Teddy Bautista - Muerte de Judas - Judas' Death - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Teddy Bautista - Muerte de Judas - Judas' Death

Muerte de Judas - Judas' Death
Judas' Death - Judas' Death
Dios, ya lo he visto, medio muerto esta,
My God, I've seen him, half-dead he lies,
Con solo recordarlo yo quiero llorar.
Just the thought of it makes me want to cry.
Muy duro fue el castigo, se desangrara,
The punishment was too harsh, he's going to bleed to death,
Y ahora todo el mundo a mi me ha de culpar.
And now everyone's going to blame me.
No creo que comprenda que era mi deber,
I don't think they understand it was my duty,
Que yo no sabia que el iba a sufrir.
That I didn't know he was going to suffer,
Tanto... sufrir... creer... deber...
So much... suffering... believing... duty...
Basta de excusas, no te justifiques.
Enough with the excuses, don't try to justify yourself.
Sacerdote 2:
Priest 2:
¿Por que la conciencia te ha de remorder?
Why is your conscience bothering you?
Sacerdote 1:
Priest 1:
Solo por venganza, nos lo entregaste.
You handed him over to us out of pure vengeance.
Sacerdote 3:
Priest 3:
El pueblo le odia, todo salio bien.
The people hate him, everything went well,
Por una traición, tan solo por eso,
For a betrayal, just for that,
Serás recordado, salvaste a Israel,
You'll be remembered, you saved Israel,
Ha sido un buen precio por un solo beso,
It was a good price for a single kiss,
Te has liberado y acabas con él.
You've set yourself free and put an end to him.
Cristo, tu no me oyes,
Christ, you're not listening to me,
Pero lo que hice fue tu voluntad.
But what I did was your will.
Cristo, todo mi pueblo,
Christ, all my people,
Por lo de tu muerte me despreciara.
Will despise me for your death.
Estoy salpicado de sangre inocente,
I'm covered in innocent blood,
A mi por el fango se me arrastrara,
They'll drag me through the mud,
Estoy salpicado de sangre inocente,
I'm covered in innocent blood,
Ahora la historia me condenara.
Now history will condemn me.
Yo le sigo queriendo,
I still love him,
Y no podré olvidarle.
And I won't be able to forget him,
Se que es un hombre más,
I know he's just a man,
él no es un rey,
He's not a king,
No comprender,
I don't understand,
Si es igual que yo...
If he's just like me...
Miedo me da,
I'm scared,
Cuando muerto esté, ¿me abandonará?,
When he's dead, will he abandon me?
¿Me amará, me amará también o me olvidará?
Will he love me, will he love me too, or will he forget me?
Dios Mío,
My God,
¿Por que me elegiste a mi?,
Why did you choose me,
Para tu estúpido crimen.
For your stupid crime?
Mi mente duda, mi alma está en tinieblas,
My mind doubts, my soul is in darkness,
Dios Mío, yo no ni sabré,
My God, I don't know and I won't know,
¿Por qué me elegiste a mi?
Why did you choose me?
Kill me...
Adiós, Judas,
Farewell, Judas,
Pobre, Judas.
Poor, Judas.


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