TBF - Genije - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais TBF - Genije

Najbolji sam ja, to se zna
I'm the best, it's known
Zna se, zna se, da najbolji sam ja
It's known, it's known, that I'm the best
Ti nisi naj, to moras znat
You're not the best, you gotta know that
Zato nemoj zajebavat i nemoj srat
So don't mess around and don't bullshit
Iza ledja govoris da najbolji si ti
Behind my back you say you're the best
Ne govori gluposti, nemas pameti
Don't talk nonsense, you have no brains
Dobit ces po brnji, aje podji doma
You'll get a punch in the face, come on, go home
Jerbo moze doc' do kostanog loma
Because it could lead to a bone fracture
Tj. fraktura po cijelom tijelu
I.e., fractures all over your body
A podji doma, poce po zlu
So go home, things are starting to go bad
Ajmo crta, strafta, prosetaj
Let's go, scram, take a walk
Odi su veliki, mali ne smetaj
Go away big guy, little one don't bother
Pitaj ljude, reci ce ti oni
Ask people, they'll tell you
Kad ih pitas tko je najbolji
When you ask them who's the best
Rec' ce ti, naj je bolji on
They'll tell you, he's the best
Tj. ja, to svako zna
I.e., me, everyone knows that
Ja sam genije, cudo prirode
I'm a genius, a wonder of nature
Sve na svitu znan i jasno mi je sve
I know everything in the world and it's all clear to me
Ja sam genije, cudo prirode
I'm a genius, a wonder of nature
Cudo milenija, Superman iz sna
A wonder of the millennium, Superman from a dream
Po ovoj nasoj planeti setaju ljudi
People walk on this planet of ours
Medju njima bilo je i velikana
Among them there were also great people
O kojima i povijest pise
About whom history also writes
A sada cete cuti nesto vise
And now you will hear something more
Ja imam rjesenje za gospodarsko sranje
I have a solution for the economic shit
Jednostavno, triba sadit banane
Simply, we need to plant bananas
Kol'ko god stane sirom lipe nase
As much as possible throughout our beautiful country
Rasporedit plantaze, silose, garaze
Arrange plantations, silos, garages
Od banana pravit splitove i kase
Make splits and porridges from bananas
Pakirat u tegle, tetrapake, flase
Pack them in jars, tetrapacks, bottles
Izvozit za kosarkase, posebno centre
Export for basketball players, especially centers
Imat agente u svakom vecem gradu neka radu
Have agents in every major city, let them work
A kupce nek mame pivajuc reklame
And let them attract customers by singing commercials
Kad nisi u formi, kad si u krizi
When you're not in shape, when you're in crisis
Ti ovo izi, neka klizi
Eat this, let it slide
Niz tvoje grlo, bices dobar vrlo
Down your throat, you'll be very good
Ne budi u brizi, samo ovo izi
Don't worry, just eat this
A od kora pravit alternativno gorivo
And make alternative fuel from the peels
Ili ih koristit ka gnojivo za uzgoj biljaka
Or use them as fertilizer for growing plants
Posebno endema, tj. onih biljaka
Especially endemic ones, i.e. those plants
Kojih skoro pa vise nema
Which are almost gone
U prvom redu dalmatinske mikrofonije
First of all, the Dalmatian microphone
Koju ne mos' slomit, a probaj slomi je
Which you can't break, try to break it
Nes uspit, jer se cudno glasa
You won't succeed, because it sounds strange
Al' to je urodjena produkcijska baza
But that's an innate production base
Nju cemo snimat, pakirat
We will record it, pack it
I distribuirat sirom nacije
And distribute it throughout the nation
Pozdrav iz Dalmacije
Greetings from Dalmatia
Uvik ka bi Einstein izmislja one seme
Whenever Einstein would invent those formulas
Prvo i glavno bi svratija do mene
First and foremost he would come to me
U redu, Alberte, ovo je u redu
Okay, Albert, this is okay
Al' koji je ovo kurac, donesi kredu
But what the fuck is this, bring chalk
Da ti nacrtan na ploci, jednom za svagda
So that I can draw it for you on the board, once and for all
Nes nista postic bez puno rada
You can't achieve anything without hard work
Uciti, uciti i samo uciti
Learn, learn and only learn
Jer jedino tako mozes razluciti
Because that's the only way you can distinguish
Sta je dobro, a sta nije
What is good and what is not
Sta se smi uvrstit, a sta ne smije
What can be included and what cannot
Sve se mora dobro promatrat
Everything must be observed well
Evo, npr., na "c" ti fali kvadrat
Here, for example, on "c" you are missing a square
Ostalo je dobro, manje vise
The rest is good, more or less
I Alberte zapamti: Alles ist relativische
And Albert remember: Alles ist relativische
Ref. 2x
Chorus 2x

Writer(s): Inconnu Compositeur Auteur, Mladen Badovinac, Aleksandar Antiä†, Luka Barbiä†, Dragan S. Lukiä†

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