Suu - PUR - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Suu - PUR

Què bonic pot ser trobar a faltar
How beautiful it can be to miss
I trobo a faltar tantes coses
And I miss so many things
Tornar amb un taxi per la nit sense saber molt
Returning in a taxi at night without knowing very well
Quin és el camí que em porta a casa
What is the way that leads me home
Què bonic pot ser tornar a mirar
How beautiful it can be to look back
Aquells somriures dins la sala
Those smiles in the room
Buscar-nos entre la maror de gent
Searching for us in the crowd of people
I si ens trobem, què divertit serà
And if we find each other, how much fun it will be
Pot ser molt perillós remoure tot això
It can be very dangerous to stir all this up
Però potser tinc ganes de tornar a estar com llavors
But maybe I feel like being like that again
No pretenc buscar el botó de "Reset" i esborrar tot aquest temps
I don't intend to search for the "Reset" button and erase all this time
Però us penso i per això canto
But I think of you, and that's why I sing
Vull tornar a sentir-me viva quan ballem juntes al pis
I want to feel alive again when we dance together in the apartment
Vull tornar a sentir la vida de només mirar-nos
I want to feel life again just by looking at each other
Vull que sapigueu que no he estat i que no és cap excusa
I want you to know that I haven't been well and that it's no excuse
Però us estimo tant
But I love you so much
Que jo us estimo tant i no he deixat de fer-ho mai
That I love you so much and I never stopped
Què bonic no veure'ns en un temps
How beautiful it is not to see each other for a while
I que la vida ens doni voltes
And for life to give us turns
Aquells camins que anaven junts ara no hi van
Those paths that went together no longer do
Però quan es creuen una estona, sembla que res ha canviat
But when they cross for a while, it seems that nothing has changed
I què boniques sou! I què orgullosa estic!
And how beautiful you are! And how proud I am!
que em brilla la mirada quan escolto els vostres hits
I know my eyes shine when I listen to your hits
que em brilla la mirada quan veig que tot va
I know my eyes shine when I see that everything is going well
Però anyoro aquelles tardes al sofà sense fer res
But I miss those afternoons on the sofa doing nothing
Pot ser molt perillós remoure tot això
It can be very dangerous to stir all this up
Però potser tinc ganes de tornar a estar com llavors
But maybe I feel like being like that again
No pretenc buscar el botó de "Reset" ni esborrar tot aquest temps
I don't intend to search for the "Reset" button or erase all this time
Però us penso i per això canto
But I think of you, and that's why I sing
Vull tornar a sentir-me viva quan ballem juntes al pis
I want to feel alive again when we dance together in the apartment
Vull tornar a sentir la vida de només mirar-nos
I want to feel life again just by looking at each other
Vull que sapigueu que no he estat i que no és cap excusa
I want you to know that I haven't been well and that it's no excuse
Però us estimo tant, que jo us estimo tant
But I love you so much, that I love you so much
Vull tornar a sentir-me viva quan ballem juntes al pis (Oh, oh, oh)
I want to feel alive again when we dance together in the apartment (Oh, oh, oh)
Vull tornar a sentir la vida de només mirar-nos (Oh, oh, oh)
I want to feel life again just by looking at each other (Oh, oh, oh)
Vull que sapigueu que no he estat
I want you to know that I haven't been well
Que no és cap excusa (Oh, oh, oh)
That it's no excuse (Oh, oh, oh)
Però jo us estimo tant
But I love you so much
Que jo us estimo tant i no he deixat de fer-ho mai
That I love you so much and I never stopped
(I no he deixat de fer-ho mai)
(And I never stopped)
(Oh, oh, oh)
(Oh, oh, oh)
(Oh, oh, oh)
(Oh, oh, oh)
(Oh, oh, oh)
(Oh, oh, oh)

Writer(s): Santos Berrocal Riera, Florencio Ferrer Prat, Susana Ventura Traveset Gimenez, Gerard Giner Segura

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