Tankurt Manas - Kula Cool - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Tankurt Manas - Kula Cool

Kula Cool
Kula Cool
Ya man
Yo bro
Ses 1-2 bu mic'ı kes
Mute that mic your tone's so sharp, over the top
Kudurup arama bu tonu benim farklı ses (Yes)
Freaking out, searching for that unique sound (Yup)
Kabin ekibine de bi' kalkışa geçtik
Cabin crew, let's get ready for departure
Damarım attımı da beklemem (Es)
My veins are pumping, can't wait any longer (Yo)
Es gene deftere imbat gibi
Yo, let the rhymes flow like a gentle breeze
İmdat dedin, Hip Hop ilk tan gelir
Call for help, Hip Hop arrives first
İddia edin, hippiler çek nameni
Make your claim, hippies, draw your weapons
Benim arabama binemez o kestanesi
He'll never ride in my whip, that's a no-no
Rap destan manas bi mezbaha gibi
Rap epic Manas, a slaughterhouse
Esta piti piti kes mesaneni
Stop your whining, that's not cool
Bizim hesabı kapatalım geç lan beri
Let's settle our business, right here, right now
Tan fanlarınla fazla mesafeli
Tan, you're too distant with your fans
Evet canım canını sıkar
Yeah baby, you're killing it
Yolum uzun, sıkı nefes al
My journey's long, catch your breath
Sıkılıp tıkılın, tıktım bin bar
Get stuffed, there's a line at the bar
Dindiremedi beni bıktım billah
You can't stop me, I'm sick of it
Yeni modifiye buda kılıfına uygun
New and improved, fitting the case
40'ın çıkmadan ikinci vurgun
Second shot before the 40's out
Dur, buruk umudunu budadım, oturun
Hold up, I've crushed your feeble hopes, sit down
Oku bunu bi' kere de, bu bi' kaos Tankurt'un
Read this again, this is Tankurt's chaos
Feedback yapmış fitneler
Feedback from troublemakers
Silik tipleri yok ettim listeden
Erased those losers from my list
Bi' biz mistik güç gibi pisti ver
We're mystical power, clear the way
Temizlik vakti bitch, öl geber
Time to clean house, drop dead
Van Gogh gibi eski kulağı kesiklerden
Like Van Gogh with his ear cut off
Flexer Tan Manas
Flexer Tan Manas
Yeah mori, çek bas
Yeah man, let's do it
Sen şirketlere bellboy
You're an errand boy for corporations
Bana kapıları açık, tabii her yol
All doors are open to me, any way I choose
Bırak dem koy, Rap'çi ver boy
Stop brewing tea, give me some hip hop to spit
Hadi al doy ya da kaybol
Get your fix or get lost
Et ete değsin, alt et beni wack
Get physical, try to beat me, loser
Pek efektif değil, teklifleri çek
Not very effective, retract your offers
Reddettim, emeklerim hepsine denk
I rejected them, my work is worth it
Emer hepsi bu kanı, çekip aldı bi' renk
All that bloodsucking, drained him of color
Damatın zanaatı Rap
Groom's trade is Rap
16 bar yazıp da donandı hep
Wrote 16 bars and froze
kaldı tabii gene de koşardı tek
Of course he starved, still running solo
Boş bi' parkta acapella'nı çek (Yep)
Acapella in an empty park (Yup)
Yapılamadı bu gibi siperi koru
Can't do it, protect the fort
Bi' milim ileri gidenin kafasını kopar olum
Anyone who takes a step forward, I'll rip their head off
Onu dibe çekelim, o zaman ötsün boru
Let's drag him down, then he'll squeal
Söksün okumayı, öksür moruk
Get lost, cough it up
Millet vekili mi olsam ya da bütün illet benle anılsa
Should I become a member of parliament or let everyone know I'm a jerk
Herkes rüşvet gibi bir koksa meclise yastık yorgan koysam, yeah
If everyone smelled like a bribe, I'd bring pillows and blankets to parliament, yeah
Makam aracı bu da bi' bakan agacım
This official vehicle is like a tree
Yalaka takımına takılan o kara paracı
That ass-kisser, chasing that dirty money
Bana bi' torpil, millete morfin
Help me out, give something to the people
Diplomalı limoncuyum artık, ow yeah
I'm a certified snake oil salesman, ow yeah
Vicdanınıza imza gibi mizah
Humor like a signature on your conscience
İzah edi'm, insanız insan
Let me explain, we are human
İsrailli şark katili, insaf
Israeli song killer, no mercy
İster ki bi' islamfobik ıslah
He wants an Islamophobic reform
Yol yordam bil
Know your place
Dünya Mortal Kombat değil
The world is not Mortal Kombat
Benle bi' kur kontak beyin
Connect with me, brain
Sonra da kula kul olmam deyin, yeah
Then don't be my slave, yeah

Writer(s): Tankurt Manas

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