Sunboy - Sianoor - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Sunboy - Sianoor

فرزندان فقرن دزد و فساد
Sons of poverty are thieves and corruption
آزار یتیم و ظلم و زِنا
Harassment of orphans and injustice and fornication
شغال و گرگای خداپرست
Jackals and wolves of God-worshipers
پُر خوردن نزول و کفرو ربا
Full eating of interest and heresy and usury
فرزندان فقرن دزد و فساد
Sons of poverty are thieves and corruption
آزار یتیم و ظلم و زِنا
Harassment of orphans and injustice and fornication
شغال و گرگای خداپرست
Jackals and wolves of God-worshipers
پُر خوردن نزول و کفرو ربا
Full eating of interest and heresy and usury
پدر اشتباه کرد از اول
Father was wrong from the beginning
پدر اشتباه کرد از اول یه دخترو دید زد و عاشق شد
Father was wrong from the beginning, seeing a girl and falling in love
ولی حالا داره میشه بد تلف مرد
But now he's becoming a bad man.
فقر زد و اونو ده هیچ برد
Poverty hit him and took him ten nil
دستشه کاسه چه کنم چه کنم
He holds a bowl, what should I do, what should I do?
بگو برا پول گوشِ کیو ببرم ؟!
Tell me, whose ear should I cut off for money?
کم کم میزنه به ذهنش خلاف
Little by little, he thinks of crime
که معرفت و مردونگی رو کنه غلاف
That he should sheathe his loyalty and manhood
بره تو بازار سیاه مواد
Go to the black market for drugs
نه دیگه ترسی از بیراهه نداشت
He was no longer afraid of the wrong path
کرده بود عقده ی پول
He had developed a complex about money
چشماشو خون فقط پول بهش میداد احساس خوب
Only money gave him a feeling of wellness, his eyes filled with blood
همسر و مادر و چشم ترش
Wife and mother and jealous eyes
دل و داد به پول زیر تله
He gave his heart to money under a trap
بابا زندگی رو تیره ترش نکن
- Dad, don't make life worse.
خفه شو زندان دیگه تهش!
- Shut up, prison is the end of it!
پسرِ که دید اشک پدر و
The son who saw his father's tears
به مادرش گفت که نیست طوری!
Told his mother that nothing was wrong!
خودم میرم کار میکنم یا شایدم جیب بُری!
I will go to work myself or maybe pickpocketing!
مادربزرگ دعا میکرد دووره بلا
Grandmother prayed for the period of disaster
اینا دعا واسه مُردنش
They pray for his death
آخرم چیز خورش کردن با سیانور زنگ زدن اومدن بردنش
Finally, his food was mixed with cyanide, they called, came, and took him away
فرزندان فقرن دزد و فساد
Sons of poverty are thieves and corruption
آزار یتیم و ظلم و زِنا
Harassment of orphans and injustice and fornication
شغال و گرگای خداپرست
Jackals and wolves of God-worshipers
پُر خوردن نزول و کفرو ربا
Full eating of interest and heresy and usury
فرزندان فقرن دزد و فساد
Sons of poverty are thieves and corruption
آزار یتیم و ظلم و زِنا
Harassment of orphans and injustice and fornication
شغال و گرگای خداپرست
Jackals and wolves of God-worshipers
پُر خوردن نزول و کفرو ربا
Full eating of interest and heresy and usury
پرسیدم حال یه کودک کارو که نماد بارز صبوریه
I asked about the condition of a child laborer who is a clear example of patience
با لباس پاره میخندید و میگفت اینا طعم خوبه جوونیه
In torn clothes, he laughed and said that this tastes good, young man
سیاهِ صورتم أ دوده نی خدا سیلی زده جای کبودیه
My face is black not from soot, God has slapped me, it's a bruise
نامهربون ترین دیواری که دیدم خود دیوار مهربونیه
The most unkind wall I've seen is the wall of kindness itself.
نمیتونی کنی زندگی تو پاک واس گرگ درونت گناهِ خوراک
You can't make your life pure for the wolf inside you, sin is a treat
نمیاد به کارت توو دل خیابون حرفای قشنگ انجیل و تورات
The words of the Gospel and the Torah won't work for you in the street
راز خیابونُ بپرس أ نمکی ، نه رپری که فقط لفظِ الکی
Ask the salty one about the secret of the street, not a rapper who only speaks hollow words
رپر راویِ حقایقِ سیاهِ نه معنی بده جمله هاشم چَپَکی!
A rapper is a narrator of black truths, not a left-handed sentence maker!
تو که وضع زندگیتم توپه حاجی زوور میزنی که بیشتر روبه راه شی
You, whose life is great, try your best to get better.
گرسنکی رو تو درک نکردی حاجی حتی اگه روزه باشی
You haven't understood hunger, even if you fast
عابرای مصلح به لنز و فلش توشون پیدا نمیکنی یه خورده رحم
The devout passers-by with their lenses and flashes don't have any mercy in them
بپا جلو پاتو زمین نخوری سوژه میشی امشب توو نتِ پخش
Watch your step so you don't fall, you are the subject tonight on the net broadcast
فرزندان فقرن دزد و فساد
Sons of poverty are thieves and corruption
آزار یتیم و ظلم و زِنا
Harassment of orphans and injustice and fornication
شغال و گرگای خداپرست
Jackals and wolves of God-worshipers
پُر خوردن نزول و کفرو ربا
Full eating of interest and heresy and usury
فرزندان فقرن دزد و فساد
Sons of poverty are thieves and corruption
آزار یتیم و ظلم و زِنا
Harassment of orphans and injustice and fornication
شغال و گرگای خداپرست
Jackals and wolves of God-worshipers
پُر خوردن نزول و کفرو ربا
Full eating of interest and heresy and usury

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