Syke Däli - Bular bilenok - Live Version - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Syke Däli - Bular bilenok - Live Version

Bular bilenok - Live Version
These People Don't Know Me - Live Version
Garyldy şu günüme ertir
Tomorrow has dawned on this day of mine
Bu ýerler garañky ýok tertip
These places are dark, there's no order
Daşymdakylaryñ arasyndan tapmadym ýakyn
Among those around me, I haven't found anyone close
Aladañ bar bolsa şuny gel dyn
If you have any spare time, come drink this, my love
Bir ýerde duranok aýlanýa ýer tiz
The earth spins fast, I can't stand still
Hiç kimi tanamok daşyma seredip
I don't recognize anyone, looking around
Günami ölçeýän aklymda terezi
A scale in my mind weighs my sins
Elimi alamok aylaryn ertir
I will hold your hand tomorrow, my moon
Hiç kim bilen gürleşemok eje
I'm not talking to anyone, mother
Etmedik keýpimem ýok ýene
And I'm not in the mood again
Köpçüligiñ içinde duýýan ýeke
I feel alone in the crowd
Gije garaşyp otyrma gelerin
Don't wait for me tonight, I'll come
Hiç kim bilen gürleşemok eje
I'm not talking to anyone, mother
Saga gitjek bolýan çekýärler çepe
They pull me to the left when I want to go right
Galdyrjagam ýok ýykylsam ýere
There's no one to pick me up if I fall
Üstümi kakyp ýanyña gelern
You'll dust me off and come to my side
Bular meni bilenogam eje
These people don't know me, mother
Herkime menden bir zat gerek
Everyone needs something from me
Ýaranyp bolanok eken
It's impossible to please everyone
Biz ýalylar bärik gelişenok seret
Look, we, the simple folks, don't prosper
Diñe sen söýýäñ eje ejiz ýagdaýymda
Only you love me, mother, in my weakest state
Hiç kim habar tutmazam ýagdaýymdan
No one cares about my situation
Şu gün ertir birzat gerek bolmasa
Unless they need something from me tomorrow
Biri goldasa
Someone to support
Ýöne ýere däl
Not for nothing
Ertir bergidar bir zat sorasa
Tomorrow they'll ask for a favor in return
Näçe geýinseñem, sowuk dünýä
No matter how much you dress, the world is cold
Näçe ýaşasañam, ýaşamakdan doýman ölýäs
No matter how long you live, you die unsatisfied with life
Näçe iýip içseñem, ýuka saçak
No matter how much you eat and drink, you'll end up thin
Ajal gelenden soñ ukym aljak
After death comes, I'll take a rest
Meñ etmedik keýpimem ýok eje
I'm not in the mood, mother
Azatlyk az erkinlik köp eje
Little freedom, much liberty, mother
Ýylymy paýlajak mena bolyançam gök eje
The sky is the limit for me, mother
Bu yoly señ oglyñdan başga ýok geçen
No one else has walked this path but your son
Hiç kim meni söýenogam eje
No one loves me, mother
Hiç kim meni görenogam eje
No one sees me, mother
Bular meni bilenogam eje
These people don't know me, mother
Herkime menden bir zat gerek
Everyone needs something from me
Ýaranyp bolanok eken
It's impossible to please everyone
Biz ýalylar bärik gelişenok seret
Look, we, the simple folks, don't prosper
Diñe sen söýýäñ eje ejiz ýagdaýymda
Only you love me, mother, in my weakest state
Pul bolmasa peýda ýok abraýyñdan
Without money, your reputation is worthless
Biz utulan bar oýundan
We are the lost ones in this game
Bular ýasymda ýok
They are not with me in my grief
Ählisi bar toýumda
They are all present at my celebrations
Gidiñdä goýuñda
Leave me alone
Meni günime
To my own devices
Biz ýalaklanam ýüki deñ, ertire alada
We complain, the burden is equal, tomorrow's worry
Olam gelýär iki-ikiden, ertirde umyt bar
It comes two by two, there's hope tomorrow
Tapawutlansa düýnkiden çäre ýok bize
If it's different from yesterday, there's nothing we can do
Isleseñ durmuşdan öýkele
Complain about life if you want
Etmedik keýpimem ýok eje
I'm not in the mood, mother
Kelläm sag bolsada bu pikirlerim sol eje
Even though my head is right, my thoughts are left, mother
Ýeri depelejek menä bolyança ýol eje
I will walk this earth as long as there's a road, mother
Bu ýoly diñe señ eliñden tutsam geçerin
I can only cross this path if I hold your hand
Bular meni bilenogam eje
These people don't know me, mother
Hersine menden bir zat gerek
Everyone needs something from me
Ýaranyp bilemok eje
I can't please them, mother
Bular meni ýigrensin eje
Let them hate me, mother
Bular meni ýigrensin eje
Let them hate me, mother

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