Muti de iddhri suntu pacci cu nu accettanu Muti de iddhri suntu pacci cu nu approvanu Muti de iddhri tenenu lu gustu cu bitenu lu cane culla museruola ddhrai taccatu a n′angulu.
Many of them are crazy because they don't accept Many of them are crazy because they don't approve Many of them have the habit of looking like a dog with a muzzle stuck in a corner.
Muti de iddhri suntu pacci cu nu accettanu Muti de iddhri suntu pacci cu nu approvanu Muti de iddhri tenenu lu gustu cu bitenu lu cane culla museruola ddhrai taccatu a n'angulu.
Many of them are crazy because they don't accept Many of them are crazy because they don't approve Many of them have the habit of looking like a dog with a muzzle stuck in a corner.
Politicu damme la licenza de fumare ca l′erba ammienzu alle strade nu se po' chiu' cattare.
Politician, give me the license to smoke because the grass in the middle of the streets can no longer be found.
Politicu damme la licenza de chiantare ca l′erba insieme alle armi nu se po′ commerciare. Una serve per creare, le armi servono a distruggere, una la gente face unire, l'aure servono a dividere, una face meditare, l′aure ne leanu valore a ogni sanu principiu de ci crisce fiaccu e pote cangiare e allora e' pellu giustu ca stamu a cantare nu me sembra lecitu cu se pozza condannare, lu vagnone ha bessire iddhru quiddrhu ca ha capire, la verita′ ca 'ncete scusa retu ste storie.
Politician, give me the license to plant because the grass together with the weapons cannot be traded. One serves to create, weapons serve to destroy, one unites people, the others serve to divide, one makes you meditate, the others take away value from every healthy principle of those who grow weak and can change and then it is for the right that we are singing I do not think it is lawful that it can be condemned, the boy must be the one who has to understand, the truth that there is no excuse behind these stories.
Muti de iddhri suntu pacci cu nu accettanu Muti de iddhri cu nu approvanu Muti de iddhri tenenu lu gustu cu bitenu lu cane culla museruola ddhrai taccatu a n′angulu
Many of them are crazy because they don't accept Many of them because they don't approve Many of them have the habit of looking like a dog with a muzzle stuck in a corner
Ca pe nu picca d'erba su capaci cu fannu scandalu, quannu tanta merda ogne giurnu sempre la scunnenu storie ntise e rintise sulli vagnuni ca se bucanu qunnu parlamune chiaru su seghe mentali ca iddhri se facenu te sicuru nu bbe na canna ca te porta cu te buchi qunnu fumi sai c'e′ faci aure cose nu ne cerchi cu nu′ benenu cu me nzurtanu cu nu benenu cu me parlanu se nu bolenu cu capiscenu ca prima te tuttu tocca distinguenu la differenza ca ncete fra quddhri ca la capu perdenu o quiddhri ca cu ste cose fatianu e ci fuma sulamente e' be tranquillu te intra l′animu
Because for a little bit of grass they are capable of making a scandal, when so much shit every day they always hide stories heard and reheard about the boys who get high when we speak clearly they are mental saws that they make themselves sure you don't drink a joint that leads you to get high when you smoke you know what you're doing other things you don't look for them they don't want me to get high they don't want me to talk if they don't want me to understand that first of all you have to distinguish the difference that there is between those who lose their heads or those who with these things have fun and those who smoke only and is calm inside the soul
Muti de iddhri suntu pacci cu nu accettanu Muti de iddhri cu nu approvanu Muti de iddhri tenenu lu gustu cu bitenu lu cane culla museruola ddhrai taccatu a n'angulu
Many of them are crazy because they don't accept Many of them because they don't approve Many of them have the habit of looking like a dog with a muzzle stuck in a corner
Muti de iddhri suntu pacci cu nu accettanu Muti de iddhri suntu pacci cu nu approvanu Muti de iddhri tenenu lu gustu cu bitenu lu cane culla museruola ddhrai
Many of them are crazy because they don't accept Many of them are crazy because they don't approve Many of them have the habit of looking like a dog with a muzzle stuck there
Ce bete ca olenu te li vagnuni ca se la fumanu ce bete cu facenu quannu tuttu quantu pribiscenu la tolleranza verso la gente nu la usanu iddrhi su capaci sempre sulu reprimenu
What a beat that they smell from the boys who smoke it what a beat they do when they forbid everything tolerance towards people they don't use it they are only capable of repressing
Ce bete ca olenu iddhri ne leanu, ce bolunu cu facenu quannu tuttu quantu pribiscenu la tolleranza verso la gente nu la usanu iddrhi su capaci sempre sulu reprimenu
What a beat that they smell they take it from us, what do they want to do when they forbid everything tolerance towards people they don't use it they are only capable of repressing
Tutti pronti li giornalisti quannu se tratta de infangare lu vagnone ca de la strada tene mutu de imparare sbattennu la facce soa sullu giornale, ce b′e' criminale pe quacche bicicletta pe quacche cosa de fumare li signori de l′informazione sannu buenu comu s'ha fare se se tratta de fare bene o se se tratta de fare male in entrambi li casi ci stannu sempre a guadagnare de una copertura de l'auru cronaca de innire.
All the journalists are ready when it comes to slandering the boy who has a lot to learn from the street by slapping his face on the newspaper, if there is a criminal for some bicycle for something to smoke the lords of information know well how to do it if it is a matter of doing good or if it is a matter of doing evil in both cases they are always there to earn from a coverage of the other chronicle to say.
Muti de iddhri suntu pacci cu nu accettanu Muti de iddhri suntu pacci cu nu approvanu Muti de iddhri tenenu lu gustu cu bitenu lu cane culla museruola ddhrai taccatu a n′angulu.
Many of them are crazy because they don't accept Many of them are crazy because they don't approve Many of them have the habit of looking like a dog with a muzzle stuck in a corner.
Muti de iddhri suntu pacci cu nu accettanu Muti de iddhri suntu pacci cu nu approvanu Muti de iddhri tenenu lu gustu cu bitenu lu cane culla museruola ddhrai taccatu a n′angulu.
Many of them are crazy because they don't accept Many of them are crazy because they don't approve Many of them have the habit of looking like a dog with a muzzle stuck in a corner.
Politicu damme la licenza de chiantare ca l'erba insieme alle armi nu se po′ commerciare. Una serve per creare, le armi servono a distruggere, una la gente face unire, l'aure servono a dividere, una face meditare, l′aure ne leanu valore a ogni sanu principiu de ci crisce fiaccu e pote cangiare e allora e' pellu giustu ca stamu a cantare nu me sembra lecitu cu se pozza condannare, lu uagnone ha bessire iddhru quiddrhu ca ha capire, la verita′ ca 'ncete scusa retu ste storie.
Politician, give me the license to plant because the grass together with the weapons cannot be traded. One serves to create, weapons serve to destroy, one unites people, the others serve to divide, one makes you meditate, the others take away value from every healthy principle of those who grow weak and can change and then it is for the right that we are singing I do not think it is lawful that it can be condemned, the boy must be the one who has to understand, the truth that there is no excuse behind these stories.
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