Sud Sound System - Casa Mia - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Sud Sound System - Casa Mia

Casa Mia
My Home
Wooo Wooei Woo Wooei Woo Wooei Sine moi a quai
Woo Wooey Woo Wooey Woo Wooey Don't touch my land
Wooo Wooei Woo Wooei Woo Wooei (sciamu moi a qquai) yeah!
Woo Wooei Woo Wooey Woo Wooey (don't touch my land) yeah!
Quista è casa mia, terra mia lu salentu no sse tocca
This is my home, my land, Salento will not be touched
Quista è casa mia, terra mia e lassu sempre perta la porta
This is my home, my land and I always leave the door open
Quista è casa mia, terra mia lu salentu no nu sse tocca
This is my home, my land, Salento will not be touched
Quista è casa mia, terra mia e lassu sempre perta la porta
This is my home, my land and I always leave the door open
Ieu me recordu c'è beddhra ca era sta terra quannu ceddhri se curava de nui
I remember how beautiful this land was when cedars cared for us
Nc'era menu denaru e puru menu miseria e ddhru salentu ca osce ieu nu trou chiui
There was less money and also less misery and that Salento that I don't find anymore
Ieu me recordu c'è beddhra ca era sta terra quannu li patroni eramu nui
I remember how beautiful this land was when we were the masters
Ma puru sta situazione in fondu tene na fine ed è na bestia che si estinguerà
But even this situation has an end and it is a beast that will become extinct
Nati ntra nna terra a du lu sule scarfa le petre comu lu core
Born in a land where the sun warms the stones like the heart
Simu nui quiddhri pronti a lottare contro ci a qquai porta sulu dolore
We are ready to fight against those who only bring pain to this place
Sapimu buenu cce ttene valore ma nun b'è quiddhru ca nne stati a dare
We know well what is valuable but it is not what you give us
Pe quistu venimu a cantare la terra noscia nu ssa ttuccare
That's why we have come to sing that our land should not be touched
Maledetti ddhri pacci e ddhri ignoranti ca nvelenanu la terra mia
Cursed are the fools and the ignorant who poison my land
Nun me ne fazzu nienti de li sordi uesci iou mangiu frise, rape, ciceri e tria
I don't care about the money, I eat bread, turnips, chickpeas and pasta
Per sempre maledetti politici e corrotti ca sta sfruttanu la terra mia
Cursed forever the politicians and the corrupt who exploit my land
Me tratti comu schiavu cu pane avvelenatu ma pe li fiji mei nu mme innu cchiui
You treat me like a slave with poisoned bread but for my children I will not be silent anymore
Wooo Wooei no mmeinnu cchiui
Woo Wooey no more silence
Wooo Wooei None no
Woo Wooey Not now
Woo Wooei la casa mia ete a qquai
Woo Wooey my home is here
Cielu, alberi e sule comu l'acqua a nu fiure
Sky, trees and sun are like water to a flower
Fanne cu nu spiccia mai
Make it never end
Dhr'armonia naturale ca sape donare
The natural harmony that knows how to give
Bellezza alli fiji soi
Beauty to its children
C'è ci fuce e nu ssape o forse se scerra lu valore ca tene ogne cosa
There are those who don't know or maybe don't choose to see the value in all things
Face de tuttu cu ccangia ddhru modu de fare de sta natura meravigliosa
They do everything to change the ways of this wonderful nature
Quista è casa mia, terra mia lu salentu no sse tocca
This is my home, my land, Salento will not be touched
Quista è casa mia, terra mia e lassu sempre perta la porta
This is my home, my land and I always leave the door open
Quista è casa mia, terra mia lu salentu no nu sse tocca
This is my home, my land, Salento will not be touched
Quista è casa mia, terra mia e lassu sempre perta la porta
This is my home, my land and I always leave the door open
(Io nu mme innu cchiui, la casa mia ete a qquai)
(I will not be silent anymore, my home is here)

Writer(s): Federico Vaglio, Fabio Miglietta, Fernando Blasi

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