Sunboy - 50Years - traduction des paroles en anglais

50Years - Sunboytraduction en anglais

رَد کرد سن از هفتاد ولی هنوزم هست سر پا
He has just turned seventy, but he is still standing
سه تا خراش روی قلبش
Three scars mark his heart
پنجاه سال زندگی کرد تنها!
He spent fifty years lonely!
میشه خیره به قاب عکس ها
He stares at the picture frames
ساعت ها ساعت ها
For hours and hours
انگار یکی صداش میکرد
Someone seems to be calling him
بیا با من با من راه
Come with me, come with me
هنوزم روی میز شامش
He still sets the table for his family
به تعداد خونواده ظرفارو میچینه
For the number of people who used to live here
بین فک و فامیل و آشنا
Among his relatives and friends
شده شایع ک ارواحو میبینه
It is rumored that he sees ghosts
چندم و چند شنبس نه مهم نیست
He doesn't care what day it is, Tuesday or Sunday
اون دیده کل دنیا رو کلیشه
The world has become clichéd to him
ورق زدن برگای آلبوم مسکنش وهمشو فیریکه
Turning the pages of his photo album, he refreshes all memories
گاهی میشنوه صدای پچ پچ
Sometimes, he hears whispering voices
کنج اتاق صدای گریه
In a corner of the room, he hears cries
میشکنه زوزه های باد
The wind howls
بغضشُ با ندای شِکوِه
His grief breaks the silence of the night
شده غصه ها انباشته
His sorrows have become unbearable
کلِ کوچه رو وحشت برداشته
The whole street is terrified
میشه حس کرد از چند متریِ اون خونه بو تعفنِ لاشه
The smell of a corpse is felt from a few kilometers away
هرشب خواب توی تابوت آرامشِ محضِ براش
Every night, sleeping in a coffin gives him immense comfort
شاید این حرکت مرهم بوده هرشب کرده این دردُ علاج
Perhaps this action has been a remedy, he has been curing this pain every night
بدجوری گرفته خو به سایه ها
He has become accustomed to shadows
بی توجه به ترسِ عابرا
He doesn't care about the fear of passersby
هرروز صبح سه تا شاخه گُل
Every morning, three fresh flowers
هنوزم میده بویِ عاشقا
Still smell like the smell of lovers
هنوزم نتونسته کنار بیادش
He hasn't been able to get over it yet
میگن عقلشُ از دست داده پاک
It is said that he has lost his mind
شایدم واس خاطر اینه که نسپردَشون به دستای خاک
Perhaps, it is because he hasn't buried them in the ground
میزنه به سرش ماشه رو بکشه یه گلوله تو کله خالی کنه
He pulls the trigger and shoots himself
دوباره وهم اون آتیشی که بابا نتونست بچشو راهی کنه
Again, the fear of his father who couldn't send his son away
خاطراتی که میشد هر شب تداعی
Memories that could be evoked every night
مرگی که امیدی به بعدش نداری
A death for which you have no hope
نه جای موندن نه راه واسه فراری
Nowhere to stay, nowhere to run
تکرار و تکرار و تکرار و تکرار
Repetition, repetition, repetition, repetition
چهارتا تابوت انگار که توی مزاری
Four coffins, as if in a tomb
شب تا صبح اسیرِ جنون و عذابی
From dusk till dawn, he is tormented by madness and suffering
بیخودی شلوغش میکرد صبح قناری
In the morning, the canary would tweet in vain
تکرار و تکرار و تکرار و تکرار
Repetition, repetition, repetition, repetition
دودِ شیرین تر از شکر (شکر)
Sweeter than sugar (sugar)
روزگاری که شد پدر (پدر)
The days when he became a father (father)
قد میکشید آرزوهای پدرم
His son's dreams grew taller
روز به روز با قدِ پسر (پسر)
Day by day, with his son's height (son)
دخترِ کوچیک و خوشگلِ بابایی
Daddy's little princess
نمیخوابید تا بابا نَگه لالایی
She wouldn't sleep until Daddy sang her a lullaby
واس آیندشم دیده بود چه خوابایی
He had such dreams for her future
ولی اونم گرفت ازش اون بالایی
But God took her too
مادرِ تنها دخترِ پسرش
His son and his daughter's mother
الهه ی عشق اول و آخرش
The goddess of his first and last love
یه فرشته که بعد این همه سال هم
An angel whose death, even after all these years
مرگش نمیگنجه تویِ باورش
He can't believe
زنده نیست میکشه نفسشو
He is not alive, he is just breathing
دنیا هم براش یه قفسِ چون
The world is a prison for him, because
نداره امیدی از خدا میخواد که زودترم بِکَنه کلکشو
He has no hope, he prays to God to kill him soon
رَد کرد سن از هفتاد ولی هنوزم هست سر پا
He has just turned seventy, but he is still standing
سه تا خراش روی قلبش
Three scars mark his heart
پنجاه سال زندگی کرد تنها!
He spent fifty years lonely!
میشه خیره به قاب عکس ها
He stares at the picture frames
ساعت ها ساعت ها
For hours and hours
انگار یکی صداش میکرد
Someone seems to be calling him
بیا با من با من راه
Come with me, come with me

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