TBF - Bog I Zemljani - traduction des paroles en anglais

Bog I Zemljani - TBFtraduction en anglais

Bog I Zemljani
God and the Earthlings
Prvo su počela padat ogromna jaja ka kiša bez kraja
First they began to fall enormous eggs as rain without end
To je trajalo danima
This lasted for days
Iz jaja je izmilila gomila ružnih reptila sa kljunovima u obliku pila
Ugly reptiles with beaks shaped like saws hatched from the eggs
Razmnožavaju se ekstremno brzo, putem vjetra a hrana im je ljudski mozak i jetra
They reproduce extremely quickly, through the wind and their food is human brain and liver
Žele nas istrijebit, ma da ne bi, formirali smo elitne postrojbe sebi
They want to exterminate us, but not if we can help it, we have formed elite units for ourselves
Bože, pogledaj dolje vidi vjernu formaciju šta brani tvoju savršenu kreaciju
God, look down see the true formation what protects your perfect creation
Majčicu Zemlju, treći kamenčić od Sunca, mogu nam se napušit ljudskog kurca
Mother Earth, third pebble from the Sun, they can give us their human shit
Glupi gmazovi, ružni, lijeni prokleti im geni, bit će istribljeni
Stupid, ugly, lazy reptiles cursed are their genes, they will be exterminated
Daleko od kuće, tu će ostavit svoje šuplje kosti jer odi su nepoželjni gosti
Far from home, there they will leave their hollow bones because they are unwelcome guests
Najezda reptila na velike gradove, treba uništit gadove, proklete gmazove
Invasion of reptiles in the big cities, we must destroy the abominations, the cursed reptiles
Ima ih na milione i milione, žele da nas uklone, sklone, totalno pometu
There are millions and millions of them, they want to eliminate, remove, totally sweep us away
Pa da oni nasele našu planetu i uzmu nam živote jer se nenormalno kote
So that they can inhabit our planet and take our lives because they are breeding abnormally
Al nema šanse, neka nas je još 20 hiljada a bila nas 51 milijarda
But there is no chance, let there be still 20 thousand of us and there were 51 billion of us
Nema porodica, mrtvi su starci i dica, iz naših lica sijeva mržnja poput blica
There are no families, the old people and children are dead, hatred shines from our faces like a flash
Svaka rasa, crna, žuta, crvena i bila, ljuta masa urla "Ubij reptila!"
Every race, black, yellow, red and white, the angry mass shouts "Kill the reptiles!"
Malo smo se zaletili, odi je gravitacija prevelika da bi normalno letili
We got a little carried away, there is too much gravity here to fly normally
Počeli smo padat i ubrzavat 9.81 metar u sekundi na kvadrat
We started to fall and accelerate 9.81 metres per second squared
Tlo je prekriveno reptilima, bespomoćno lamataju teškim krilima gađamo ih projektilima
The ground is covered with reptiles, they flap their heavy wings helplessly we shoot them with projectiles
I rakete lete vođene balistički, dobit će po pički
And the rockets fly guided ballistically, they will get what they deserve
Stješnjeni u klancu, kanaderi s visine po njima sipaju napalma i grozne kiseline
Squeezed in the ravine, bombers pour napalm and horrible acids on them from above
Krkljanac, cili je klanac zelen ka kivi, masakr živi!
The ravine is as green as a kiwi, a living massacre!
Do zalaska sunca se puca u sve šta se miče, reptili kriče!
Until sunset they shoot at everything that moves, the reptiles scream!
Oči bliješte od luđačkog sjaja, a tad su s neba opet počela padat jaja
Eyes shine with the glow of madness, and then eggs started to fall from the sky again
Bog i Zemljani Bog i Zemljani
God and the Earthlings God and the Earthlings
Lete rakete, projektili
Rockets and projectiles fly
A di ste sad reptili!?
Where are you now, reptiles!?

Writer(s): Aleksandar Antić, Jan Ivelić, Karlo Metikos, Luka Barbić, Mladen Badovinac, Niksa Mandalinic, Ognjen Pavlović

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