TBF - ST Stanje Uma - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais TBF - ST Stanje Uma

ST Stanje Uma
ST State of Mind
Godine prolaze iza mene dvadeset i jos koja
Years are passing behind me, twenty and a few more
Tmurne zaboravljan a pantin one od sarenih boja
The gloomy ones are forgotten, and the colorful ones are cherished
Pa se osvrnen nekad i sitin se svih tih dana
So I look back sometimes and remember all those days
I razbijenih glava i krada iz ducana
And broken heads, and shoplifting
Sitin se ekipe i svih nasih hireva i djireva
Remembering the crew and all our whims and antics
Generacija lipila i nekih starih ratnih filmova
Generation glued to some old war movies
Prve cure, picavanja kad bi dosli lipi dani
First girl, hanging out when the good days came
Pa zicanja isprid bobisa za kupit krafnu ili slani
And begging in front of the bakery to buy a donut or a pretzel
U skoli nista pametno osin neke nove brige
Nothing smart in school except some new worries
Ali bi nadoknadija sve i zadnji dan raspara knjige
But we would make up for everything and tear up the books on the last day
Balun i zenske su bili uvik teme, nase price
Football and girls were always the topics, our stories
Il' smo vanka ili u nekoga gledamo pornice
Either we were outside or at someone's place watching porn
A zenske koje su davale sve su se poudavale
And girls who used to give it all away got married
A sta su glumile neku igru sad se jebu di god stignu
And those who played hard to get now sleep with anyone they can
Sa trinaest prvi duvan i prva boca vina
At thirteen, the first smoke and the first bottle of wine
A sa cetrnaest godina prvi piz dima
And at fourteen, the first puff of weed
Tuce protiv drugih skola nisi smija bit sa strane
Fights against other schools, you couldn't be on the sidelines
Da si osta sa strane to bi stvarno bilo sranje
To be on the sidelines, it would really be a shame
Svi smo bili face posebnog filmskog stila
We were all characters with a particular cinematic style
Krv do kolina i lanci i bokseri od ventila
Blood to the knees, chains, and knuckles made from valve stems
A na posebnon mistu bit faca repertoara
And in a special place, to be a face of the repertoire
Bilo je ukrast dici balun nabit ga ili rasparat
It was stealing the kids' ball, kicking it or ripping it apart
Sve smo znali, nigdi nije smilo bit greske
We knew everything, there couldn't be a mistake anywhere
Masu razloga za tucu i sve uvrede jako teske
Plenty of reasons to fight and all the insults were really heavy
Znali smo rjesenje za sve brige i probleme
We knew the solution to all worries and problems
Silon na silu, bez razmisljanja i dileme
Force on force, without thinking and dilemma
Tada bija san dite, al' sad sve mi je bistro
I was a naive kid then, but now everything is clear to me
Jer svacan da i danas jos uvik sve je isto
Because I understand that even today everything is still the same
Mater nije rekla da ce zivot biti tako tezak
Mom didn't say that life would be so hard
Da sve sta triba postic je samo psihicka ravnoteza
That everything that needs to be achieved is just mental balance
Sad je kasno, posta san samo lik iz svojih gluma
Now it's too late, I've become just a character from my own plays
S tisucu maski, jos jedna zrtva splitskog stanja uma
With a thousand masks, another victim of the Split state of mind
Zivot je grub, i masu ih se kasno budi iz snova
Life is rough, and many wake up late from their dreams
Pa kazu virujen u Boga, al' ipak vaznija mi je lova
So they say they believe in God, but money is still more important to me
A kad smo bili dica imali smo druge idole
And when we were kids we had other idols
U glavi propuv i kemijanja kako utec iz skole
In our heads blowing and scheming how to escape from school
Di je sad sva ekipa, svak je isa na svoju stranu
Where is the whole crew now, everyone went their own way
Al' vecina ih jos uvik sa starcima u iston stanu
But most of them are still with their parents in the same apartment
Neki jos ne zele odrast nemaju zivotnog plana
Some still don't want to grow up, they don't have a life plan
I zivotare u sjenama nekih faca sa ekrana
And they vegetate in the shadows of some faces from the screen
Nisu se makli ni pedalj od euforicnog trenutka
They haven't moved an inch from that euphoric moment
Kad su pijanih glava kleli zivot za hajduka
When they swore their lives to Hajduk with drunken heads
Samo su jedna lijena glava javnog mnijenja
They are just a lazy head of public opinion
Nemaju cak ni rjesenja svojih osobnih problema
They don't even have solutions to their own personal problems
Vrlo cesto su in izlaz alkohol i droga
Very often the way out is alcohol and drugs
Dok drustvo pokriva oci i cini se bizi od toga
While society covers its eyes and pretends to be running away from it
Da je droga rjesenje i bijeg od dubljih problema
That drugs are the solution and escape from deeper problems
Narkomani jesu problem ali nisu glavna tema
Addicts are a problem but they are not the main topic
Glavna tema je struktura citavog narko sistema
The main topic is the structure of the entire narco system
Tako dolazimo do sfera nekih novih profitera
This is how we come to the spheres of some new profiteers
Pravi problemi su dublji ili slikovitije receno visi
The real problems are deeper or, more figuratively speaking, higher
Kad se govori o tome razgovor postaje sve tisi
When you talk about it, the conversation gets quieter
O tome ne smis ni mislit a kamoli govorit
You shouldn't even think about it, let alone talk about it
Jer bi te moga progutat demokratski mrak
Because democratic darkness could swallow you
A ka pitaju ljude za misljenje i uputstva
And they ask people for opinions and instructions
A ovi nisu ni svjesni da in stavljaju odgovore u usta
And they are not even aware that they are putting the answers in their mouths
Rjesavaju samo probleme koji donose brze rezultate
They only solve problems that bring quick results
Jer moraju imat pokrice i opravdat svoje mandate
Because they have to have coverage and justify their mandates
A nama su pluca puna dima a glave zena i baluna
And our lungs are full of smoke and our heads are full of women and football
Nikad necemo utec od splitkog stanja uma
We will never escape the Split state of mind
A splitsko stanje uma je da drugi rjesava probleme
And the Split state of mind is that others solve problems
A one koji nude rjesenje etiketiramo ka kretene
And those who offer solutions are labeled as morons
Obozavan grad u kojen svi su face
Adorable city where everyone is a face
I u kojem najvece face za par dana budu strace
And where the biggest faces will be gone in a few days
Di svi nose oakley cvike svak bi piva i svira
Where everyone wears Oakley glasses, everyone would drink and play music
Obozavan ovaj grad di svak je zrtva nekog dira
Adorable this city where everyone is a victim of some dude
Di vlada temperament i malo je razuma
Where temperament reigns and there is little reason
Navuka san se skroz na splitsko stanje uma
I'm totally hooked on the Split state of mind

Writer(s): Inconnu Compositeur Auteur, Mladen Badovinac, Aleksandar Antiä†, Luka Barbiä†, Arsen Dediä†, Dragan S. Lukiä†

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