Taxi feat. Delia - Inadaptat - Radio Edit - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Taxi feat. Delia - Inadaptat - Radio Edit

Inadaptat - Radio Edit
Inadaptat - Radio Edit
Aceasta e o piesă cu faţete multiple care
This is a multifaceted piece that
Ilustrează multiple aspecte şi e
Illustrates multiple facets and is
Foarte probabil s-o ascultaţi
Very likely you will only listen to it
Doar pe net şi-n concerte.
Only online and in concerts.
Stările incerte sunt singurele chestii certe.
Uncertain states are the only certain things.
Echivocul guvernează. Sunt suspendat,
Equivocation governs me. I'm suspended,
Exilat, abandonat; incomprehensiv, zbat.
Exiled, abandoned; incomprehensible, I struggle.
Prea empatic desfiinţez aprioric,
Too empathetic to abolish, a priori,
Prea cinic socializez adecvat,
Too cynical to socialize adequately.
Prea pop detest visceral,
Too pop to detest viscerally,
Prea rock aliniez resemnat,
Too rock to align myself resignedly,
conformez, cedez,
To conform, to give in,
autocenzurez, prefac nu realizez
To self-censor, to pretend not to realize
Şi dacă s-ar putea fac ceva anihilez.(inadaptat)
And if it were possible to do something to annihilate myself. (inadapté)
Nu e complicat: eşti inadaptat.
It's not difficult: you're inadaptat.
Nu e complicat: eşti inadaptat;
It's not difficult: you're inadaptat;
Anacronic obiect de decor în lumea lor.
An anachronistic piece of décor in their world.
Prea multe zone 51, prea multe umbre-n
Too many area 51, too many shadows-in
Peştera obscurului-clar.
The cave of obscure-clear.
Prea puţine zone de alb şi negru;
Too few areas of black and white;
Aproape totul e un gri grotesc şi bizar
Almost everything is a grotesque and bizarre gray
Camuflat într-un sublim rogvaiv
Camouflaged in a sublime rogvaiv
Controlat eminamente de pigmei
Eminently controlled by pygmies
Ridicaţi insidios, când raţiunea doarme,
Raised - insidiously, when reason sleeps,
Obosit de la metafore şi eufemisme
Tired of metaphors and euphemisms
recurge la un limbaj licenţios
I would resort to a licentious language
Însă-n primii 7 ani petrecuţi acasă
But in the first 7 years spent at home
Mi s-a explicat nu-i frumos.
It was explained to me that it's not nice.
M-aş lansa într-o abominabilă, apocaliptică tiradă;
I would launch into an abominable, apocalyptic tirade;
Şi din această perspectivă regret n-am petrecut
And from this perspective, I regret that I didn't spend
Primii 7 ani pe stradă.
The first 7 years in the street.
Nu e complicat: eşti inadaptat.
It's not difficult: you're inadaptat.
Nu e complicat: eşti inadaptat;
It's not difficult: you're inadaptat;
Anacronic obiect de decor în lumea lor.
An anachronistic piece of décor in their world.
Şi totuşi, totuşi, totuşi nu pot m-abţin,
And yet, yet, yet I can't resist,
Îmi pare rău, îmi cer scuze;
I'm sorry, I apologize;
Ştiu c-o simt îngrozitor,
I know I'm going to feel awful,
Dar ţin menţionez faptul
But I want to mention the fact that
f*t exhaustiv în lumea lorrr.
I exhaustively f*ck myself in their world.

Writer(s): Alexandru Florin Cotoi, Dan Teodorescu

Taxi feat. Delia - Inadaptat
date de sortie

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