Super Furry Animals - Fix Idris - traduction des paroles en russe

Paroles et traduction Super Furry Animals - Fix Idris

Fix Idris
Исправь Айдриса
Ba ba ba ba ba
Ба ба ба ба ба
Ba ba ba ba ba ba
Ба ба ба ба ба ба
Ba ba ba ba ba ah (X2)
Ба ба ба ба ба ах (X2)
Seren mewn gwagle
Звезда в пустоте,
Star in an empty space
Star in an empty space
Collais i'n gydradd
Я потеряла равную себе,
I lost my equal
I lost my equal
Oes genti broblem?
У тебя проблема?
Have you got a problem?
Have you got a problem?
Mi fyddai yno hefo ti
Я буду рядом.
I'll be there with you
I'll be there with you
Dwi bron yn nofio drwy gofod
Я почти плыву сквозь пространство,
I'm almost swimming through space
I'm almost swimming through space
Rhwng y glust a'r ceg
Между ухом и ртом,
Between the ear and the mouth
Between the ear and the mouth
Dal i drafod
Всё ещё обсуждаем,
Still discussing
Still discussing
Fatha dwn i'm be
Словно я не знаю, что.
Like I don't know what
Like I don't know what
Ba ba ba ba ba
Ба ба ба ба ба
Ba ba ba ba ba ba
Ба ба ба ба ба ба
Ba ba ba ba ba ah (X2)
Ба ба ба ба ба ах (X2)
Cofia rhoid caniad
Помнишь, как звонила,
Remember giving a ringing
Remember giving a ringing
Neu hyd yn oed galwad
Или даже просто звонок?
Or even a call
Or even a call
Os ti ddim di blino
Если ты не устала,
If you're not tired
If you're not tired
Cawn ffilm Tarantino ar y fideo
Посмотрим фильм Тарантино на видео.
We'll have a Tarantino film on the video
We'll have a Tarantino film on the video
Dwi bron yn nofio drwy gofod
Я почти плыву сквозь пространство,
I'm almost swimming through space
I'm almost swimming through space
Rhwng y glust a'r ceg
Между ухом и ртом,
Between the ear and the mouth
Between the ear and the mouth
Dal i drafod
Всё ещё обсуждаем,
Still discussing
Still discussing
Fatha dwn i'm be
Словно я не знаю, что.
Like I don't know what
Like I don't know what
Ba ba ba ba ba
Ба ба ба ба ба
Ba ba ba ba ba ba
Ба ба ба ба ба ба

Writer(s): Dafydd Ieuan, Huw Bunford, Gruff Rhys, Cian Ciaran, Guto Pryce

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