Sílvia Pérez Cruz - 親愛なる人 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Sílvia Pérez Cruz - 親愛なる人

My Dearest
Tenir l'ull sempre viu
To have a mind ever open
I una veu que vol riure
And a voice that wants to laugh
Permetre'm, quan em vingui de gust
To allow myself, when the mood strikes me
Semblar dispers, semblar dispers
To seem scatterbrained
Permetre'm, quan em vingui de gust
Should I allow myself to do so
Per un o per un no
For the sake of a simple "yes" or "no"
Combatre o fer un vers
To argue or to pen a verse
Treballar sense glòria ni fortuna
To work for no glory or fortune
En el viatge que em portarà a la lluna
On the voyage that will take me to the moon
Evitar res que no surti de mi
To refuse anything that doesn't come from within me
Sense renunciar a la modèstia, dir
And without renouncing modesty, to say
Estimat, pots estar satisfet de les flors
My dearest, you may be satisfied with the flowers
Dels fruits i dels troncs
Of the fruits and of the trunks
Estimat, pots estar satisfet de les flors
My dearest, you may be satisfied with the flowers
Si ho culls del teu jardí ufanós, estimat
If you gather them from your flourishing garden, my dearest
I rebutjant ser l'heura
And by rejecting being the ivy
I encara que no siguis cap roure o cap avet
And even though you're not an oak or a fir
Potser no pujar gaire, no
You may not rise very high
Però fer-ho tot solet, solet
But you can do it all on your own
I rebutjant ser l'heure
And by rejecting being the ivy
I encara que no siguis cap roure o cap avet
And even though you are not a great leader
Potser no pujar gaire
You may not rise very high
Però fer-ho tot solet
But you can do it all on your own
I estimat, pots estar satisfet de les flors
And my dearest, you may be satisfied with the flowers
Dels fruits i dels troncs
Of the fruits and of the trunks
I estimat, pots estar satisfet de les flors
And my dearest, you may be satisfied with the flowers
Si ho culls del teu jardí ufanós
If you gather them from your flourishing garden
Si ho culls del teu jardí ufanós
If you gather them from your flourishing garden
Si ho culls del teu jardí ufanós
If you gather them from your flourishing garden

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