Supa - Vidím bombu - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Supa - Vidím bombu

Vidím bombu
I See a Bomb
Ja ti, ďakujem za úsmev
Thank you for your smile,
Jedno že je deravý
Even though it's broken.
Nevadí mi pokiaľ je to vrúcne
I don't mind, as long as it's warm,
Je jak vôňa kvetov v lúke
Like the scent of flowers in a meadow.
Voda deťom v púšte
Water for children in the desert,
Prinútenie utiecť
Forced to flee.
Prečo sa tam bojuje
Why is there fighting there?
V tvojom mozgu je teror na deťoch
In your brain, there's terror inflicted on children.
Síce niečo zbabelé a hlúpe
Something cowardly and stupid,
Ale vzdialené a nudné
But distant and boring.
Na tejto planéte sme rakovina
We are cancer on this planet,
Nálož tiká flóra s fauna umrie
The charge is ticking, flora and fauna will die.
Je tak smutné že
It's so sad that
Tie nemé tvory majú
Those voiceless creatures have
Verné oči a masakrované
Loyal eyes and are massacred,
A iba málo koho dojímajú
And only a few are moved.
Mlynky na mäso sa točia keď ich do nich hádžu
Meat grinders spin as they're thrown into them,
Mláďatá sa rodia treba dojiť mamu
Cubs are born, the mother needs to be milked.
Preto ti ďakujem že plačeš je to múdre
That's why I thank you for crying, it's wise.
Keď to fakuješ je nádej len to skúsme
If you screw it up, there's hope, let's just try.
sme primoc dlho ľahostajný zamotaný
We've been indifferent and tangled for too long,
Dávno mami áno aj my Pán Boh s nami
Long ago, Mom, yes, even the Lord is with us.
Keď zavriem oči cítim vojnu
When I close my eyes, I feel the war,
Na odraze vody vidím bombu
In the reflection of the water, I see a bomb.
Dážď čo padne v noci zničí horu
The rain that falls at night will destroy the mountain,
A ja ľutujem že sa tie malé tvory skryli vonku
And I regret that those small creatures hid outside.
Keď zavriem oči cítim vojnu
When I close my eyes, I feel the war,
Na odraze vody vidím bombu
In the reflection of the water, I see a bomb.
Dážď čo padne v noci zničí horu
The rain that falls at night will destroy the mountain,
A ja ľutujem že sa tie malé tvory skryli vonku
And I regret that those small creatures hid outside.
Teraz sa smeješ že som rozcítený
Now you're laughing because I'm emotional,
Myslíš že som pomýlený čo sa deje čo si teplý
You think I'm confused, what's going on, are you gay?
Na tom záleží tak debilom jak ty
That matters to idiots like you,
Ale ja verím že veľkých robia sny
But I believe that big things are made of dreams.
A tvoj homofobno-mäsotariánsky postoj
And your homophobic-meat-eating attitude
Vraví jak si nevyrovnaný
Shows how unbalanced you are.
Viem že ma vždy aj tak
I know you always take me
Berieš ako bla bla
As blah blah anyway.
Nejde ma tým nasrať
It's not about pissing me off,
Nerieš ma si fucked up
Don't mind me, you're fucked up.
Ani zábery tých vraždení na jatkách
Even the footage of those murders in the slaughterhouses
Ti nebránia sa nadžgať
Doesn't stop you from stuffing yourself.
Červená kvapká
Red drips,
Z pier len tak strieka
Just spurts from your lips,
Utrpenie zvierat máš v tepnách
The suffering of animals is in your veins,
Mega veľa agresie
Mega aggression
Z mäsa do teba
From meat into you,
A vážne ide len tak prestať
And seriously, can you just stop?
Spravil som to aj keď vravíš že tým nezachránim svet
I did it even though you say I won't save the world,
A viem nemáš kožu na tvári keď za kožuch zaplatíš
And I know you have no skin on your face when you pay for a fur coat.
Kde to zviera strelia tam ho stiahnu jebať svet
Where they shoot the animal, they skin it there, fuck the world.
Keď zavriem oči cítim vojnu
When I close my eyes, I feel the war,
Na odraze vody vidím bombu
In the reflection of the water, I see a bomb.
Dážď čo padne v noci zničí horu
The rain that falls at night will destroy the mountain,
A ja ľutujem že sa tie malé tvory skryli vonku
And I regret that those small creatures hid outside.
Keď zavriem oči cítim vojnu
When I close my eyes, I feel the war,
Na odraze vody vidím bombu
In the reflection of the water, I see a bomb.
Dážď čo padne v noci zničí horu
The rain that falls at night will destroy the mountain,
A ja ľutujem že sa tie malé tvory skryli vonku
And I regret that those small creatures hid outside.
A je to strašné keď nevinní ľudia zomierajú
And it's terrible when innocent people die,
Terorista turistovi pred kamerou zotne hlavu
A terrorist cuts off a tourist's head in front of a camera,
Milióny to pozerajú niečo sa v nich pohne
Millions watch it, something moves within them,
Ale keby klikli a zbadali v porne mamu
But if they clicked and saw their mother in porn,
To by bolo pre väčšinu horšie
That would be worse for most.
Bože povedz čo sme zač a prečo máme take hrošie kože
God, tell us what we are and why we have such horrible skins,
Keby si bol zviera rýchlo pochopís že kto je obeť
If you were an animal, you would quickly understand who is the victim.
Pipky jedia tofu lebo to je v móde
Chicks eat tofu because it's fashionable,
Keď zavriem oči cítim vojnu
When I close my eyes, I feel the war,
Na odraze vody vidím bombu
In the reflection of the water, I see a bomb.
Dážď čo padne v noci zničí horu
The rain that falls at night will destroy the mountain,
A ja ľutujem že sa tie malé tvory skryli vonku
And I regret that those small creatures hid outside.
Keď zavriem oči cítim vojnu
When I close my eyes, I feel the war,
Na odraze vody vidím bombu
In the reflection of the water, I see a bomb.
Dážď čo padne v noci zničí horu
The rain that falls at night will destroy the mountain,
A ja ľutujem že sa tie malé tvory skryli vonku
And I regret that those small creatures hid outside.

Writer(s): Vladimir Dupkala

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