Suvereno - Boom Bap - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Suvereno - Boom Bap

Boom Bap
Boom Bap
Boom Bap Boom Bap
Boom Bap Boom Bap
Boom Bap Boom Bap
Boom Bap Boom Bap
Mad Skill
Mad Skill
Zdvihni ruky nad hlavu ked si v tom so mnou
Raise your hands above your head dear if you're with me
A kýv hlavou na tento Boom Bap rap
And nod your head to this Boom Bap rap
Som nezastaviteľný lebo idem stále s dobou
I'm unstoppable because I always keep up with the times
Zdvihni ruky nad hlavu ked si v tom so mnou
Raise your hands above your head dear if you're with me
A kýv hlavou na tento Boom Bap rap
And nod your head to this Boom Bap rap
Tak poď so mnou, dáme show
So come with me, let's put on a show
Hip hop som zvolil na začiatku strednej školy
I chose hip hop at the beginning of high school
Ako slobodný štud ktorý ponúkol mi možnosť tvoriť
As a free student who offered me the opportunity to create
Robím ho dvanásty rok
I've been doing it for twelve years now
A každý krok je pre mňa kvántový skok
And every step is a quantum leap for me
A tak dvíham progres jak benchpress
And so I lift progress like bench press
Mam koberec na hrudi jak Pete Sampras
I have a rug on my chest like Pete Sampras
A na ňom je vyholené veľké S-ko
And on it is shaved a large S-ko
Nosím v sebe energiu za 200 bleskov
I carry within me the energy of 200 lightning bolts
nesom analóg, ponúkam digital
I'm no longer analog, I offer digital
žiadny katalóg ja som realita
no catalog dear, I'm reality
Začal som s hovnom, teraz mam know-how
I started with shit, now I have know-how
Povedz mi rovno, keď som your love
Tell me straight, when I'm your love
Áno to som ja SUVE un-fath-om-a-ble
Yes, it's me SUVE un-fath-om-a-ble
Ten čo sa rád hrá, so slovami jak scrable
The one who loves to play with words like scrabble
Som obsah a forma, tak najprv ma spoznaj
I am content and form, so get to know me first
Keď počul si ju do mňa bol zatiaľ iba formát
When you heard her do me you were just a format for the time being
Zdvihni ruky nad hlavu ked si v tom so mnou
Raise your hands above your head dear if you're with me
A kýv hlavou na tento Boom Bap rap
And nod your head to this Boom Bap rap
Som nezastaviteľný lebo idem stále s dobou
I'm unstoppable because I always keep up with the times
Zdvihni ruky nad hlavu ked si v tom so mnou
Raise your hands above your head dear if you're with me
A kýv hlavou na tento Boom Bap rap
And nod your head to this Boom Bap rap
Tak poď so mnou, dáme show
So come with me, let's put on a show
Now put your hand in the air
Now put your hand in the air
Hands in the air
Hands in the air
Put your hands in the air
Put your hands in the air
Hands in the air
Hands in the air
od vtedy čo prvý krat som chytil do rúk pero
Ever since I first picked up a pen in my hand
Vedel som že moje tracky vypália jak Nero
I knew my tracks would burn like Nero
A tak smelo som sa vybral za vytýčením cieľom
And so I boldly set out to set my sights on my goal
Celý v bielom razím tmu svojím svetlom a to ma viedlo
All in white, I light up the darkness with my light, and that guided me
Múza je milenka s ktorou flirtujem
The muse is a mistress with whom I flirt
Slová náboj ktoré radšej filtrujem
Words are the ammunition that I filter
Aby dojem, vedel som premeniť na pojem
So that impression, I knew how to turn it into a concept
A bol hrdý na to svoje slovo ktorým veľa poviem
And I was proud of my word that says a lot
Lebo jazyk ktorým hovorím je neskutočne pestrý
Because the language I speak is incredibly varied
Rád sa s ním hrám pritom dodávam mu esprit
I love to play with it while adding esprit to it
A zjednodušuje mi môj život ako handsfree
And it simplifies my life like handsfree
Lebo živím sa ním a v ňom prežívam môj vesmír.
Because I make a living from it and live in it my universe.
A som vďačný že robím to čo ma baví
And I'm grateful that I do what I love
Pritom zabávam davy, zažívam príjemne stavy
While entertaining the crowds, I experience pleasant states
Som sebestačný lebo Suvereno
I am self-sufficient because Suvereno
Znamená nezávislosť tak chápeš moje meno ha?
Means independence so you understand my name ha?
Zdvihni ruky nad hlavu ked si v tom so mnou
Raise your hands above your head dear if you're with me
A kýv hlavou na tento Boom Bap rap
And nod your head to this Boom Bap rap
Som nezastaviteľný lebo idem stále s dobou
I'm unstoppable because I always keep up with the times
Zdvihni ruky nad hlavu ked si v tom so mnou
Raise your hands above your head dear if you're with me
A kýv hlavou na tento Boom Bap rap
And nod your head to this Boom Bap rap
Tak poď so mnou, dáme show
So come with me, let's put on a show
Now put your hand in the air
Now put your hand in the air
Hands in the air
Hands in the air
Put your hands in the air
Put your hands in the air
Hands in the air
Hands in the air

Writer(s): Suvereno

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