Struka - Svi psi idu u raj - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Struka - Svi psi idu u raj

Svi psi idu u raj
All Dogs Go to Heaven
Ej, yo, Struka, slušaj me sine, ne mogu više
Hey, yo, Struka, listen to me, son, I can't anymore
Aj zajebi ovo sranje, došli smo do kraja priče
Let's screw this shit, we've come to the end of the story
Daj o čemu ti to pričaš, brate, poč'o si da buncaš
What are you talking about, bro, you started babbling
Daj iskuliraj se vidiš da si počeo da pucaš
Chill out man, you see you're starting to crack
Svega mi je preko kurca i repera i medija
I'm over rappers, the media, all of it
Tih izdavača, sponzora sve je to k'o španska serija
Those publishers, sponsors, all this is like a Spanish soap opera
Razumem, al' dal je to razlog da sad posustaneš
I understand, but is that a reason to give up now?
I posle tolko godina zar sada da odustaneš
After so many years, are you going to quit now?
Al' video sam sve i rek'o sam šta imam
But I've seen it all and I've said what I have to say
Došao do vrha k'o kapiten pobedničkog tima
Reached the top like the captain of the winning team
Brate, nastavi da snimaš, to ne dolazi u obzir
Bro, keep recording, that's out of the question
Ne mogu da te ubijem dok ležiš tu u komi
I can't kill you while you're lying there in a coma
Al' mogu da te probudim ako dođe taj dan
But I can wake you up if that day comes
Kada će imati smisla da se vratiš u svoj hram
When it will make sense to return to your temple
Žao mi je, volim te, ne otežavaj, molim te
I'm sorry, I love you, don't make it hard, please
Moram to da uradim, al' znaj da strašno boli me
I have to do this, but know that it hurts me terribly
Jer smrt je samo tren kada umiranje prestane
Because death is just a moment when dying stops
I svi smo rođeni mrtvi
And we are all born dead
I pitanje je momenta kada će sve da nestane
And it's only a matter of time when everything will disappear
Pa uvek setim se smrti
So I always remember death
Jer smrt je samo tren kada umiranje prestane
Because death is just a moment when dying stops
I svi smo rođeni mrtvi
And we are all born dead
I sve je samo deo jedne sumanute predstave
And everything is just part of one crazy play
Gde svako ulogu glumi
Where everyone plays a role
Ne znam da li me čuješ, ali svejedno, pričam s tobom
I don't know if you hear me, but I'm talking to you anyway
Ponekad mi se čini k'o da pričam sam sa sobom
Sometimes it seems like I'm talking to myself
Ljudi i dalje vide Struku, a ne Ognjena
People still see Struka, not Ognjen
Izgleda da vole te više nego što vole ga
It seems they love you more than they love him
Još uvek ne znam gde si, dal si ovde ili tamo
I still don't know where you are, whether you're here or there
Ili negde među dva sveta obavijen tamom
Or somewhere between two worlds shrouded in darkness
Samo da znaš da ovde živećeš zauvek
Just so you know, you'll live here forever
Da si dotako besmrtnost iako trupla trule
That you touched immortality even though corpses rot
Seti se nazad, to davno, počeo si od nule
Remember back then, a long time ago, you started from scratch
Al' par godina nakon gradio gradove i kule
But a couple of years later you were building cities and towers
Sad gledam ove fotke dok mi emocije naviru
Now I'm looking at these photos as emotions surge within me
Vraćaju me nazad u dubinu duše zadiru
They take me back, reaching deep into my soul
Ova bolnička soba, ovo sumorno popodne
This hospital room, this gloomy afternoon
Govorim sebi da ne bi trebalo da budem ovde
I tell myself that I shouldn't be here
Ipak doš'o sam iako mnogi hoće da te vrate
Yet I came, although many want to bring you back
Da ti kažem zbogom i da ugasim aparate
To say goodbye to you and turn off the machines
Jer smrt je samo tren kada umiranje prestane
Because death is just a moment when dying stops
I svi smo rođeni mrtvi
And we are all born dead
I pitanje je momenta kada će sve da nestane
And it's only a matter of time when everything will disappear
Pa uvek setim se smrti
So I always remember death
Jer smrt je samo tren kada umiranje prestane
Because death is just a moment when dying stops
I svi smo rođeni mrtvi
And we are all born dead
I sve je samo deo jedne sumanute predstave
And everything is just part of one crazy play
Gde svako ulogu glumi
Where everyone plays a role
Sedim u sobi sa tvojom krvlju na rukama
I'm sitting in the room with your blood on my hands
Trudim se da ne čujem ta sablasna šaputanja
I'm trying not to hear those ghostly whispers
Sedim u senci, a dim klizi mi iz usana
I'm sitting in the shadows, smoke sliding from my lips
Đavo me vuče za rukav do ivice ludila
The devil is pulling me by the sleeve to the edge of madness
Čujem da si viđen usidren u svetom pristaništu
I hear you've been seen anchored in a holy harbor
Kren'o si ka raju al' završio u čistilištu
You headed for heaven but ended up in purgatory
Kažu da nisi dovoljno dobar za carstvo nebesko
They say you're not good enough for the kingdom of heaven
Da tamo nema mesta, da bi s tobom bilo pretesno
That there's no room there, that it would be too crowded with you
S druge strane kažu da ne pripadaš ni hadu
On the other hand, they say you don't belong in hell either
Kao nisi tolko grešio, da ne pripadaš tom stadu
Like you didn't sin enough to belong to that herd
A tamo ti je mesto jer si slao loše poruke
And that's where you belong because you sent bad messages
Iz kojih klinci nisu mogli da izvuku pouke
From which the kids couldn't draw any lessons
Prič'o si o parama, o kurvama, o platini
You talked about money, about whores, about platinum
Da ne dužim, navodno si pričao o Satani
To make a long story short, you allegedly talked about Satan
Ne mogu da verujem da došao je kraj
I can't believe it's come to an end
A bilo kako bilo, svi psi idu u raj
But whatever it is, all dogs go to heaven
Jer smrt je samo tren kada umiranje prestane
Because death is just a moment when dying stops
I svi smo rođeni mrtvi
And we are all born dead
I pitanje je momenta kada će sve da nestane
And it's only a matter of time when everything will disappear
Pa uvek setim se smrti
So I always remember death
Jer smrt je samo tren kada umiranje prestane
Because death is just a moment when dying stops
I svi smo rođeni mrtvi
And we are all born dead
I sve je samo deo jedne sumanute predstave
And everything is just part of one crazy play
Gde svako ulogu glum
Where everyone plays a rol
Jer smrt je samo tren kada umiranje prestane
Because death is just a moment when dying stops
I svi smo rođeni mrtvi
And we are all born dead
I pitanje je momenta kada će sve da nestane
And it's only a matter of time when everything will disappear
Pa uvek setim se smrti
So I always remember death
Jer smrt je samo tren kada umiranje prestane
Because death is just a moment when dying stops
I svi smo rođeni mrtvi
And we are all born dead
I sve je samo deo jedne sumanute predstave
And everything is just part of one crazy play
Gde svako ulogu glumi
Where everyone plays a role
Jer smrt je samo tren kada umiranje prestane
Because death is just a moment when dying stops
I svi smo rođeni mrtvi
And we are all born dead
I pitanje je momenta kada će sve da nestane
And it's only a matter of time when everything will disappear
Pa uvek setim se smrti
So I always remember death
Jer smrt je samo tren kada umiranje prestane
Because death is just a moment when dying stops
I svi smo rođeni mrtvi
And we are all born dead
I sve je samo deo jedne sumanute predstave
And everything is just part of one crazy play
Gde svako ulogu glumi
Where everyone plays a role
Jer smrt je samo tren kada umiranje prestane
Because death is just a moment when dying stops

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