Suvereno feat. Samo Tomecek - Príbeh Lotosového Kvetu - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Suvereno feat. Samo Tomecek - Príbeh Lotosového Kvetu

Príbeh Lotosového Kvetu
The Story of the Lotus Flower
Toto je príbeh o lotosovom kvete,
This is the story of the lotus flower,
Príbeh o vedomej duchovnej ceste,
A story of a conscious spiritual journey,
Ktorá sa ale občas nezdala príliš vedomá,
Which sometimes didn't seem very conscious,
Po pravde povedané, ani moc duchovná,
Honestly, not very spiritual either,
No poďme pekne po poriadku, ako to chodí,
But let's start from the beginning, as it usually goes,
Chlapec narodil sa pod hviezdami, v znamení vody,
A boy was born under the stars, in the sign of water,
Do rodiny slušnej, no slabších pomerov,
Into a decent family, but of modest means,
Kde bol vychovaný slušne a s kresťanskou vierou,
Where he was raised decently and with the Christian faith,
Na základke býval vzorový žiak a tak,
In primary school, he was a model student and so,
Vyznamenaný bol nespočetnekrát,
He was awarded countless times,
Svoju ctižiadosť využil aj vo futbale,
He used his ambition in football as well,
Tvrdo makal na to, aby presadil svoj talent,
He worked hard to push his talent,
Na strednej škole s príchodom puberty,
In high school, with the arrival of puberty,
Začal byť vzdorovitý, prišli nové podnety,
He started to rebel, new impulses came,
Síce rebélia bývala v ňom odjakživa,
Although rebellion had always lived in him,
Ale teraz sa jej sila naplno prejavila.
But it was only now that its strength fully manifested.
Na ceste tŕnistej, z tej vody bahnistej, vyrastá lotosový kvet,
On the thorny path, from that muddy water, a lotus flower grows,
Z minulosti tienistej do budúcnosti neistej, z nižšieho, po vyšší svet.
From a shady past into an uncertain future, from a lower to a higher world.
Obdobie protestu, prinieslo veľa zmien,
A period of protest, brought many changes,
Túžba po slobode, rástla každý deň,
The desire for freedom, grew every day,
Všetky zabehnuté koľaje ho začali srať,
All the well-trodden paths started to piss him off,
Deficit peňazí spôsobil, že ich chcel mať,
The shortage of money caused him to want it more,
Viac, pouličné biznisy, pofiderné adresy,
More, street businesses, dodgy addresses,
Lepšie kontakty a väčšie obraty,
Better contacts and bigger sales,
Pod krycím menom René, predával zakázané látky,
Under the pseudonym René, he sold illegal substances,
Od ktorých bol čistý, chcel iba zisky,
From which he was clean, he only wanted the profits,
A byť bohatý, ten pocit mu zaslepil oči,
And to be rich, this feeling blinded his eyes,
A tak snežilo mu v hlave a ľúbil to roztočiť,
And so it snowed in his head and he loved to do it in circles,
ženské nohy boli pre neho víťazný oblúk,
Women's legs were a triumphal arch for him,
Iluzórna výhra, zatiaľ čo padol dolu,
An illusory victory, while he fell down,
Veľa zarobil, aj veľa utratil, v noci extáza, ráno na dne,
He earned a lot, and spent a lot, ecstasy at night, at the bottom in the morning,
Rýchlo pochopil, ako vlastne žil,
He quickly understood how he had actually been living,
Vo chvíli, keď z čista jasna jeho telo na zem padne.
At the moment when out of the blue his body falls to the ground.
Na ceste tŕnistej, z tej vody bahnistej, vyrastá lotosový kvet,
On the thorny path, from that muddy water, a lotus flower grows,
Z minulosti tienistej do budúcnosti neistej, z nižšieho, po vyšší svet.
From a shady past into an uncertain future, from a lower to a higher world.
Každá skúška význam má, je to tá, čo ti silu stáť,
Every test has a meaning, it is what gives you the strength to stand up,
Preto nemusíš sa báť, zostať sám sebou, sám zmysel má.
Therefore, you don't have to be afraid to be yourself, to be yourself makes sense.
Nový začiatok sľúbil sám sebe,
A new beginning, he promised himself,
Mal pocit, že niekto iný býval v jeho tele,
He had a feeling that someone else had been living in his body,
To obdobie temna často definoval,
That period of darkness he often defined,
Ako potrebu zistiť, čo nepotreboval,
As a need to find out what he didn't need,
Uvedomenie všetkého prinieslo nový pohľad,
The realization of everything brought a new perspective,
Na vnímanie sveta, v ktorom pred tým on spal,
On the perception of the world, in which he had previously slept,
To precitnutie spôsobilo, že sa zobudil,
That awakening caused him to wake up,
A všetky súvislosti náhle spätne pochopil,
And all the connections suddenly made sense,
Tak ako lotos, musí prejsť bahnom nižšieho sveta,
Just like the lotus, he had to pass through the mud of the lower world,
Aby neskôr zistil, v niečo iné nad ním je tam,
To find out later that something else was above it,
Nad hladinou totiž krásy, ktoré nepoznal,
Above the water's surface are beauties he didn't know,
A pre ne svoje korene, vode kalnej odovzdal,
And for them his roots, to the muddy water he gave,
Jeho cesta však nekončí tesne nad vodou,
However, his journey does not end just above the water,
Tam chce kvitnúť ďalej a obklopovať vôňou,
There he wants to bloom further and surround himself with fragrance,
Svoje okolie, prinášať mu radosť a súcit,
His surroundings, to bring him joy and compassion,
Nech sa ním obohatí každý okolo idúci.
May everyone who passes by be enriched by him.
Na ceste tŕnistej, z tej vody bahnistej, vyrastá lotosový kvet,
On the thorny path, from that muddy water, a lotus flower grows,
Z minulosti tienistej do budúcnosti neistej, z nižšieho, po vyšší svet.
From a shady past into an uncertain future, from a lower to a higher world.
Každá skúška význam má, je to tá, čo ti silu stáť,
Every test has a meaning, it is what gives you the strength to stand up,
Preto nemusíš sa báť, zostať sám sebou, sám zmysel má.
Therefore, you don't have to be afraid to be yourself, to be yourself makes sense.

Writer(s): Suvereno

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