Suie Paparude - Scandal - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Suie Paparude - Scandal

Dedicasé à tous les bagabonds du stil nou
Dedicated to all the new-style vagabonds
We come again
We come again
With a new sound
With a new sound
Crezi în reîncarnare
Do you believe in reincarnation?
Oww, eşti tare
Oh, you're tough
capu' să-ţi dau una vad daca-e-nfundat
Give me your head, let me smack it to see if it's thick
Da. Tablă ondulata, cornier, ţeava zincata
Yeah. Corrugated iron, angle iron, galvanized pipe
Termopan, gresie, faianţă apretată
Double glazing, tiles, pressed faience
Cam ăsta e nivelul maxim de realitate
This is pretty much the maximum level of reality
La care te-ai gandit ai putea s-ajungi vreodată
You ever thought you could reach
Nu vrei nimic şi daca vrei nu ştii cu-exactitate
You don't want anything, and if you do, you don't know exactly
Dacă ştii ce vrei o dai în sînge pe la spate
If you know what you want, you're screwing things up behind the scenes
Românul s-a născut obosit, spunea o vorbă
The Romanian was born tired, a saying goes
De fapt e-un rezultat la o statistică mai sobră
Actually, it's the result of a more sober statistic
Din trei se nasc doi, din doi unu-i tîmpit
Out of three, two are born, out of two, one is a fool
Si celălat e fraier pentru nu zice nimic
And the other is a sucker for not saying anything
Hai te las pe tine, vorbim si despre mine
Let me leave you alone, let's talk about me
Despre noi, despre nivelul doi
About us, about level two
Care include un program saptamînal
Which includes a weekly program
De zile cu soare si nopti de scandaaal
Of sunny days and nights of scandaaal
Facem totul din plin
We do everything to the fullest
Nu ne-ntreba cînd dormim
Don't ask us when we sleep
Generator vrem fim
We want to be a generator
De energie în plin
Of energy to the brim
Facem totul cum ştim
We do everything we know how
Nu ne-ntreba cînd dormim
Don't ask us when we sleep
Generator vrem fim
We want to be a generator
Cu energie lovim
We strike with energy
Cu energie lovim
We strike with energy
Cu energie lovim
We strike with energy
Cu energie lovim
We strike with energy
Cu energie lovim
We strike with energy
Fii atent la combinaţia asta
Pay attention to this combination
Spală-te-n urechi!
Wash your ears!
Un băiat şi o fată se combină fără rost
A boy and a girl get together for no reason
Ea e cam bagaboantă, el e foarte foarte prost
She's a bit of a tramp, he's very very stupid
Ei se ard toată ziua pîn-o pun de-un copil
They burn out all day until they have a child
Care ia uşor uşor un comportament ostil
Who slowly takes on a hostile behavior
Ha, ai ghicit, despre tine era vorba
Ha, you guessed it, it was about you
Despre viaţa ta, cît de mult îţi place ciorba
About your life, how much you like soup
Cît iţi place o arzi prin cluburi toată noaptea
How much you like to party in clubs all night
Doar cu-o cola în faţă pîn' la şase dimineaţa
Just with a cola in front of you until six in the morning
Ştiu n-ai bani, dar mai bine stai acasă
I know you don't have money, but you better stay home
Uită-te la mizerii, combină-te c-o grasă
Watch crap, hook up with a fat girl
Du-te-n Vitan şi ia-ţi o Dacie preparată
Go to Vitan and get a prepared Dacia
Pune-i nitro-oxid, ţine pedala apăsată
Put nitrous oxide on it, keep the pedal pressed
Te superi iau de tine...
You get mad that I'm picking on you...
Bine, iau de noi
Fine, I'm picking on us
iau de bagabonţii stil nou
I'm picking on the new-style vagabonds
Care respectă un program saptamînal
Who follow a weekly program
De zile cu soare şi nopţi de scandal
Of sunny days and nights of scandal
Facem totul din plin
We do everything to the fullest
Nu ne-ntreba cînd dormim
Don't ask us when we sleep
Generator vrem fim
We want to be a generator
De energie în plin
Of energy to the brim
Facem totul cum ştim
We do everything we know how
Nu ne-ntreba cînd dormim
Don't ask us when we sleep
Generator vrem fim
We want to be a generator
Cu energie lovim
We strike with energy
Cu energie lovim
We strike with energy
Cu energie lovim
We strike with energy
Cu energie lovim
We strike with energy
Cu energie lovim
We strike with energy
Cu energie lovim
We strike with energy
Cu energie lovim
We strike with energy
Cu energie lovim
We strike with energy
Cu energie lovim
We strike with energy
Dedicasé à tous les bagabonds du stil nou
Dedicated to all the new-style vagabonds
à tous les gangstaaaas
to all the gangstaaaas
Aaii, aaiii, aaaaii!
Aaii, aaiii, aaaaii!
Dedicasé à tous les bagabonds du stil nou
Dedicated to all the new-style vagabonds
Dedicasé à tous les bagabonds du monde
Dedicated to all the vagabonds of the world
Dedicasé à tous les bagabonds du stil nou
Dedicated to all the new-style vagabonds
Dedicasé à tous les bagabonds du monde
Dedicated to all the vagabonds of the world
Dedicasé à tous les bagabonds du monde
Dedicated to all the vagabonds of the world
Nu mai plictisiţi atîta acasăă!
Stop being so bored at hooome!

Writer(s): Mihai Campineanu, Cezar-cristian Stanciulescu

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