Sugar - Distance - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Sugar - Distance

北風窓たたく夜は あなたの声聞きたくて
In the night when the north wind's knocking, I want to hear your voice,
「さみしい...」と伝えたなら すぐ来てくれるかな
If I tell you, "I'm lonely..." Would you come right away?
どんな安らぎ待ってるの? あなたの帰る場所には
What kind of comfort awaits you? Where you return to,
夏の日の出逢い 少しだけ後悔したよ
That day we met in the summer, I regretted it a little.
愛してはいけない人だと気持ちのブレーキかけてた(You steal my heart)
I was putting the brakes on my feelings, knowing that you are someone I shouldn't love (You steal my heart)
でもなぜなの? こんなに「好き」が増えてく...
But why then? Is my "love" increasing so much...
逢いたい今すぐに 誰かを傷つけたとしても
I want to see you right now, Even if I hurt someone,
想いは宙(そら)に溶けてゆく様に あなたの元へ届かない
My thoughts dissolve into the air, Unable to reach you.
忘れていった腕時計 どんな言い訳してるんだろう?
That wristwatch you forgot, What kind of excuse are you making?
My sadness and love overlap, marking the time.
あなたが思う程私は強い女じゃない(Take to your heart)
I'm not as strong a woman as you think (Take it to your heart)
It's a lie, "I'm okay, I like being alone..."
さよなら言いたくて 笑顔見たら抱きしめたくて
I want to say goodbye, but when I see your smile, I want to hug you,
愛することの喜び哀しみ そっと与えてくれた人
Someone who gently gave me the happiness and sadness of love.
触れた温もり 胸の鼓動 吐息 その全て(You steal my heart)
The warmth you touched, my heartbeat, my breath, all of it (You stole my heart)
It permeates my body like a mist...
逢いたい今すぐに 誰かを傷つけたとしても
I want to see you right now, Even if I hurt someone,
言えないそんな私を想うなら もう優しくしないで
If you really think of me, that way, please don't be kind to me anymore.
I always decide in my heart that this is the last night,
But, I really want to find the shape of happiness with you.
Because I love you...

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