Swings feat. WOO WON JAE - Unbreakable - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Swings feat. WOO WON JAE - Unbreakable

많은 사람들 개새끼라 부르더라
Many people call me a son of a bitch
고소하면 강아지처럼 밑을 기을텐데
When they sue me, they'll fawn at my feet like puppies
부동산이랑 어떤 차를 가게도 돈을 달라며
They threaten to call the police on me for not giving them money and asking them about real estate and which car I bought
협박하네 이건 그냥 Day to day
This is just day to day
MB가 유죄 뜬다 해도 훨씬 미움 받아 Real talk
I'm much more hated than MB even when he's found guilty Real talk
They ju love to say my name
They just love to say my name
금은 복통을 부르나?
Does gold and silver cause stomach pain?
목걸일 보고 나서
After seeing my necklace
노예처럼 Wanna chain my leg
They want to chain my legs and make me a slave
나를 죽일 같았던 것들이
The things that I thought would kill me
결국엔 놀랍게도 강하게 만들지
Surprisingly made me stronger
군대서 나왔을 이상 나는
When I came out of the military, I was no longer
남자도 아니고 아니었어 한국인
A man or a Korean
이젠 괜찮아
I'm fine now, I don't take drugs
근데 후배들을 위해 빨리 체계 바꾸지
But for the sake of my juniors, change the system quickly
이건 장난 아냐 다운 됐다고
This is not a joke, I'm down
우울증 이란 하지 말고 합죽이
Stop saying I have depression, please just pray
머리서 음성이 들려? Yea I understand
I can hear voices in my head? Yea I understand
회사서 선배들이 뭐래? Yea I understand
What are my seniors saying at work? Yea I understand
애인이 바람 폈나 봐? Yea I understand
Did my lover cheat on me? Yea I understand
억울함에 눈물 나? Yes I understand
Tears come to my eyes because of injustice? Yes I understand
돈이 바닥나 차? Yea I understand
Is your money running out? Yea I understand
죄책감에 와? Yea I understand
Are you unable to sleep because of guilt? Yea I understand
친구가 떠나갔나 봐? Yea I understand
I guess your friend left you? Yea I understand
나도 조금은 알아 Yea I understand
I know a little bit too Yea I understand
I understand
I understand
I understand
I understand
I understand
I understand
I understand
I understand
I understand
I understand
I understand
I understand
I understand
I understand
I understand
I understand
I understand
I understand
I understand
I understand
I understand
I understand
I understand
I understand
I understand
I understand
I understand
I understand
I understand
I understand
Know that
Know that
나는 바닷속 고래
I'm a whale in the ocean
나는 아니야 노예
I'm not a slave
And I got lots of love
And I got lots of love
누가 뭐라 하던
No matter what others say
나는 알어
I know myself well
남을 위해 바꿔
I won't change for others
나는 버텨왔어
I've persevered
그리고 매일
And I'm getting bigger every day
Can't hide but I relieve the fear in me
Can't hide but I relieve the fear in me
And that's why my enemies
And that's why my enemies
They fearing me
They fearing me
And my energy is piercing
And my energy is piercing
Break the wall you better fall back
Break the wall you better fall back
If I fall then I'll crawl yea
If I fall then I'll crawl yea
Through a fog in the darkness
Through a fog in the darkness
I'm unbreakable
I'm unbreakable
I see the ace in you
I see the ace in you
Come back to ma home 나를 가둬
Come back to ma home and lock me up
건배 To be gone 나른 하러
Cheers To be gone I'll take you with me
꼰댄 이런 나를 바로
Old fools are desperately trying
잡으려고 격하게
To catch me red-handed
창의적인 개소리를 마저 하고
Talking nonsense creatively
Hashtag 인스타에
Hashtags on Instagram
우원재의 기분 따위에 키읔 더해
You're making things up about Woo Won Jae's feelings
거따가 뭐라나 새끼보면
What would they say when they see me?
나까지 자살할 같다나
They say I'm so pitiful they want to kill themselves
그러곤 컬러링은 nirvana
But then they dye their hair nirvana
얼마나 이딴 봐야 익숙해져요? 스윙스형?
How much longer do I have to see this before I get used to it? Swings-hyung?
쌓이는 디엠 범인은 익명
Among the pile of DMs, the criminal is anonymous
가리고 비행 들리는 비명중
A scream in the midst of a blind flight
Fan과 Bitch 사이에서 미쳐
I'm going crazy between fans and bitches
(하) 가족 친구 누가 됐든
(Do) Family, friends, whoever
속내 절대 말하지 말고
Never tell me your true feelings
버텨 오히려 버려
Persevere and I'll leave you instead
깨있어도 버려
I'll leave you even if you stay awake
깨질 거는 버려
I'll leave you even if you're broken
뺏을 거도 버려
I'll leave you even if you're robbed
베일 거도 버려
I'll leave you even if you're betrayed
지킬 것두 버려
I'll leave you even if you have something to protect

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