Taham - Digena - traduction des paroles en anglais

Digena - Tahamtraduction en anglais

جلو میرم با دلِ خالی راضی راضی میشم با جیبِ پُر
I move forward with an empty heart, content with a full pocket,
وقتم جدی جدی طلاست قاضیِ سخت ناجیِ عُمر
My time is truly gold, a strict judge, a savior of life.
نیست مثِ یه گُلد رولیه دیگه که تیک تیک تیک میره تُند
Not like a Rolex, ticking away quickly,
بسازه تویِ خونه کاخ و ویلا قصر و باغ
Building palaces, villas, castles, and gardens in the house,
با کشتی جت اسکی توو آب و چند تا ماشینِ نو
With yachts, jet skis in the water, and several new cars,
یا شاید یا شاید یا شاید یه جزیره که بخریمش
Or maybe, maybe, maybe an island we buy,
دربست بدیمش به قبیله
And give it to the tribe,
اونجا که فکرم میره بهترینه
Where my thoughts go is the best,
عظیمه،عجیبه،نمیشه بگذری که
Magnificent, strange, you can't pass by,
نمیشه بِکر نگی بِش
You can't call it untouched.
پَ بحثِ مایه نی فقط اونو بلدم
It's not just about money, I know that,
چجوری دخل کنم و چجوری خرج کنم یا
How to earn and how to spend, or
واسه خونواده کفِ دنیا رو چجوری فرش کنم و
How to carpet the world for my family, and
چجوری فتح کنم برجا رو
How to conquer the places,
اونا یادم دادن حسرت به دل نباشم
They taught me not to have regrets,
طلاش هم وابستست بهش تلاشم
Gold is also dependent on my efforts,
هنوز اما براش صرف میشه وقت تا دراد نقد
But time is still spent on it until it yields cash,
پشتِ کار هم تنها چیزیه که داره برام صرف
Hard work is the only thing that pays off for me.
قبلاً تفریح اما حالا دیگه نه
Fun before, but not anymore,
شک بود تردید بود اما حالا دیگه نه
There were doubts, hesitations, but not anymore,
وقتی میفهمی خوب که بالا میشه رفت
When you understand that you can go up,
باز میشن و نمیشه که بشن این بالا دیگه جمع
They open up, and they can't be gathered up here anymore.
قبلاً تفریح اما حالا دیگه نه
Fun before, but not anymore,
شک بود تردید بود اما حالا دیگه نه
There were doubts, hesitations, but not anymore,
وقتی میفهمی خوب که بالا میشه رفت
When you understand that you can go up,
باز میشن و نمیشه که بشن این بالا دیگه جمع
They open up, and they can't be gathered up here anymore.
وقتی کم سن تَر بودم شَر مَر بودم و کلّه شق
When I was younger, I was wild and stubborn,
ولی حسود نه تحت تاثیر درس گرفتم مخصوصاً
But not envious, I learned especially under the influence,
بی توجه به اونایی که ازم بد میگفتن
Ignoring those who spoke ill of me,
میدونستم الآن مفت میگن و بعد میگُرخن
I knew they were talking nonsense and would later be surprised.
بزرگتر شدم،رَد شدم شد قد بلند
I grew up, I passed, I became tall,
چون طبع و بعد أ بالا دیدم دنیا رو
Because I saw the world with a high nature and after,
یه لحظه وارد خلأ شدم تا با خودم
For a moment I entered the void to be with myself,
خلوت و بعد دعوت کنم از عقل که باشه
Secluded, and then invite reason to be
میزبان قلب که گفت
The host of the heart that said,
قرار نبود راهو توو این بیشه گُم کنین
You weren't supposed to lose your way in this forest,
قرار نبود فیلم بازی کنین تا گیشه پُر کنین
You weren't supposed to act in movies to fill the box office,
قرار نبود تبلیغ کنید هر چی اعتباد داره
You weren't supposed to advertise every addiction,
نبینین عاقبتشو نباشه احتیاط لازم
Don't see the consequences, there's no need for caution.
مثِ این خالتورانایِ نسلِ جاری
Like these current generation charlatans,
که مغزِ کوچیک دارن دستِ خالی
With small brains and empty hands,
بهشون یاد میدن که بگن پول داریم
They are taught to say they have money,
با اینکه خوب نی اونقد وضعِ مالی
Even though their financial situation is not that good.
علتِ دوامشون هم ملتِ جوادشونه
The reason for their survival is the gullible people,
دورشون تموم میشه نمیپرسن احوالشون که
They don't ask about their well-being when their time is up,
جوهرم جاری میشه ردشونو درجا بشوره
My ink flows, washing away their traces on the spot,
ماهیه تُنگن چون نیست جاشون تویِ دریایِ شور
They are fish in a bowl because they don't belong in the salty sea.
میپَزیم محتوایی که مفت نی
We cook up content that's not free,
مُخ طلایی داریم سرمایه غول
We have a golden brain, a huge capital,
پس مایه جور
So let's get the funds,
میشه تا آنتنو بگیریم داریم نَصابِ خوب
We have a good producer to get the antenna,
که بدیم قبیله رو به کُلِ جهان نشون
To show the whole world to the tribe.
قبلاً تفریح اما حالا دیگه نه
Fun before, but not anymore,
شک بود تردید بود اما حالا دیگه نه
There were doubts, hesitations, but not anymore,
وقتی میفهمی خوب که بالا میشه رفت
When you understand that you can go up,
باز میشن و نمیشه که بشن این بالا دیگه جمع
They open up, and they can't be gathered up here anymore.
قبلاً تفریح اما حالا دیگه نه
Fun before, but not anymore,
شک بود تردید بود اما حالا دیگه نه
There were doubts, hesitations, but not anymore,
وقتی میفهمی خوب که بالا میشه رفت
When you understand that you can go up,
باز میشن و نمیشه که بشن این بالا دیگه جمع
They open up, and they can't be gathered up here anymore.
از اول تهمو دیدم،از آخر اولو چیدم
I saw the end from the beginning, I arranged the beginning from the end,
چرخیدم،چندی چند جا دنیا تا
I turned, several places in the world until
طمع و مزشو دیدم که تلخ تر از میهن بود
I saw the greed and its taste, which was bitterer than my homeland,
بدتر از این هم وقتی بود که قطعا فهمیدم
Worse than this was when I definitely understood
تویِ اکثرِ باورا باختنه،حقیقت مخفیه
In most beliefs, there is loss, the truth is hidden,
زیستن دردی که ناعلاج یافتنش
Living is a pain that cannot be cured,
جهنم هم مونیه که آدما ساختنش
Hell is also a monastery that people built.
چی میشه آخرش ها؟ چی میشه آخرش؟
What happens in the end? What happens in the end?
من گرفتم پیغامِ سروشو به عرفان رسیدم
I received the message of Soroush and reached mysticism,
بزرگ شدم مثِ کسی ک میگه ایده میدم
I grew up like someone who says I give ideas,
دلم به دیده ای وصل که خودم صاحبشم
My heart is connected to a sight that I own,
صاحبِ شب
Owner of the night,
غروب میشم حاظر که ظاهر بشم
I become the sunset, ready to appear,
دوس دارم بازیکنا بُرد بشه سهمشون
I want the players to win their share,
همیشه باشه جیباشون پُر مثِ مغزشون
Always have their pockets full, like their brains.
پَ برام فرق نداره کی کیه کجاست؟
It doesn't matter to me who is who or where they are,
اگه کار بلد توو کارشه و هنوز سرِ پاست
If they are skilled in their work and still standing,
چون این
Because this is
قبلاً تفریح اما حالا دیگه نه
Fun before, but not anymore,
شک بود تردید بود اما حالا دیگه نه
There were doubts, hesitations, but not anymore,
وقتی میفهمی خوب که بالا میشه رفت
When you understand that you can go up,
باز میشن و نمیشه که بشن این بالا دیگه جمع
They open up, and they can't be gathered up here anymore.
قبلاً تفریح اما حالا دیگه نه
Fun before, but not anymore,
شک بود تردید بود اما حالا دیگه نه
There were doubts, hesitations, but not anymore,
وقتی میفهمی خوب که بالا میشه رفت
When you understand that you can go up,
باز میشن و نمیشه که بشن این بالا دیگه جمع
They open up, and they can't be gathered up here anymore.

Writer(s): Sina Sed

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