TOC - Feed Back feat.ISH-ONE - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais TOC - Feed Back feat.ISH-ONE

Feed Back feat.ISH-ONE
Feed Back feat.ISH-ONE
We get this feed back ほらいいか 判断しな良いか悪いか
We get this feed back darling, can you tell me if it's good or bad?
コレ聞いて 肥える君 もう玄人 わかるだろ違いが
Listen to this and your ears will get used to it my love, you're already an expert and you can tell the difference, can't you?
一緒にされちゃたまらない ハイ 空いた口が塞がらない
We can't be put in the same category, my dear. You'll be speechless.
融合した今から蹴り転がす ISH TOC 皆言う「良いじゃん」
From now on, we're going to kick everyone's ass, ISH and TOC. Everyone's saying, "This is great!"
ネットから現場までblazin 明かす定義とイメージ 浸透なう
We're blazing from the internet to the現場, revealing the definition and image, it's sinking in now.
JPがステージ上示そう 地上地下問わず
JP will show it on stage, above and below ground.
The one and only justice of this (R.A.P).
一曲でわからず屋黙らす Remixで狙う 必ずや騒がす
We'll shut up those who don't understand with one song. We'll aim for a remix and definitely make a scene.
話題性重視でもそれのみじゃ 瞬く間消える 波飲まれ The End
Even if you focus on popularity, it will disappear in the blink of an eye, and you'll be swallowed up by the waves. The End.
確かな裏付け partyじゃ誰よりtoughness
Solid backing, the toughest at any party.
いつの間にか評価も逆転 ゲトった通行証でaccess
Before you know it, the evaluation will be reversed, and you'll get the通行証 for access.
何かがfeelした 心の奥底でdealした
Something was felt, a deal was made in the depths of the heart.
まさにfeed backした feature ISH-ONE 共に舞う いざ
The feed back has come, featuring ISH-ONE. Let's dance together, my love.
We drop 繰り返してまた得た feed backさ 今日も
We drop it again and again, we get the feed back, today too.
Get it right now we get it right now
Get it right now, we get it right now.
Loveとhate 入り交じる feed back さぁどうぞ
Love and hate, the feed back is mixed, go ahead,
Get it right now we get it right now
Get it right now, we get it right now.
聞かせてくれ お前のその声
Let me hear your voice, my dear.
何でもいい またそれで前に進める
Anything will do, it will help us move forward again.
Give & takeから編み出した
From Give & take, we've created
This new "something" that is born with no mistakes.
Drop & feed backの繰り返し
Repeating Drop & feed back.
やり方分からないならばdo it like this
If you don't know how to do it, do it like this.
否定でもOK 愛ありゃno pain
Negation is OK, no pain if there's love.
To deliver it to your ears, no matter who or where you are.
We get this feedback
We get this feedback, my love.
日々躊躇無く進化するJapaneseがheat up
Japanese people evolving every day without hesitation, it's heating up.
Speakers from the galaxy.
We the フロア焦がすphoenix feel that
We the floor burning phoenix, feel that, my darling.
Midnight fever 「ねぇいいじゃん」夜はspeed up 喘ぐビーナス
Midnight fever, "Hey, this is great!" The night speeds up, panting Venus.
Sexyなdiva?のフリじてbedじゃどうせ皆馬乗り bitch ha??
Sexy diva? Pretend to be one, but in bed you're all just riding, bitch, huh?
My ninjas doin it get right
My ninjas doin' it right, my darling,
焦る肌弄るよこしまなditry finger
Touching your skin nervously, dirty fingers.
Flick余計なおせっかい we the 別格
Flick, unnecessary meddling, we the exception,
Get ready for the new one
Get ready for the new one, my dear.
Drop bomb on 週末 進軍するtroopers
Drop a bomb on the weekend, troopers advancing.
We'll bounce back from pressure, walk freely, and that's the future.
To the side where the ogres are.
Me & TOC yeah we rock this
Me & TOC, yeah we rock this, my darling.
Bring the mother fuckin ruckus
Bring the mother fuckin' ruckus.
Rockets taking off.
半端じゃ来ないfeed back
Half-assed feed back won't do.
魂の音楽 don't need for rehab we relapse
Soul music, don't need rehab, we relapse, my love.
They come back for real
They come back for real.
Like I got 上モンのweed suck
Like I got some top-notch weed, suck it up.
Looks like a super sweet pretending, but I haven't forgotten my fangs.
Biting into the face of peace-loving fools, deeper.
The "now" that connects the past and the future.
We still up for this game
We're still up for this game, my darling.
Let's get out of this narrow world and make it happen.
Deliver the flame to the other side of your heart.
We drop 繰り返してまた得た feed backさ 今日も
We drop it again and again, we get the feed back, today too.
Get it right now we get it right now
Get it right now, we get it right now.
Loveとhate 入り交じる feed back さぁどうぞ
Love and hate, the feed back is mixed, go ahead,
Get it right now we get it right now
Get it right now, we get it right now.
聞かせてくれ お前のその声
Let me hear your voice, my dear.
何でもいい またそれで前に進める
Anything will do, it will help us move forward again.
Give & takeから編み出した
From Give & take, we've created
This new "something" that is born with no mistakes.
Drop & feed backの繰り返し
Repeating Drop & feed back.
やり方分からないならばdo it like this
If you don't know how to do it, do it like this.
否定でもOK 愛ありゃno pain
Negation is OK, no pain if there's love.
To deliver it to your ears, no matter who or where you are.
I do it. boy
I do it, boy.
Come fuck wit the winner 仲間と囲むdinner
Come fuck with the winner, dinner with friends.
今までの分まとめてそうfeed back right u wit us right?
Let's feed back all at once, right with us, right?
I do it. boy
I do it, boy.
百戦錬磨 enter the rap game
Battle-tested, enter the rap game.
Captain of the crew, better than wings.
Feed back ヒルの仲間へばら撒くぜ
Feed back, spread it to my leech friends.
Every time we drop that ish
Every time we drop that ish
We get that feedback
We get that feedback
Been around the world
Been around the world
Then we home yeah we back
Then we home yeah we back
All lady all across globe
All lady all across globe
They need that
They need that
We get that feed back
We get that feed back
We get that feed back
We get that feed back
JP to the outta space響かす
JP to the outer space, let it resonate.
Get that feedback
Get that feedback
繋ぐsoul 2 soul
Connect soul to soul
We get that feed back
We get that feed back
Unleash mind and hate
Yeah we beat that
Yeah we beat that
We get that feed back
We get that feed back
We get that feed back
We get that feed back

Writer(s): Toc, ish−one, ohld, Ish-one

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