TBF - Tobogan - traduction des paroles en anglais

Tobogan - TBFtraduction en anglais

U svitu bez pravde barabe grabe
In a world without justice, thieves are rampant,
živimo po zakonu ko se bolje snađe
We live by the law of the jungle, where the fittest survives
A ja bi rađe da bude utopija
But I would rather live in a utopia
Al' reci će mi lud si, nisi se uklopija
But they tell me I'm crazy, that I don't fit in
Naiva, ne može te izličit niti Pliva
Naive, not even Pliva can cure you
I Belupo skupa, jer si glupan
And Belupo together, because you're an idiot
Masa uvrijeđenog mesa će ti reć da si blesa
The masses of offended flesh will tell you you're crazy
Ako nemaš interesa i cilj ti nije kesa
If you have no interest and your goal is not money
Hladna je društvena klima
The social climate is cold
Društvo se klima na izvrnutim vrijednostima
Society is conditioned to twisted values
I sive stanice su pljesnjiva hrana
And gray matter is a moldy food
Radioaktivnih slika sa ekrana
Radioactive images from the screens
Zaradim, trošim, ja sam dobar konzument
I earn, I spend, I'm a good consumer
Napijem se, skačem, ja volim nogomet
I drink, I jump, I love soccer
Poludi ću, skinut se, promijenit ću svijet
I'm going crazy, I'm going to strip, I'm going to change the world
Tuširam se s antihangover Axe
I shower with anti-hangover Axe
5 posto svita je elita pa se pitan
5 percent of the world is elite, so you wonder
živi li sloboda ispod nebeskog svoda
Does freedom live under the heavenly vault?
Il' je na putu do Boga, ali koga
Or is it on the way to God, but which one?
Svako pleme ima svoga i zato ne može bit sloga
Each tribe has its own, and that's why there can't be harmony
Dogma je droga, roba koja dobro se proda
Dogma is a drug, a product that sells well
Istina daleko je od toga
The truth is far from it.
Ka pahulja snijega pada tiho
Like a snowflake, it falls silently
Najtiše i čim je dotakneš nema je više
The quietest, and as soon as you touch it, it's gone
Hej, ako ti znaš di je ta pravda
Hey, if you know where that justice is
Reci meni, jer vidin, tu bi moglo bit para
Tell me, because I can see there could be money in that
Kad bi ja zna di je, bija bi svemirski diler
If I knew where it was, I would be a space dealer
I prodava bi tu tvoju pravdu na kile
And I would sell that justice of yours by the kilo.
Znan di je kvaka, nisan ja od jučer
I know where the catch is, I'm not from yesterday
Svugdi ima luđaka koje zelja za tim vuče
There are crazy people everywhere who are driven by the desire for it
To je prilika za biznis, ne budi tele
That's an opportunity for business, don't be a fool
To triba prodat svima koji to žele
It needs to be sold to everyone who wants it
A moga bi i ti profitirat, svemir je velik
And you could profit from it too, the universe is big
A to ćemo svugdi distribuirat
And we'll distribute it everywhere
Napravit dućane na svakoj planeti
Set up shops on every planet
Sredit porez, ma to već imam na pameti
Fix the taxes, but I already have that in mind
Nesto ćemo smislit, ima se kapitala
We'll figure something out, there's capital.
A naće se i neki rođo iz tih orbitala
And we'll find a relative from those orbitals
I triba dić galamu, da se proda
And we have to make a fuss, so it sells
Imat ljude za reklamu
Have people advertising it
I bit uporan, da dođe i to doba
And be persistent, until that time comes
Kad će svi shvatit da je
When everyone will realize that
Kod mene najbolja roba
I have the best product

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