TaytaSep - Ella - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction TaytaSep - Ella

Hay historias tan desgarradoras como la de ella
There are stories as heartbreaking as hers
Y como esta hay miles, de estas que te conmueven
And like this one, there are thousands, of these that move you
Y que te hacen hasta casi llorar, pero esto es de verdad
And that make you almost cry, but this is real
Y lo debes saber
And you should know it
Ella buscaba la solución, ella buscaba y no encontraba amor
She was looking for the solution, she was looking for love and couldn't find it
Ella lloraba junto al balcón, ella sentía partir su corazón
She cried by the balcony, she felt her heart break
Ella buscaba la solución, ella buscaba y no encontraba amor
She was looking for the solution, she was looking for love and couldn't find it
Ella lloraba junto al balcón, ella sentía partir su corazón
She cried by the balcony, she felt her heart break
Ella era una bella joven, timidez en la mirada
She was a beautiful young woman, shyness in her eyes
Que esta desorientada, se le nota maltratada
She is disoriented, you can tell she's been abused
La vida le ha tratado muy mal, desde que era niña la violo su papa
Life has treated her very badly, her father raped her since she was a child
Y ahora vez como te habla, que se nota ultrajada
And now you see how she talks to you, that she looks outraged
Como si algo muy tierno de adentro ha sido arrancada
As if something very tender inside has been ripped out
Duelen las entrañas, los recuerdos son muy duros
My guts hurt, the memories are very hard
Es crudo, esta oscuro, en el cuarto donde llora
It's raw, it's dark, in the room where she cries
Y ahora ya no se sonríe, es una mirada triste
And now she doesn't smile anymore, it's a sad look
No conoce el amor, no conoce que es un beso
She doesn't know love, she doesn't know what a kiss is
No conoce un abrazo, mucho menos un te quiero
She doesn't know a hug, let alone an I love you
Desde niña le falto el amor de la familia,
Since she was a child she lacked the love of family,
En su vida siente la desdicha
In her life she feels the misfortune
De haber nacido ella quiso suicidarse
Of being born she wanted to commit suicide
El intento fue frustrado por su madre
The attempt was thwarted by her mother
Que sufría cada día porque la veía, porque la sentía
Who suffered every day because she saw her, because she felt her
Destrozada, ella también sabía lo que pasaba
Shattered, she also knew what was happening
Y no ignoraba que el error, también era de ella
And she was not unaware that the mistake was also hers
No decía nada, mientras a su hija la violaban en la misma cama
She didn't say anything, while her daughter was being raped in the same bed
Donde antes soñaba que sería una princesa
Where she used to dream of being a princess
Ahora solo sueña pesadillas en las que perdía lo más importante que es su inocencia
Now she only dreams nightmares in which she lost the most important thing which is her innocence
Ella buscaba la solución, ella buscaba y no encontraba amor
She was looking for the solution, she was looking for love and couldn't find it
Ella lloraba junto al balcón, ella sentía partir su corazón
She cried by the balcony, she felt her heart break
Ella buscaba la solución, ella buscaba y no encontraba amor
She was looking for the solution, she was looking for love and couldn't find it
Ella lloraba junto al balcón, ella sentía partir su corazón
She cried by the balcony, she felt her heart break
Ella no encontraba la razón de los porqués
She couldn't find the reason why
De cómo fue su padre, el que destrozo su ser
How it was her father who destroyed her being
Guarda el rencor con plenitud
She keeps the grudge with fullness
Y sabe que su trauma se lo lleva al ataúd
And she knows that her trauma will be taken to the coffin
No sabe si algún día se podría enamorar
She doesn't know if one day she could fall in love
Y no sabe si en un hombre ella podría confiar
And she doesn't know if she could trust a man
Pobre ángel indefenso q deambula con temor
Poor defenseless angel who wanders in fear
Pobre niña en las noches llora por la situación
Poor girl cries at night because of the situation
No le cuenta a nadie lo que haya sucedido
She doesn't tell anyone what happened
Guarda resentimientos que no quedan en olvido
Keep grudges that are not forgotten
Una mirada al suelo cuando le hablas sobre algo
A look at the ground when you talk to her about something
Y responde muy bajito lo que dice no puedo ni escucharlo
And she answers very softly what she says I can't even hear
Anda retraída, introvertida y es atípica
She is withdrawn, introverted and atypical
Es una malicia inconcebida y es traumático
It's an inconceivable malice and it's traumatic
A esos malos padres deben asesinarlos
Those bad parents should be murdered
Nada esporádico, era casi diario
Nothing sporadic, it was almost daily
Como entre las sabanas sentía esa barba que raspaba
How between the sheets she felt that beard scratching
Mientras ella lloraba su mama no hacía nada,
While she cried her mother did nothing,
Cabizbaja caminaba por el patio del colegio
She walked head down the schoolyard
No tenía amigas mucho menos un consejo
She had no friends let alone advice
Sufría cada día y reprochaba hacia el espejo
She suffered every day and reproached herself in the mirror
Perplejo me quede cuando escuche toda esa historia
I was perplexed when I heard the whole story
Me entristecí, quise ir, decirle hola
I felt sad, I wanted to go and say hello
Pero hay cosas en la vida que q pasan por si solas
But there are things in life that happen on their own
Ella buscaba la solución, ella buscaba y no encontraba amor
She was looking for the solution, she was looking for love and couldn't find it
Ella lloraba junto al balcón, ella sentía partir su corazón
She cried by the balcony, she felt her heart break
Ella buscaba la solución, ella buscaba y no encontraba amor
She was looking for the solution, she was looking for love and couldn't find it
Ella lloraba junto al balcón, ella sentía partir su corazón
She cried by the balcony, she felt her heart break

Writer(s): Tayta Sep

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