T.O.T feat. Eiby - Tu - traduction des paroles en anglais

Tu - Eiby , T.O.T traduction en anglais

Lo nuestro no es solo sexo
What we have isn't just sex
Si buscas eso, entonces ve y búscate a otro
If that's what you're looking for, then go and find someone else
Si cuando terminábamos un beso
If when we finished a kiss
De inmediato comenzábamos con otro
We would immediately start with another
Sigo esperando a que reacciones
I'm still waiting for you to react
Y te dez cuenta de todas mis emociones
And to realize all my emotions
Siendo sincero me encontraba perdido
To be honest, I was lost
Pero hallé dos brújulas cuando vi tus pesones
But I found two compasses when I saw your breasts
Fatigado y confundo
Exhausted and confused
Conseguí respuestas, fui rompiendo corazones
I got answers, I went breaking hearts
Que si dallas te dallan también
If you give, you also receive
Ahora vivo consecuencias a mis acciones
Now I live with the consequences of my actions
Tuuu, Tu, Tu, Tuuu
You, You, You, You
Te vestite de karma
You dressed as karma
Tuuu Tu, Tu, Tuuu
You, You, You, You
Te vestite de karma
You dressed as karma
Basto un buen culo, y un buen juego de palabras
A good ass and a good play on words were enough
Y se aprovecho
And it took advantage of me
Se aprovecho de mi
Took advantage of me
Como la hace, uno la paga
As it does, one pays for it
Y yo no soy la excepción
And I'm no exception
Me canelie por una dama que me hizo lo mismo
I was screwed by a lady who did the same to me
Me puse punto y final a lo que era mi excepción
I put an end to what was my exception
De bandido
Of a bandit
Y ahora el enamorado yo
And now it's me in love
No se lo que ella hizo
I don't know what she did
En el culo se inspiró
She got inspired by an ass
Su cara angelical
Her angelic face
Mi corazón lo detonó
Bleed my heart
Lo malo es que trata igual a como trataba yo
The bad thing is that she treats me the same way I treat her
Y no puedo dejarme ganar la relación
And I can't let the relationship get the better of me
Lección aprendida
Lesson learned
Recuerdo cuando tenía la calle prendida
I remember when I had the street fired up
Gritaba y juraba que no me encandelaria
I shouted and swore that I wouldn't get fooled
Pero bueno me paso
But well, it happened
Lo contrario y mala mia
The opposite and it's my fault
Yo se que me quemas
I know you burn me
Y aveces con otro tu te vas
And sometimes you go with someone else
No me llamas
You don't call me
No me celas
You don't get jealous
Ni preguntas, donde estas
Or ask, where are you
Lo normal
The usual
Cargo una intriga por que no es normal
I'm curious because it's not normal
El se tiene que preocupar
He has to worry
Tuuu, Tu, Tu, Tuuu
You, You, You, You
Te vestite de karma
You dressed as karma
Tuuu, Tu, Tu, Tuuu
You, You, You, You
Te vestite de karma
You dressed as karma
Basto un buen culo, y un buen juego de palabras
A good ass and a good play on words were enough
Y se aprovecho
And it took advantage of me
Se aprovecho de mi
Took advantage of me
Se aprovecho de la confianza que le daba
Took advantage of the trust I gave her
Con otro se perdía y yo la buscaba
With another, she was lost and I looked for her
Al cielo miraba y preguntaba
I looked at the sky and asked
Papa Dios que me pasaba
God, what's happening to me
En el momento preciso no estaba entendiendo nada
At the precise moment I wasn't understanding anything
Me comporte como todo un caballero
I behaved like a gentleman
Me interese por algo más que su trasero
I was interested in more than just her butt
Yo, bien la trate y casi digo que la quiero
I treated her well and almost said I love her
Pero la nena estaba actuando, mi guión
But the girl was acting, my script
Enrole y prendí un blunt
I rolled up and lit a blunt
Alwys High mañanero
Always High in the morning
Quería enamorarla
I wanted to make her fall in love
Ella me enamoro primero
She made me fall in love first
Espero olvidarla
I hope to forget her
En los días venideros
In the days to come
Si ya me quedo claro
If it's already clear to me
Que tu amor, no es verdadero
That your love, is not true
Lo nuestro no es solo sexo
What we have isn't just sex
Si buscas eso entonces ve y búscate a otro
If that's what you're looking for, then go and find someone else
Si cuando terminábamos un beso
If when we finished a kiss
En seguida comenzábamos con otro
We would immediately start with another

Writer(s): Alberto Alexis Niles

T.O.T feat. Eiby - THE SUCCESS
date de sortie

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