatvara radnju ni noću ni danju
The devil never closes shop, day or night
Muči me prošlost, iako je sve to davno prošlo
The past torments me, although all that is long gone
U ovoj glavi sam sve to još 500 puta proš'o
In this head, I have been through it all 500 times again
Reči koje rek'o sam, greške što sam pravio
The words I've said, the mistakes I've made
Propale ljubavi što sam na pijedestal stavio
The failed loves that I put on a pedestal
Kuda vodi ovaj put, i da li ima srećan kraj
Where does this path lead, and does it have a happy ending
I zašto živim kao pas, i dal za pse postoji raj
And why do I live like a dog, and is there a heaven for dogs
I opet sebe pitam kud, i opet gradom hodam sam
And again, I ask myself where to, and again I walk the city alone
I kada dođe plitka noć, i kada dođe šuplji dan
And when the shallow night comes, and when the hollow day comes
S flašom u ruci naslonjen sam na banderu
With a bottle in my hand, I lean against the railing
Večeras neka jeza ispunjava atmosferu
Tonight, a shiver fills the atmosphere
Svaki korak težak tonu na ovom betonu
Every step weighs heavy on this concrete
Pijan preturam po inbox-u u njenom telefonu
Drunk, I search through the inbox on her phone
Ni sam ne znam šta tražim, al' sam siguran da naći ću
I don't even know what I'm looking for, but I'm sure I'll find it
Potvrdu da neminovno neko vreme patiću
Confirmation that I will inevitably suffer for a while
Zreo za terapiju, ma koga bre ja foliram
Ripe for therapy, who am I kidding
Možda je ipak bolje rešenje da soliram
Maybe it's better to go solo anyway
Volim pijane noći, mrzim mamurna jutra
I love drunken nights, I hate hungover mornings
Već godinama ovde živim u strahu od sutra
For years I have lived here in fear of tomorrow
Zalogaj bola ne mogu ni da progutam
I can't even swallow a bite of pain
Brate, jebeno se smrzavam, pogled mi je mutan
Brother, I'm fucking freezing, my eyes are clouded
Preturam po jakni, tražim ključeve od kola
I search my jacket, looking for the car keys
Al' ovako pijan ne bih mog'o da pronađem volan
But I wouldn't be able to find the steering wheel this drunk
Kažem sebi "Seti se gde si večeras bio"
I tell myself, "Remember where you were tonight"
Jedino se sećam da sam pio
All I can remember is that I drank
Kuda vodi ovaj put, i da li ima srećan kraj
Where does this path lead, and does it have a happy ending
I zašto živim kao pas, i dal za pse postoji raj
And why do I live like a dog, and is there a heaven for dogs
I opet sebe pitam kud, i opet gradom hodam sam
And again, I ask myself where to, and again I walk the city alone
I kada dođe plitka noć, i kada dođe šuplji dan
And when the shallow night comes, and when the hollow day comes
Otvaram paklu, ostala mi je još jedna
I open hell, I have one more left
Sranje, prvu trafiku otvaraju od 7
Shit, they don't open the first traffic until 7
Našao sam kola, to je sad jedino bitno
I found the car, that's all that matters now
Mada nema onog klinca što mi uvek traži sitno
Although that kid who always asks me for change isn't there
Nema nikog, čini mi se ceo grad spava
There's no one around, the whole city seems to be sleeping
A ključ neće da uđe jer zaledila je brava
And the key won't go in because the lock is frozen
Ubija me glava, drhtim, ruke mi se tresu
My head is killing me, I'm shivering, my hands are shaking
Brate, pozvao bih taksi, ali ne znam ni adresu
Brother, I would call a cab, but I don't even know the address
Zvao bih ortake, ali pitaj Boga gde su
I would call my partners, but God knows where they are
Pa sam udario vrata, onako u onom besu
So I slammed the door, just like that in that rage
Osećam se stvarno grozno, dotako sam dno
I feel really bad, I hit the bottom
Rođen sam slep i gluv za nesreću i zlo
I was born blind and deaf to misfortune and evil
Nevin i neiskvaren i potpuno čist
Innocent and unblemished and totally pure
A sad uzalud se trudim da okrenem novi list
And now in vain I try to turn over a new leaf
Uzalud se trudim da dovedem se u red
In vain I try to set myself straight
Brate, uzalud se trudim, jer uzalud mi sve
Brother, in vain I try, because everything is in vain for me
Kuda vodi ovaj put, i da li ima srećan kraj
Where does this path lead, and does it have a happy ending
I zašto živim kao pas, i dal za pse postoji raj
And why do I live like a dog, and is there a heaven for dogs
I opet sebe pitam kud, i opet gradom hodam sam
And again, I ask myself where to, and again I walk the city alone
I kada dođe plitka noć, i kada dođe šuplji dan
And when the shallow night comes, and when the hollow day comes

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