Sud Sound System - Segnu Te Riconoscimentu - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Sud Sound System - Segnu Te Riconoscimentu

Segnu Te Riconoscimentu
A Sign of Recognition
Ete la musica
You are the music
Ca sta alla base de ogne cultura
That lies at the base of every culture
Nu segnu te riconoscimentu de la natura
A sign of recognition of nature
Ca se caratterizza in ogne creatura
That characterizes every creature
Nu richiamu de suoni ntra l′aria
A call of sounds in the air
E' lu linguaggio
It is the language
Universale intra tutte le lingue
Universal among all languages
Se sinti africano, europeo o delle indie
Whether you feel African, European or Indian
Ognunu cu lu stile sou se contraddistingue
Everyone distinguishes himself with his own style
Comu parli parli se comprende
As you speak, so you are understood
Ca fin da l′inizio de li giurni nesci sai ca la musica ne appartiene
Because from the beginning of days, you know that music belongs to us
Ete l'orchestra de la vita toa scandisce a ritmo ogn'emozione
It is the orchestra of your life that marks every emotion with a rhythm
Comu lu core pompa lu sangu e lu face fucere intra de tie
As the heart pumps blood and makes it flow within you
Trasforma quidrrhu ca te vivi in sensazioni e melodie
Transforming what you live into sensations and melodies
Se ne sentenu tante de tuttu lu munnu
You hear so many from all over the world
A una de quiste ieu appartengu
I belong to one of these
Se me senti parlare dialetto se capisce de ete ca egnu
If you hear me speak in dialect, you understand where I am from
Su lu terrone de lu salentu intra stu stile me rappresentu
In the land of Salento, I represent myself in this style
Me portu cu mie tanti anni de storia na tradizione ca dura de tantu
I carry with me many years of history, a tradition that has lasted for a long time
A ogne postu a ai c′è nu tipicu suonu
In every place where you go, there is a typical sound
Ca te parla de ddrhai de comu vive ogne uomu
That tells you about of how every man lives
Ca te dice a stai de qual è lu richiamu
That tells you where you are, what the call is
Ca unisce tutta la gente e c′accoglie ci ene de lontanu
That unites all the people and welcomes those who come from far away
Perch'è lu suonu
Because the sound,
Lu linguaggio ca pe primu tutti capiscenu
The language that everyone understands first
A sutta de iddrhu tutti quanti se uniscenu
Underneath it, everyone unites
Puru tutti quiddrhi ca se canuscenù
Even those who do not know each other
De paru se diertenu
Have fun together
Me contraddistingue
It sets me apart
Intra stu munnu ca tuttu appiattisce
In this world that flattens everything
Lu patrunu me ole mutu comu nu pisce
The boss wants me mute like a fish
La politica divide ma la musica unisce
Politics divides, but music unites
E quistu la gente capisce
And people understand this
Esorta l′animu,
It exhorts the soul,
Spiega alla capu lu corpu face ballare
Explains to the head, makes the body dance
Iddrha sape buenu comu ta consolare
It knows well how to console you
Se subisci te dice ca t'ha liberare
If you are suffering, it tells you to free yourself
E te dae forza intra lu core
And gives you strength in your heart
Pe nui ha sempre statu cussi
For us, it has always been like this
Cu lu dialetto nesciu subbra lu do re mi
With the dialect, I go up the do re mi
Cantando la vita de
Singing the life of here
Qua bbasciu se vive gioie e dolori
Down here we live joys and sorrows
E ancora osce quista è la realtà
And still today this is the reality
La musica ne dae sempre n′identità
Music always gives us an identity
Senza ne lea la libertà
Without it, no freedom
Ca face parlare lu core
That makes the heart speak

Writer(s): Federico Vaglio, Fabio Miglietta, Fernando Blasi

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