Sud Sound System - Man in pasta - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Sud Sound System - Man in pasta

Man in pasta
Hands in the Dough
O sine moi
Oh my dear
Ei tie, signor mani in pasta
Hey you, Mr. Hands in the Dough
Nu te binchi mai, tie nu dici mai basta
You never back down, you never say enough
Ingordu tie, signor mani in pasta
Greedy you are, Mr. Hands in the Dough
Comu nu petrusinu stai in ogne menesca.
Like parsley, you're in every dish.
Parlu cu tie, moi
I'm talking to you, dear
Signor mani in pasta
Mr. Hands in the Dough
Se c'è nu taulu prontu si lu primu ca se setta.
If there's a table set, you're the first one to sit down.
Ei tie, signor mani in pasta
Hey you, Mr. Hands in the Dough
Signor mani in pasta.
Mr. Hands in the Dough.
Parlu de gente senza scrupoli
I'm talking about people without scruples
Ca all'avidità nu minte limiti
Who place no limits on their greed
Ca pe lu guadagnu face crimini
Who commit crimes for profit
Sulu alla rovina suntu utili.
Useful only for ruin.
Quisti se difendenu l'onore
These people defend their honor
Seminandu scompigliu e terrore
Sowing disorder and terror
Guai a ci se permette cu ni tocca l'interessi
Woe to those who dare touch their interests
Se ci provi picca picca
If you try even a little
De stu mundu tie te ndiessi.
From this world you'll disappear.
Pe curpa loru se nc'ete sempre guerre
Because of them there are always wars
Parlanu perché è quiddhru ca ni serve
They talk because that's what we need
Cussì poi scundenu tutte le menzogne
So they can hide all their lies
Te nu sistema suca sangu e prepotente
Of a system that sucks blood and is oppressive
Ca nu pensa mai allu bene de la gente
That never thinks about the good of the people
Fa che se arricchisce puru su lu chiu pezzente
It makes sure that even the poorest get richer
Ca ole nu populu poveru e ignorante
Who want a poor and ignorant population
Schiavu de iddhri dipendente.
Slaves to them, dependent.
Ei tie, signor mani in pasta
Hey you, Mr. Hands in the Dough
Nu te binchi mai, tie nu dici mai basta
You never back down, you never say enough
Ingordu tie, signor mani in pasta
Greedy you are, Mr. Hands in the Dough
Comu nu petrusinu stai in ogne menesca.
Like parsley, you're in every dish.
Parlu cu tie, moi
I'm talking to you, dear
Signor mani in pasta
Mr. Hands in the Dough
Se c'è nu taulu prontu si lu primu ca se setta.
If there's a table set, you're the first one to sit down.
Ei tie, signor mani in pasta
Hey you, Mr. Hands in the Dough
Puru gli figli toi se era pe tie mintì all'asta.
Even your own children, you'd put them up for auction.
Futtite li sordi signor capitalista
Fuck you and your money, Mr. Capitalist
Puru tie politicu ca rraffi pe la casta
And you too, politician, who steals for the caste
E tie funzionariu cu li sordi intra la busta
And you, official, with the money in the envelope
Quiddhri ca t'ha dati lu patrunu de l'industria.
The one that the industry boss gave you.
E tie banchiere dimme ce me resta
And you, banker, tell me what I have left
De paru allu governu te faci la crista
You seem to be making a killing off the government
Pe nui la vita rimane sempre tosta
For us, life remains always tough
Chiedini a nu poveru la vita quantu costa
Ask a poor person how much life costs
Chiedini a na mamma
Ask a mother
Ca crisce la famiglia
Who raises a family
E puru a nu piccinnu
And also a child
Ca ole criscie buenu
Who wants to grow up good
Chiedi a n'operaiu
Ask a worker
Ca tene na fatia
Who has a job
E a nu disoccupatu
And an unemployed person
Ca nu l'ha mai truata
Who has never found one
Chiedini a na mamma
Ask a mother
Ca crisce la famiglia
Who raises a family
E puru a nu piccinnu
And also a child
Ca ole criscie buenu
Who wants to grow up good
Chiedi a n'operaiu
Ask a worker
Ca tene na fatia
Who has a job
E a nu disoccupatu.
And an unemployed person.
L'avidità pe lu potere te rende sulu nu crudele
Greed for power only makes you cruel
Senza umanità e ne pietà intra lu core
Without humanity or pity in your heart
Prontu a eliminare chiunque te ete ostile
Ready to eliminate anyone who opposes you
Finchè nu dienti nu veru criminale.
Until you become a true criminal.
Quista ete gente senza scrupoli
These are people without scruples
Ca all'avidità nu minte limiti
Who place no limits on their greed
Ca pe lu guadagnu face crimini
Who commit crimes for profit
Sulu alla rovina suntu utili.
Useful only for ruin.
Signor mani in pasta
Mr. Hands in the Dough
Signor mani in pasta.
Mr. Hands in the Dough.

Writer(s): Leo Raffaele, Federico Vaglio, Fabio Miglietta, Fernando Blasi

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