Taham feat. KIALLA, Gdaal & Magico - Yerooz Shab - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Taham feat. KIALLA, Gdaal & Magico - Yerooz Shab

Yerooz Shab
Yerooz Shab
سر درگُمیـــــ
Lost in confusion,
دنبالِ جوابِ مسئله
Seeking answers to questions,
گُریزون از تله،چون این توو از همه
Escaping traps, like me out of all,
جدا ـــِ فازت،دنبالِ داره راهت و بِت
Different ـــ in your phase, searching for the path that will lead you,
خدا نِظاره داره
God is watching,
کارِتو شروع کردی وقتی بچه بودی
You started your work when you were a child,
نزدی مثلِ بقیه حریصا زَجه زوری
You didn't cry like the other greedy ones
با اینکه،دیدی اَجله توو راست
Even though you saw the end up close,
پایِ عقربه روو گازه،نبود عجله توو کارت
The hand of the clock was fast, you were not in a hurry,
زدی لَگَد به روزا بود فکر جلوتر از سن
You kicked the days away and thought ahead of your age,
ذهن جلوتر از چشم
Your mind was ahead of your eyes,
زندگی راهِ مُردن انتخاب بهترینش
Life's path is about dying, choosing the best,
میگی خودم شاهم خودم سرباز
You say I'm the king and the soldier,
سخن سرباز بُکنه دهن باز
Let the soldier speak his mind,
هنر هر جا باشم جهان برپاست
My art is alive wherever I am in the world,
هر جا باشم جریان اونجاست
Wherever I am, that's where the flow is,
هر جا باشم جریان اونجاست
Wherever I am, that's where the flow is,
بشنون صدامو همه جا دوباره ولی کَمن
Hear my voice everywhere again, but they are few,
من خیلی موقع ها دنبالِ دلیلم
Many times I have searched for my reason,
تا از این راهِ لعنتی بِکِشم بیرون
To get out of this damn path,
بعد یادم میاد همه یِ اینا به چه شرطی بود
Then I remember all this on what condition,
نه نه نمیتونم استعفا بدم
No, no, I can't resign,
کلمات قابلِ استفاده ان
The words are usable,
هنوز و من تویِ تستِ کارمم
I'm still in the test of my work,
قِصه دارم تهِ استکانم یخ
I have a story, ice at the bottom of my glass,
که نصفشون میخوان مثِ ما بشن
Half of them want to be like us,
چیزایی میبینن انتظارشو ندارن میبازن اعتماد به نفس
They see things they don't expect and lose their confidence,
که تو ارتفاع پست،میخورن زمین و
They eat dirt at low altitude,
میبُرن چون نمیتونن حتی نصفِ راه برن
And are defeated because they can't even walk half the way,
نه لعنتی ول کن پَ استعدادِ سال و جاش
No, damn it, leave talent alone,
تو ببین کی استعدادِ قرنه
See who is the talent of the century,
بدونِ چُ* ناله رُک قاطع
Without whining, blunt and decisive,
خشاب پُر واژه هنرش پست و گُنگ کارش
A magazine full of words, his art is a post and his work is silent,
مُد رو نُونُو
New fashion,
روو تنش ثُلث باشه توو وطنش سرِ پُست حاظر
On his body is the flag, in his homeland he is present on the post,
هنرجو بمونه باقی حتی اگه بگن استاد بِش
An apprentice remains, even if they call him a master,
آینده توو سرش میرسه به هدفش
The future is in his head, he reaches his goal,
میرسه حتی اگه سختِ راهِ سفرش
He will arrive even if the journey is difficult,
یه روز صبح یا،یه روز ظهر یا
One morning or one afternoon,
یه روز شب آآآ
Or one night, ah,
میرسه بالاخره
He will reach it finally,
آینده توو سرش میرسه به هدفش
The future is in his head, he reaches his goal,
میرسه حتی اگه سخته راهِ سفرش
He will arrive even if the journey is difficult,
یه روز صبح یا،یه روز ظهر یا
One morning or one afternoon,
یه روز شب آآآ
Or one night, ah,
میرسه بالاخره
He will reach it finally,
هیچ چی یا همه چی مغزِ هیستریکی
Nothing or everything, a hysterical brain,
من لحظه رو میگیرم جنگ های درونمن
I seize the moment, the battles within me,
هرگز آرام نمیگیرم
I will never calm down,
هرگز ناپدید نمیشم
I will never disappear,
تنها پاسخ اینه
The only answer is,
که نه طلایی در نقره وجود دارد و نه حسی
That there is no gold in silver, no feeling,
یه روز شب یه روز صبح
One night, one morning,
یه روز رَد یه روز قفل
One day rejected, one day locked,
یه روز بد یه روز خوب
One bad day, one good day,
اصاً روزا مهم نیست
The days don't matter at all,
چون یه روز اون میرسه به هدفش
Because one day he will reach his goal,
بقلش یاراش و سختی هاشم همه عقبش
His friends are by his side and all the hardships are behind him,
صداش ــَم پخشه همیشه توو وطنش
His voice is always heard in his homeland,
نه ترسش غلبه نکرد به خواسته هاش و
Fear did not overcome his desires,
شرفش هنوز یه اصله براش
And his honor is still a principle for him,
حرفش هم حکمِ یه سنده دید
His word is a law,
بدنش در بندِ مغزش پَرید مثِ
His body in prison, his mind flew like
پرنده برنده تیمشه چون
A winning bird, his team because
از اولش بازیشو خوب بلده
He knows his game well from the beginning,
بعنت به هر چی جلوشه و هرچی حرفِ پُشتش
Damn everything in front of him and every word behind him,
چرنده خودش،میدونم کارش
His own nonsense, I know his work,
در حدِ ببین
In the limit,
دشمن داره زیاد
He has many enemies,
ولی باکی نیست نه
But he is not afraid,
ندونی حدِتو میپیچه بهت خاکی نیست نه
If you don't know your limits, you'll get dirty, it's not nothing,
اون باید ببَره و غیر از این راهی نیست نه
He must win and there is no other way,
همیشه پایداره نمیره از بازی هیچوقت
Always stable, never leaves the game,
آینده توو سرش میرسه به هدفش
The future is in his head, he reaches his goal,
میرسه حتی اگه سختِ راهِ سفرش
He will arrive even if the journey is difficult,
یه روز صبح یا،یه روز ظهر یا
One morning or one afternoon,
یه روز شب آآآ
Or one night, ah,
میرسه بالاخره
He will reach it finally,
آینده توو سرش میرسه به هدفش
The future is in his head, he reaches his goal,
میرسه حتی اگه سختِ راهِ سفرش
He will arrive even if the journey is difficult,
یه روز صبح یا،یه روز ظهر یا
One morning or one afternoon,
یه روز شب آآآ
Or one night, ah,
میرسه بالاخره
He will reach it finally,

Taham feat. KIALLA, Gdaal & Magico - Yerooz Shab
Yerooz Shab
date de sortie

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