Suite Soprano - Empíreo - traduction des paroles en anglais

Empíreo - Suite Sopranotraduction en anglais

Una foto polaroid con polvo en la guantera
A Polaroid photo with dust in the glove compartment
Vi a Armando antes que el hardcore se la llevara
I saw Armando before hardcore took him away
La que ha pasao' mi madre yo no las quisiera
The things my mother's been through, I wouldn't wish them on anyone
La imagen de ese cinturón colgao' del techo
The image of that belt hanging from the ceiling
El crujir del techo al recibir esa llamada
The creaking of the roof upon receiving that call
Esperando de las nubes un "lo siento"
Waiting for a "sorry" from the clouds
Fumando callado al lado de la tumba de mi primo Alberto
Smoking silently next to my cousin Alberto's grave
En el doce mi abuela grita de dolor
My grandmother screams in pain in room number twelve
Yo falto a clase, Yaya, por dormir contigo
I skipped class, Grandma, to sleep with you
Entremedias se me va mi abuelo ante mis ojos
In between, my grandfather passes away before my eyes
Me perdí su entierro, Yaya, por llorar contigo
I missed his funeral, Grandma, to cry with you
Cuestión de días, marchó con su marido
A matter of days, she left with her husband
Me cago en Dios, ¿eh? Yo hubiera hecho lo mismo
Damn it, I would have done the same
Tengo el alma con más cicatrices que John Marston
My soul has more scars than John Marston
A veces duelen más los vivos que los muertos
Sometimes the living hurt more than the dead
Te escribo como si leyeras
I write to you as if you were reading
Te escribo como si escucharas
I write to you as if you were listening
Personas que se van sin despedida
People who leave without saying goodbye
Me dejó de hablar Marlén, me dejó de hablar Cristina
Marlén stopped talking to me, Cristina stopped talking to me
Como María, como Casia, como Sonia
Like María, like Casia, like Sonia
Como Eugenia, como Alba, como Elvira
Like Eugenia, like Alba, like Elvira
Alguna incluso siendo bueno
Some even when I was good
A alguna incluso la echaba de menos.
Some I even missed.
Rompí en diciembre con mi ex después de más de siete
I broke up with my ex in December after more than seven years
Primo, nunca digas "siempre"
Cousin, never say "always"
Después con otras intenté rehacer mis días
Afterward, I tried to rebuild my days with others
El miedo a fracasar de nuevo siempre te sorprende
The fear of failing again always surprises you
La cárcel del cuerpo le hizo saltar del balcón a María
The prison of her body made Maria jump off the balcony
El tumor que me robó a mi hermana
The tumor that stole my sister from me
Mis viejos se endeudaron por sacarla de esa mierda
My folks went into debt to get her out of that shit
A sabiendas de que no podrían devolverlo.
Knowing they wouldn't be able to pay it back.
Una foto de ellos vivos en el corcho
A photo of them alive on the corkboard
Ver cómo se apagan los latidos de su pecho
Watching the beating of their chest fade away
Y yo enterrando a Jesús hace seis días
And me burying Jesús six days ago
No faltas, me sobran las palabras
You're not missing, I have too many words
He cargao' dos ataúdes en cinco meses
I've carried two coffins in five months
Con la misma cara de '¿qué está pasando?'
With the same "what's going on?" look on my face
Antonia se fue en enero, Julia en junio
Antonia left in January, Julia in June
Con la misma cara de "me están matando"
With the same "they're killing me" look on their faces
Los yayos preguntan por ellas
The grandparents ask about them
Y yo rezando cuando nunca lo había hecho
And I pray when I never had before
Papá y mamá llorando, Alba llorando
Dad and Mom crying, Alba crying
Yo soñando, con que sea mentira esto
I'm dreaming, that this is all a lie
Mi tía Pilar rechazando la quimio
My aunt Pilar refusing chemo
Mi primo Carlos recitándole en su entierro
My cousin Carlos reciting to her at her funeral
Yo escribiéndole en su libro de difuntos:
I wrote in her book of the deceased:
"Te quiero mucho, fijo que nos vemos pronto"
"I love you very much, I'm sure we'll see each other soon"
Dios pasando de mí, como Irene
God ignoring me, like Irene
Hoy no quiero verte, como a Isa
Today I don't want to see you, like Isa
Con Sara me quedé a medias
With Sara, I was left hanging
Lo dejé con ella porque me gustaban todas
I left her because I liked them all
Fui un cabrón y me han tratado como tal
I was an asshole and they treated me as such
Me he visto traicionado por colegas
I've been betrayed by colleagues
He malgastado mi vida en la hierba,
I've wasted my life on weed,
Tengo media familia abajo y la otra arriba
Half my family is below and the other half is above
Mamá sigue triste por el yayo
Mom is still sad about Grandpa
Tranqui, si Dios existe, fijo le tiene a su lado
Don't worry, if God exists, I'm sure he has him by his side
De pequeño ya me quedé sin Patricia
As a child, I lost Patricia
Aprendí qué era la muerte a hostias
I learned what death was the hard way
Las cenizas de mi tía ya descansan con sus padres
My aunt's ashes now rest with her parents
Lo que aprendí de ellos nadie me lo quita
What I learned from them, nobody can take away from me
Mi familia, mis amigos, mi soporte
My family, my friends, my support
Depresiones causadas por perder gente querida.
Depressions caused by losing loved ones.
Life's a bitch and then you die, that's why we get high
Life's a bitch and then you die, that's why we get high
'Cause you never know when you're gonna go
'Cause you never know when you're gonna go
Life's a bitch and then you die, that's why we puff lye
Life's a bitch and then you die, that's why we puff lye
'Cause you never know when you're gonna go...
'Cause you never know when you're gonna go...

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