Taxi - Mi-e dor si doare - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Taxi - Mi-e dor si doare

Mi-e dor si doare
I Miss You and It Hurts
Si daca dupa tot ce ti-am spus n-ai inteles nimic
And if after everything I've said you don't understand a thing
De fapt trebuia sa simti, nu sa-ntelegi
You were supposed to feel it, not understand it
Daca dupa tot ce-am facut, nu insemn nimic pentru tine
If after all I've done, I mean nothing to you
De ce nu vrei sa ma dezlegi?
Why won't you let me go?
Sa plang nu-ncerc
I'm not trying to cry
Sa-ncerci nu stii
You don't know how to try
Sa stiu nu vreau
I don't want to know
Sa vrei nu poti
You can't want to
Mi-au secat toate cuvintele
I'm all out of words
Si nu mai stiu nimic decat ca
And I don't know anything except that
Mi-e dor si doare
I miss you and it hurts
Si daca atata timp a trecut
And if so much time has passed
Aproape fara rost
Almost for no reason
De fapt totul are rost fara sa stim
Everything has a reason even if we don't know it
Daca atatia ochi s-au inchis
If so many eyes have closed
Incet, incet peste mine
Slowly, slowly over me
De ce ne-ajuti sa ne mintim
Why do you help us lie to ourselves
Sa uit nu invat
I can't learn to forget
Sa inveti n-asculti
You don't listen to learn
S-ascult nu pot
I can't listen
Sa poti nu vrei
You don't want to be able to
Mi-au secat toate cuvintele
I'm all out of words
Si nu mai stiu nimic decat ca
And I don't know anything except that
Mi-e dor si doare
I miss you and it hurts
Daca stau sa ma gandesc bine
If I think about it carefully
Ar mai fi totusi cateva cu care
There might still be a few words
O sa-ncerc sa-ti spun ce se intampla acum cu mine
With which I'll try to tell you what's happening to me now
Am auzit ca daca te uiti la ceas la fix inseamna ca te iubeste
I heard that if you look at the clock at a certain time, it means he loves you
Si-atunci ma uit la ceas intruna gandindu-ma ca asa
And so I look at the clock all the time thinking that maybe
O sa te aduc in viata mea poate
I'll bring you back into my life
Mi-au secat cuvintele
I'm out of words
Mi-e dor si doare.
I miss you and it hurts
Dor si doare
It hurts and I miss you
Mi-e dor si doare
I miss you and it hurts

Writer(s): Dan Teodorescu

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