Taomi - Dotyk - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Taomi - Dotyk

Ležím v perinách
I am lying in the blankets
Nevnímam, len baby a ja
I am oblivious, just me and babe
Ležím v perinách, Ležíš v perinách
I am lying in the blankets, you are lying in the blankets
My sme fuckin fresh
We are fuckin fresh
Nič nám nemôžeš
Nothing can harm us
Oni stále smashed
They are still smashed
Kričím na ňu bež
I am shouting at her, run
A my sme len na dukáty a cash
And we are only after ducats and cash
Sfúkni nás zo stola a my zmizneme jak ash
Blow us off the table and we will vanish like ash
Looking like a snake
Looking like a snake
Pussy ako lake
Pussy like a lake
Vyletíme space
We will fly away to space
Cuddle pri tebe
Cuddle next to you
A ona nikdy nezažije crash
And she will never experience a crash
Lebo keď je so mnou ja ju chránim ako meč
Because when she is with me, I protect her like a sword
Ty si safe
You are safe
Lebo keď si so mnou ja ťa chránim ako meč
Because when you are with me, I protect you like a sword
Len ja a baby
Just me and babe
Fuckujeme svety
We are fucking the worlds
Máme spolu svet my
We have our own world together
Maľovali sme no mizneš z pred
We were drawing, but you disappear from in front of
Mojích očí rozlievam farby
My eyes, I am spilling the colors
Zmiešané jak drink
Mixed like a drink
Jak smiech a plač zaroveň
Like laughter and crying at the same time
Tieň mi hovorí nespi
The shadow is telling me not to sleep
Tommy prestaň byt selfish
Tommy, stop being selfish
Bez pilota nedá lietať sa
It’s impossible to fly without a pilot
Vezmi tak ruku mi vezmi
Take my hand, take it
Skromný prestíž
Modest prestige
Stávam sa hriešný chodec, nakoniec
I am becoming a sinful walker, after all
Plné ich pery
She has full lips
Ja som ich menil na
I was the one changing them to
Pomalý dotyk náš
Our slow touch
Nebola to láska
It was not love
Bola to perina
It was a duvet
Snívam no nie ty a ja
I am dreaming, but it’s not you and me
My sme fuckin fresh
We are fuckin fresh
Nič nám nemôžeť
Nothing can harm us
Oni stále smashed
They are still smashed
Kričím na ňu bež
I am shouting at her, run
A my sme len na dukáty a cash
And we are only after ducats and cash
Sfúkni nás zo stola a my zmizneme jak ash
Blow us off the table and we will vanish like ash
Looking like a snake
Looking like a snake
Pussy ako lake
Pussy like a lake
Vyletime space
We will fly away to space
Cuddle pri tebe
Cuddle next to you
A ona nikdy nezažije crash
And she will never experience a crash
Lebo keď je so mnou ja ju chránim ako meč
Because when she is with me, I protect her like a sword
Ty si safe
You are safe
Lebo keď si so mnou ja ťa chránim ako meč
Because when you are with me, I protect you like a sword

Writer(s): Tomas Duda

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