Suma Paciencia - Te Callas - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Suma Paciencia - Te Callas

Te Callas
You Shut Up
Otra vez te callas
Again you shut up
Cuando hay que presentar batalla
When it's time to present battle
Y en el barrio va sonando la metralla
And in the neighborhood the machine gun is blasting
Una madre, ruega a su dios: "Oh no, no, no, no, que no sea mi niño".
A mother, begs her god: "Oh no, no, no, no, let it not be my child".
Las chances de hacer algo se presentan a tu puerta
The chances to do something present themselves at your door
Algo que sume, algo distinto.
Something that adds up, something different.
Algo que cierre tanta herida abierta
Something to close so many open wounds
Y ni siquiera, ni siquiera lo intentas.
And you don't even, you don't even try.
Todo aquello que nos desalienta
Everything that discourages us
A tu narciso corazón no le calienta.
Doesn't warm your narcissistic heart.
Qué vida, que pena
What a life, what a shame
Sos uno más de toda esa masa terca
You're one more of all that stubborn mass
Que nunca ponen el grito en el cielo
That never scream at the sky
Mientras no les pase la desgracia cerca.
As long as misfortune doesn't happen nearby.
Orgullosa es tu boca que no aguanta
Proud is your mouth that can't stand
Lo que expresa tu cabeza por garganta.
What your head expresses through your throat.
No retiene, no se frena ni se espanta
It doesn't hold back, it doesn't stop or get scared
De tu intención de figurar, eso te encanta.
Of your intention to stand out, that enchants you.
Si fueras divertido pasarías casi inadvertido
If you were funny you would go almost unnoticed
Pero tu espíritu, lejos de ser positivo.
But your spirit, far from being positive.
Aunque tu vieja y tu vecino juzguen de atrevido lo que digo
Although your old lady and your neighbor judge what I say as daring
Tus enanos objetivos, me resultan aburridos.
Your dwarfish objectives, I find them boring.
Que sea menester tener la mente liberada
May it be necessary to have a liberated mind
De ideas, impuestas por quienes quieren aún más grande su tajada
Of ideas, imposed by those who want an even bigger share
Y se aprovechan, de tu silencio, cada vez que lo inhumano rayan.
And they take advantage of your silence every time they border on inhumanity.
Inhumano es el silencio que presencio y sentencio ahora que Te Callas!
Inhuman is the silence I witness and sentence now that You Shut Up!
Otra vez te callas
Again you shut up
Cuando hay que presentar batalla
When it's time to present battle
Y en el barrio va sonando la metralla
And in the neighborhood the machine gun is blasting
Una madre, ruega a su dios: "Oh no, no, no, no, que no sea mi niño".
A mother, begs her god: "Oh no, no, no, no, let it not be my child".
Y a diario quejarte te veo
And I see you complain every day
Pa señalar es que te crecen los dedos
Your fingers grow to point
No caminas porque siempre andas con miedo.
You don't walk because you're always afraid.
Again, Again, ahí te va otra vez!
Again, Again, there you go again!
A diario quejarte te veo
And I see you complain every day
Pa señalar es que te crecen los dedos
Your fingers grow to point
No caminas porque siempre andas con miedo.
You don't walk because you're always afraid.
Tu razonamiento lento no comprende
Your slow reasoning doesn't understand
Que tu paranoia, es evidente
That your paranoia, is evident
Provocada por tu fobia inminente
Caused by your imminent phobia
Encasillando a la gente de delincuente.
Pigeonholing people as delinquents.
Porque lo que usamos no combina glamorosamente
Because what we wear doesn't combine glamorously
Y como hablamos no te suena apropiadamente
And the way we speak doesn't sound appropriate to you
En tus círculos sociales, poco inteligentes
In your social circles, not very smart
Ahora préstame atención verdaderamente.
Now pay attention to me truly.
Para que esto no concluya de manera imprudente
So that this doesn't end recklessly
Por más que me tilden de prepotente
As much as I am labeled arrogant
Te prohíbo que nos miren lastimosamente
I forbid you to look at us pitifully
Porque esto es inherente.
Because this is inherent.
A la división planteada permanentemente
To the division permanently proposed
Con un discurso, absurdo, difuso
With a speech, absurd, diffuse
Mira como mienten! Alevosamente!
Look how they lie! Insidiously!
Dicen que es el precio lamentablemente
They say it's the price unfortunately
Por funcionar eficientemente
To function efficiently
Que revienten!
Colorín colorado, este cuento se ha acabado
Colorful Colorado, this story is over
No si queda claro
I don't know if it's clear
Lo que digo
What I say
Lamento verte así de podrido
I'm sorry to see you so rotten
que me crees confundido
I know you think I'm confused
Pero no te equivoques amigo
But don't be mistaken my friend
En el alma yo tranquilo
In my soul I am calm
Y vos mendigo!
And you are a beggar!
Que sea menester tener la mente liberada
May it be necessary to have a liberated mind
De ideas, impuestas por quienes quieren aún más grande su tajada
Of ideas, imposed by those who want an even bigger share
Y se aprovechan, de tu silencio, cada vez que lo inhumano rayan.
And they take advantage of your silence every time they border on inhumanity.
Inhumano es el silencio que presencio y sentencio ahora que Te Callas!
Inhuman is the silence I witness and sentence now that You Shut Up!
Otra vez te callas
Again you shut up
Cuando hay que presentar batalla
When it's time to present battle
Y en el barrio va sonando la metralla
And in the neighborhood the machine gun is blasting
Una madre, ruega a su dios: "Oh no, no, no, no, que no sea mi niño".
A mother, begs her god: "Oh no, no, no, no, let it not be my child".

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