Struka feat. DJ BKO & Eeva - Replay (feat. Eeva, DJ BKO) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Struka feat. DJ BKO & Eeva - Replay (feat. Eeva, DJ BKO)

Replay (feat. Eeva, DJ BKO)
Replay (feat. Eeva, DJ BKO)
Moraš da shvatiš ti i ja nismo mi
You need to understand that you and I are not meant to be
Pronaći ćemo mir kada se pomirimo s tim
We will find peace when we come to terms with it
Imam problem da odem i osećam se krivim
I have a problem leaving and I feel guilty
Jer sa ovim greškama nikad ne bih mog'o da živim
Because I could never live with these mistakes
Mislim o tome, hvata me panika
I think about it, and it gives me a panic attack
Ja sam samo ovisnik satkan od loših navika
I'm just an addict woven with bad habits
Pružiš mi šansu, ali opet te iskoristim
You give me a chance, but I exploit you again
Pa nemam više kredit kao prepaid korisnik
So I no longer have credit like a prepaid user
O da, to sam već onaj stari ja
Oh yes, I'm already that old me
Taman kad postane lepo dođem da pokvarim stvar
Just when things get good, I come to spoil them
I opet postajem to licemerno govno
And again I become that hypocritical shit
Sve po starom, znaš me, znam te, ništa čudno ništa novo
Same old, you know me, I know you, nothing strange, nothing new
Tragikomično, jer opet pričam s tužnim klonom
Tragicomic, because I'm again talking to a sad clone
Koji živi s one strane ogledala, to je bolno
Who lives on the other side of the mirror, it's painful
Mislim da sam se vremenom navuk'o na ovo
I think I got used to this over time
I navik'o na ovo, al' to nije ništa novo
And got used to this, but it's nothing new
I kao DJ vrati me unazad samo stisni replay
And like a DJ take me back just hit replay
Replay (replay), replay (replay)
Replay (replay), replay (replay)
(Nazad u dane kad sve imalo je smisla)
(Back to the days when everything made sense)
I kao DJ vrati me unazad samo stisni replay
And like a DJ take me back just hit replay
Replay (replay), replay (replay)
Replay (replay), replay (replay)
(Nekad imali smo sve, sad više nemamo ništa)
(Once we had everything, now we have nothing)
Stoti put ti kažem gotovo je, kamo lepe sreće
I tell you for the hundredth time, it's almost over, where's the joy
Već vidim da me čeka još jedno pakleno veče
I can already see that another hellish evening awaits me
I nije bitno ko je kriv, jer kad si pored mene
And it doesn't matter who's to blame, because when you're next to me
Tek tad osećam da sam zapravo živ
Only then do I feel that I'm really alive
Al' onda me odjednom pogledaš tako osuđujuće
But then suddenly you look at me so accusingly
Jebi se, mrzim te, izluđuješ me
Fuck you, I hate you, you drive me crazy
Kako se usuđuješ bre?
How dare you?
I ti si kriva, ti si prva varala i lagala pa plakala
And you're guilty, you were the first to cheat and lie and then cry
Tol'ko da sam napokon rešio da priznam sebi
Just to finally decide to admit to myself
A i tebi, da sam isto tako grešio i ja
And to you that I made the same mistakes
Jer ja sam kurva i ti si kurva, jer ja sam nula i ti si nula
Because I am a whore and you are a whore, because I am zero and you are zero
I možda smo baš zato pravi holivudski par
And maybe that's why we are the real Hollywood couple
Ljubav je jedna vrlo zajebana stvar
Love is a very fucked up thing
I nije stvorena za ljude kao ja
And was not created for people like me
Jer uzeću ti sve, al nemam ništa da ti dam
Because I will take everything from you, but I have nothing to give you
I kao DJ vrati me unazad samo stisni replay
And like a DJ take me back just hit replay
Replay (replay), replay (replay)
Replay (replay), replay (replay)
(Nazad u dane kad sve imalo je smisla)
(Back to the days when everything made sense)
I kao DJ vrati me unazad samo stisni replay
And like a DJ take me back just hit replay
Replay (replay), replay (replay)
Replay (replay), replay (replay)
(Nekad imali smo sve, sad više nemamo ništa)
(Once we had everything, now we have nothing)

Writer(s): --

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