Ti plati i dobićeš na tacni a ako nemaš pali jer blokovi su takvi,
You pay for it and you get it on a plate and if you don't have it, the blocks are like that,
Kvarni, uzeće ti sve što maiš,
It'll take everything you've got,
Reperi su šterije nek puste kosu stave rajf, brate nemoj da me daviš,
Don't let your hair down, brother, don't let me down,
Ti repuješ za stotku ja toliko za pola čuke ovde pravim,
You're doing it for a hundred bucks, I'm doing it for half a dozen,
Iza zgrade stanem kad upali se planem, uzmem pare palim kući bruda dušu danem, smotam se pa zgranem,
I stand behind the building when it lights up, I take money from the burning house, I braid my soul for the day, I roll up and play,
A kuntaću kad umrem znači tad ću i da stanem!!!
When I die, I will stop!!!
Džinglam belo Džinglam belo Džinglam all the way!
Jinglam belo Jinglam belo Jinglam all the way!
Najbolja mušterija mi je Darko gej!
My best customer is Darko gay!
Džinglam belo Džinglam belo Džinglam all the way!
Jinglam belo Jinglam belo Jinglam all the way!
I got that yay nigga mothafucka every fuckin day
I got that Yay nigga mothafucka every fuckin
' day
Skupim milion i palim u Brazil,
I'll make a million dollars in Brazil,
Na debele guzice plažu i piće,
On fat ass beach and drink,
Da pušim sativu i snimam porniće, surovo realan ili Suril,
To smoke sativa and make porn, surly real or Suril,
Donesi des' hiljada imamo dil!
Bring the ten thousand we've got a deal!
Kolumbija, Meksiko ili Brazil,
Colombia, Mexico or Brazil,
Don't fuck with me nigga u know I'm forreal, pao je Gucci pao Schmurda a Sirijal peva mo' murda mo' murda,
Don't fuck with me nigga in know I'm forreal, fell Gucci fell Schmurda and Sirial sings mo 'murda mo' murda,
Po kilo 'oina sam išao kod Kurda,
I went to the Kurd.,
Završio dve jer imam muda,
I finished two because I've got balls,
Od mog indora zuje ti uši,
The Indore's got your ears,
Albansku vutru ja neću da pušim,
I don't smoke Albanian weed,
Da čadim sa pljugom to nećeš da vidiš, zamotam topinu da se postidiš,
You don't want to see it, you don't want to see it, you want to see it, you want to see it, you want to see it, you want to see it, you want to see it.,
Mogu lagano da preduvam Rastu,
I can easily grow,
Suril sa B-Realom ide na nastup,
Suril with B-Real goes to the show,
Kilo hedova zove se jastuk,
A Kilo of Hedges is called a pillow,
Ja slušam Too Shorta ja ne slušam Bastu, zelembaci me hapse za ništa,
I don't listen to music, I don't listen to music, I don't listen to music, I don't listen to music, I don't listen to music, I don't listen to music,
Malo me biju pa boli me kita,
I'm a little tired and I'm hurting,
Našli mi dhe sad bi i kšte, fali im mušter al' nisam ja gušter!
I've got to get them now, but I'm not a fan!
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