Suvereno - Palcuj Riť - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Suvereno - Palcuj Riť

Palcuj Riť
Thumb Up The Ass
Ahóóój, Suvero nás zdraví všetkých skvelých ludí!
Heeey, Suvero is greeting all the awesome people!
Tak a teraz si zapalcujeméé, héééj, pomééé!
So now let's give a thumbs up, heey, heeelp meee!
Palcuj riť, palcuj riť, palcuj riť, pa-palcuj riť, palcuj, palcuj, palcuj riť, i vyplacuj mi moju riť.
Thumb up the ass, thumb up the ass, thumb up the ass, th-thumb up the ass, thumb up, thumb up, thumb up the ass, and finger my ass.
Palcuj riť (ano), palcuj riť, palcuj riť (ano),
Thumb up the ass (yes), thumb up the ass, thumb up the ass (yes),
Pa-palcuj riť, palcuj, palcuj, palcuj riť, i vypalcuj mi moju riť.
Th-thumb up the ass, thumb up, thumb up, thumb up the ass, and finger my ass.
Suvereno, no problemo, chorý hit Palcuj riť,
Suvereno, no problemo, sick hit Thumb Up The Ass,
Moje meno fenoméno a ludia sa chcú baviť.
My name is phenomenon and people want to have fun.
Polské techno, co się stało? Z Bartek piva nič nezostało,
Polish techno, what happened? Nothing left from Bartek's beer,
Zrýchlí tep Larborghini diablo, večere nosí stokár Pablo.
Heartbeat accelerates Larborghini diablo, Pablo brings dinners.
Tak to byť keď sa smaží, spotený jak na pláži, TUC-TUC kolotočári, žlté-biele čáry máry,
That's how it should be when it's frying, sweaty like on the beach, TUC-TUC carouselers, yellow-white lines, nightmares,
Exorcista šaman, jaman, mám všetky drogy come on, come on, kolesá, kokaín, piko a lesné hríby a hádaj čo?! Piko!
Exorcist shaman, jaman, I have all the drugs come on, come on, wheels, cocaine, pico and forest mushrooms and guess what?! Pico!
Mám to rááád je to skvelé,
I liike it, it's great,
Keď mi lezeš do prdele,
When you're crawling up my ass,
Nápis "palcuj riť" mám na čele,
The inscription "thumb up the ass" is on my forehead,
Vždy keď riťou trasem jak želé,
Whenever I shake my ass like jelly,
Kolo, kolo, kolo čertovo, hnedé palce coolovo,
Wheel, wheel, devil's wheel, brown thumbs coolly,
Riťovlezov mám tak rád,
I love ass crawlers so much,
Som oblúbený bomboklád.
I'm the favorite bomb layer.
Poďme spolu lietať do Brna (Je to centrum!)
Let's fly together to Brno (It's the center!)
Na miesto, kde sa vylieči aj obrna, (Stal sa zázrak!)
To the place where even paralysis is cured, (A miracle happened!)
Kde sa toxickí pútnici zbiehajú (Tuc-tuc)
Where toxic pilgrims gather (Tuc-tuc)
A stroboskopu sa spolu klaňajú -
And they bow together to the strobe light -
Všetky palce hore JUCH!
All thumbs up YUCH!
Palcuj riť, palcuj riť, palcuj riť, pa-palcuj riť, palcuj, palcuj, palcuj riť, i vyplacuj mi moju riť.
Thumb up the ass, thumb up the ass, thumb up the ass, th-thumb up the ass, thumb up, thumb up, thumb up the ass, and finger my ass.
Palcuj riť (ano), palcuj riť, palcuj riť (ano),
Thumb up the ass (yes), thumb up the ass, thumb up the ass (yes),
Pa-palcuj riť, palcuj, palcuj, palcuj riť, i vypalcuj mi moju riť.
Th-thumb up the ass, thumb up, thumb up, thumb up the ass, and finger my ass.
Palcujme si navzájom rite, urobme si spoločne, hromadne análny výter,
Let's thumb up each other's asses, let's do a collective, mass anal wiping,
Palcujme si do kríža rite, máme sa tak rádi, že si palcujeme rite! Do pi*e!
Let's thumb up each other's asses crosswise, we love each other so much that we thumb up each other's asses! F*ck!
Bubeníček, bubeníček, ktorý prst to bol?!
Drummer, drummer, which finger was it?!
PALEC! Áno správne palec, tak všetky palce nahoru!
THUMB! Yes, the thumb is correct, so all thumbs up!
Ukáž to gesto a vytvor mi priestor,
Show me the gesture and make room for me,
Prichádzam namiesto teba, zec to.
I'm coming instead of you, repeat it.
Svrbí ťa riť, skús o roh stola
Your ass itches, try the corner of the table
Alebo použi palec priamo zdola.
Or use your thumb directly from below.
Precíť ako sa ti krížia oči,
Feel your eyes crossing,
Nakŕmil si svoj tamagoči.
You fed your tamagotchi.
Prišla ťa poštekliť Palculienka,
Palculienka came to tickle you,
Preto máš celý palec od hovienka.
That's why your whole thumb is covered in shit.
Náš spoločný patrón je Pál Csáky,
Our common patron is Pál Csáky,
vzadu roztrhané tepláky.
He has ripped sweatpants in the back.
V zime nosí štrikované palčáky,
He wears knitted mittens in winter,
Aby vám mohol rozmraziť riťáky.
So he can defrost your asses.
Za odmenu ho pozvi na dobošku,
As a reward, invite him over for a donut,
Spraví si to sám len na samoške,
He'll do it himself, just at the self-service,
Chceš byť rožok v párku viac jak párok v rožku,
Want to be a croissant in the park more than a sausage in a roll,
Tak natiahni blanu za predkožku!
So stretch the foreskin past the foreskin!
Tak palcuj, palcuj vykrúcaj, kým nebude piecka horúca.
So thumb up, thumb up, twist, until the oven is hot.
Maj svoj ritný venček rád, je to hnedý kamarát!
Love your anal wreath, it's a brown friend!
Tak palcuj, palcuj vykrúcaj, kým nebude piecka horúca,
So thumb up, thumb up, twist, until the oven is hot,
Pokiaľ anál neni ten správny input daj si antrax a tampax a zavri s ním p*ču!!!
If anal isn't the right input, get some anthrax and tampax and shut that p*ssy up with it!!!
Palcuj riť, palcuj riť, palcuj riť, pa-palcuj riť, palcuj, palcuj, palcuj riť, i vyplacuj mi moju riť.
Thumb up the ass, thumb up the ass, thumb up the ass, th-thumb up the ass, thumb up, thumb up, thumb up the ass, and finger my ass.
Palcuj riť (ano), palcuj riť, palcuj riť (ano),
Thumb up the ass (yes), thumb up the ass, thumb up the ass (yes),
Pa-palcuj riť, palcuj, palcuj, palcuj riť, i vypalcuj mi moju riť.
Th-thumb up the ass, thumb up, thumb up, thumb up the ass, and finger my ass.
Palcujme si navzájom rite, urobme si spoločne, hromadne análny výter,
Let's thumb up each other's asses, let's do a collective, mass anal wiping,
Palcujme si do kríža rite, máme sa tak rádi, že si palcujeme rite! Do pi*e!
Let's thumb up each other's asses crosswise, we love each other so much that we thumb up each other's asses! F*ck!
Oukééj, a teraz pekne všetci,
Okaaay, and now everyone nicely,
Všetky palce na horu, wúú,
All thumbs up, woooh,
A ešte viac,
And even more,
A ešte, a ešte, a ešte, ešte, ešte, viac!
And more, and more, and more, more, more, more!
Palcuj riť, palcuj riť, palcuj riť, pa-palcuj riť, palcuj, palcuj, palcuj riť, i vyplacuj mi moju riť.
Thumb up the ass, thumb up the ass, thumb up the ass, th-thumb up the ass, thumb up, thumb up, thumb up the ass, and finger my ass.
Palcuj riť (ano), palcuj riť, palcuj riť (ano),
Thumb up the ass (yes), thumb up the ass, thumb up the ass (yes),
Pa-palcuj riť, palcuj, palcuj, palcuj riť, i vypalcuj mi moju riť.
Th-thumb up the ass, thumb up, thumb up, thumb up the ass, and finger my ass.
Oukééj, my sa lúčime, díky moc, ahoooj!!
Okaaay, we're saying goodbye, thanks a lot, byeee!!

Writer(s): Deryck, Suvereno

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