TwIIns - Blázni idú z prázdnin - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction TwIIns - Blázni idú z prázdnin

Blázni idú z prázdnin
Crazy People Are Back from Holidays
Balíme je pár dní po lete
We're packing them a few days after the summer
Na dne je čln menom Prázdniny
At the bottom is a boat called Holiday
Niekto sa spálil a naletel
Someone got burned and got caught
Niekto si objednal krásne dni
Someone ordered beautiful days
Dokrútil sa vodný bicykel
The water bike came to an end
Z diaľky zvoní školník na zvonci
From afar, the janitor rings the bell
Pre nás však šťastný deň nezašiel
But for us the happy day has not passed
Letíme bez krídel
We fly without wings
Pre nás dvoch sa nič ešte nekončí
For the two of us, nothing is over yet
Blázni idú z prázdnin
Crazy people are back from the holidays
Na ich perách soľ
Salt on their lips
A ich anjel strážny
And their guardian angel
Si vydýchol
You've already breathed out
Blázni idú z prázdnin
Crazy people are back from the holidays
Sme to ja a ty
It's me and you
Vážne ľahkovážni
Really frivolous
V jednom objatí
In one embrace
Spoznali sme sa tam na pláži
We met there on the beach
Piesok z nej mám ešte vo vreckách
I still have sand from it in my pockets
A tvoj bozk takmer nič nevážil
And your kiss weighed almost nothing
Cítil ho na čele do dneska
I felt it on my forehead until today
V mori sme sa spolu kúpali
We swam together in the sea
Hádzali mince do fontány
Threw coins into the fountain
Pamätáš všetky tie úpaly
Remember all those sunburns
Plavčík bol zúfalý
The lifeguard was desperate
V očiach mám východy tých svitaní
In my eyes I have the sunrises of those dawns
Blázni idú z prázdnin
Crazy people are back from the holidays
Tiahnú do boja
They go into battle
Kto sa v lete zbláznil
Who went crazy in the summer
Nemá pokoja
Has no rest
Blázni idú z prázdnin
Crazy people are back from the holidays
Idú ktovie kam
They're going who knows where
Dvaja tak šťastní
Two are so happy
A čas uteká...
And time is running out...

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