Suie Paparude - Atac La Persoane - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Suie Paparude - Atac La Persoane

Atac La Persoane
Personal Attack
Nivelul I e depasit din start
Level I is surpassed from the start
In bloc-start stau numai cei ce se dedica unui nou val
In the starting block stand only those dedicated to a new wave
Digital, transient-ambiental, vibrato-fatal
Digital, transient-ambient, vibrato-fatal
Pentru cei ce nu detin acordul mental
For those who don't possess the mental chord
Cu doi-zero-zero-trei subliminal
With two-zero-zero-three subliminal
Vino putin sa te invat sa nu uiti
Come a little closer, let me teach you not to forget
Sa faci diferenta intre a sta si a participa
To differentiate between standing and participating
La ce, la ce s-aude, la Paparude, la Suie
In what, in what's heard, in Paparude, in Suie
Al lui e sunetul care formeaza sufletul de la alb la negru
His is the sound that shapes the soul from white to black
De la alb la integru, integru sau mai bine zis
From white to whole, whole or rather
Pregatit pentru un vis cam real, deloc subliminal
Prepared for a dream quite real, not at all subliminal
Nimic nu e accidental, e un exercitiu digital
Nothing is accidental, it's a digital exercise
Elocvent, dement, supraelastic
Eloquent, demented, supra-elastic
Direct din lumea muzicii trasa pe plastic.
Directly from the world of music drawn onto plastic.
Nivelul I e depasit din start
Level I is surpassed from the start
In bloc-start stau numai cei ce se dedica unui nou val
In the starting block stand only those dedicated to a new wave
Digital, transient-ambiental, vibrato-fatal
Digital, transient-ambient, vibrato-fatal
Pentru cei ce nu detin acordul mental
For those who don't possess the mental chord
Cu doi-zero-zero-trei subliminal
With two-zero-zero-three subliminal
Vino putin sa te invat sa nu uiti
Come a little closer, let me teach you not to forget
Sa faci diferenta intre a sta si a participa
To differentiate between standing and participating
La ce, la ce s-aude, la Paparude, la Suie
In what, in what's heard, in Paparude, in Suie
Al lui e sunetul care formeaza sufletul de la alb la negru
His is the sound that shapes the soul from white to black
De la alb la integru, integru sau mai bine zis
From white to whole, whole or rather
Pregatit pentru un vis cam real, deloc subliminal
Prepared for a dream quite real, not at all subliminal
Nimic nu e accidental, e un exercitiu digital
Nothing is accidental, it's a digital exercise
Elocvent, dement, supraelastic
Eloquent, demented, supra-elastic
Direct din lumea muzicii trasa pe plastic.
Directly from the world of music drawn onto plastic.
Direct din lumea muzicii scrisa pe plastic
Directly from the world of music written onto plastic
Junkyard si Suie intervin tehnico-tactic
Junkyard and Suie intervene technical-tactical
Ai 10 secunde sa incepi sa te misti
You have 10 seconds to start moving
Daca nu faci asta ne va fi mai trist.
If you don't do this, we'll be sad.
Direct din lumea muzicii scrisa pe plastic
Directly from the world of music written onto plastic
Junkyard si Suie intervin tehnico-tactic
Junkyard and Suie intervene technical-tactical
Ai 10 secunde sa incepi sa te misti
You have 10 seconds to start moving
Daca n-o faci azi maine va fi mai trist.
If you don't do it today, tomorrow will be sadder.
Hai, lasa-ti vasele de sange sa se dilate
Come on, let your blood vessels dilate
Nu mai plange, lasa-te pe spate
Don't cry anymore, lie back
Remediu nostru e atat de aproape
Our remedy is so close
Vibratia mea se afla in comprimate
My vibration is found in tablets
Bine dozate, cu grija incapsulate
Well-dosed, carefully encapsulated
Nu e ce crezi, sunt doar imagini
It's not what you think, they're just images
Bine regizate de creierul tau.
Well-directed by your brain.
Hai, lasa-ti vasele de sange sa se dilate
Come on, let your blood vessels dilate
Nu mai plange, lasa-te pe spate
Don't cry anymore, lie back
Remediu nostru e atat de aproape
Our remedy is so close
Vibratia mea se afla in comprimate
My vibration is found in tablets
Bine dozate, cu grija incapsulate
Well-dosed, carefully encapsulated
Nu e ce crezi, sunt doar imagini
It's not what you think, they're just images
Bine regizate de creierul tau.
Well-directed by your brain.
Miscarea ta e in mintea ta, e alegerea ta
Your movement is in your mind, it's your choice
E de fapt vibratia.
It's actually the vibration.
Vibratia ta e la fel cu a mea
Your vibration is the same as mine
Nod antinod, asa e de cand lumea.
Node antinode, it's been like this since the beginning of time.
Miscarea ta e in mintea ta, e alegerea ta
Your movement is in your mind, it's your choice
E de fapt vibratia.
It's actually the vibration.
Vibratia ta e la fel cu a mea
Your vibration is the same as mine
Nod antinod, asa e de cand lumea.
Node antinode, it's been like this since the beginning of time.
Nivelul I e depasit din start
Level I is surpassed from the start
In bloc-start stau numai cei ce se dedica unui nou val
In the starting block stand only those dedicated to a new wave
Digital, transient-ambiental, vibrato-fatal
Digital, transient-ambient, vibrato-fatal
Pentru cei ce nu detin acordul mental
For those who don't possess the mental chord
Cu doi-zero-zero-trei subliminal
With two-zero-zero-three subliminal
Vino putin sa te invat sa nu uiti
Come a little closer, let me teach you not to forget
Sa faci diferenta intre a sta si a participa
To differentiate between standing and participating
La ce, la ce s-aude, la Paparude, la Suie
In what, in what's heard, in Paparude, in Suie
Al lui e sunetul care formeaza sufletul de la alb la negru
His is the sound that shapes the soul from white to black
De la alb la integru, integru sau mai bine zis
From white to whole, whole or rather
Pregatit pentru un vis cam real, deloc subliminal
Prepared for a dream quite real, not at all subliminal
Nimic nu e accidental, e un exercitiu digital
Nothing is accidental, it's a digital exercise
Elocvent, dement, supraelastic
Eloquent, demented, supra-elastic
Direct din lumea muzicii trasa pe plastic.
Directly from the world of music drawn onto plastic.
Direct din lumea muzicii scrisa pe plastic
Directly from the world of music written onto plastic
Junkyard si Suie intervin tehnico-tactic
Junkyard and Suie intervene technical-tactical
Ai 10 secunde sa incepi sa te misti
You have 10 seconds to start moving
Daca nu faci asta ne va fi mai trist.
If you don't do this, we'll be sad.
Direct din lumea muzicii scrisa pe plastic
Directly from the world of music written onto plastic
Junkyard si Suie intervin tehnico-tactic
Junkyard and Suie intervene technical-tactical
Ai 10 secunde sa incepi sa te misti
You have 10 seconds to start moving
Daca n-o faci azi maine va fi mai trist.
If you don't do it today, tomorrow will be sadder.

Writer(s): Mihai Campineanu, Cezar-cristian Stanciulescu

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