TEDE - Glokk - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction TEDE - Glokk

I jakze szacownym powiedzeniem,
As the saying goes,
Ktore slyszales na pewno nie raz,
Which you've probably heard more than once,
A zwlaszcza Ty dziewczynko.
Especially you, girl.
Wiesz z kim tanczysz dziwko?!
You know who you're dancing with, bitch?!
Jestem jednym z tych pokurwiencow, wpadam,
I'm one of those bastards, I'm in,
Nie biore jencow to bez sensu,
I don't take prisoners, it's pointless,
Oto cala moja filozofia,
That's my whole philosophy,
Im wiekszy halas tym wiecej ofiar!
The louder the noise, the more victims!
Ta, jestem zly, zajebiscie wkurwiony,
Yeah, I'm angry, fucking pissed off,
Mam styl, niszcze mikrofony,
I have style, I destroy microphones,
Kumasz w tym jestem mistrzem, sorry ziomy,
You understand, I'm the master, sorry guys,
Chory jest rzeczywiscie szalony wiesz?
The sick one is really crazy, you know?
Ta, ten mikrofon to glokk, widzimy to,
Yeah, this microphone is a Glock, we see it,
Zly krok, widzimy to,
Bad step, we see it,
Kazdy pancz to jeden naboj,
Every punch is one bullet,
Ty lepiej tancz, wez nie rapuj,
You better dance, don't rap,
Chcesz sie stac zywa tarcza,
You want to become a live target,
Porzuc rap, dolacz do tych co tancza,
Give up rap, join those who dance,
Co Ty skad zes sie urwal,
Where the hell did you come from,
Zrob madrze, wez mnie nie wkurwiaj!
Do it smart, don't piss me off!
Stop! Ten mikrofon to glokk,
Stop! This microphone is a Glock,
Esende, mam go!
Esende, I have it!
Ten mikrofon to glokk,
This microphone is a Glock,
Zlo, widzimy to!
Evil, we see it!
Ta, co sie wozisz kurwa jestes wozny,
Yeah, what are you carrying, you're a janitor,
Chcecie, moge wam urzadzic Grozny,
You want, I can set up Grozny for you,
To liryczny terroryzm, pamietaj,
It's lyrical terrorism, remember,
Badz ostrozny, chory nie pekaj,
Be careful, sick one, don't crack,
Na mikrofonie zacisnieta reka,
A clenched hand on the microphone,
Pomysl, rzecz swieta, zapamietaj,
Think, holy thing, remember,
Zajawka to dynamit, mam ja,
The hook is dynamite, I have it,
Slowa sa nabojami, rania,
Words are bullets, wound,
Podobno slowo moze zabic,
They say the word can kill,
Podobno, chcesz to mozesz sprawdzic,
Supposedly, you can check it if you want,
Pod blokiem slychac to z okien,
You can hear it from the windows under the block,
Powiem, moj mikrofon jest glokkiem,
I'll say, my microphone is a Glock,
Jol jestes prosta gra na Nokie,
You're a simple game on Nokia,
O-o popatrz mi na rece.
O-o look at my hands.
Stop! Ten mikrofon to glokk,
Stop! This microphone is a Glock,
Esende, mam go!
Esende, I have it!
Ten mikrofon to glokk,
This microphone is a Glock,
Zlo, widzimy to!
Evil, we see it!
A din, dwa, tri, czitirje,
A din, two, three, four,
Chory pastor wyglasza homilie,
The sick pastor delivers his homily,
Nie zrozum mylnie, jestem w filmie,
Don't misunderstand, I'm in the movie,
To taki styl jest, widzimy to,
That's the style, we see it,
Przeciez teraz wszystko jest dziwne,
After all, everything is strange now,
Cnotliwym pizdkom, tak blisko do dziwek,
Virtuous pussies, so close to whores,
Wiesz, wszystko jest mozliwe,
You know, anything is possible,
Ej, mikrofony mamy zamiast giwer,
Hey, we have microphones instead of guns,
Zwrotka, to magazynek synek,
Verse, that's the magazine, son,
Celnie, bezczelnie z tego slyne,
Precisely, brazenly, I'm known for it,
Wez mnie jeszcze bardziej znielub,
Make me even more disliked,
Chce miec tarcze, szukam celu,
I want a shield, I'm looking for a target,
Naboi pare wiader, jade,
A couple of buckets of ammo, I'm rolling,
Zwrotka, zwrotka, podklad za podkladem,
Verse, verse, beat after beat,
Czujesz kare, ona Cie spotka,
You feel the punishment, it will meet you,
Slowo, ten mikrofon to glokk.
Word, this microphone is a Glock.
Stop! Ten mikrofon to glokk,
Stop! This microphone is a Glock,
Esende, mam go!
Esende, I have it!
Ten mikrofon to glokk,
This microphone is a Glock,
Zlo, widzimy to!
Evil, we see it!
Mowia czas to pieniadz, mniej wiecej,
They say time is money, more or less,
Jejor, zaplac, czas Ci poswiece,
Jejor, pay up, I'll devote my time to you,
Chcesz byc celem, zrob przelew,
You want to be the target, make a transfer,
Ta reklama nie przejdzie parterem,
This advertisement won't pass the floor,
Wiesz co bedzie jak zrobisz zly ruch,
You know what will happen if you make a wrong move,
Zobaczysz ze nie szczedze zlych slow,
You'll see that I don't spare bad words,
Mam na Ciebie epitetow wachlarz,
I have a fan of epithets for you,
A teraz krol parkietu idzie sie nachlac!
And now the king of the dance floor is going to get drunk!
Stop! Ten mikrofon to glokk,
Stop! This microphone is a Glock,
Esende, mam go!
Esende, I have it!
Ten mikrofon to glokk,
This microphone is a Glock,
Zlo, widzimy to!
Evil, we see it!

Writer(s): Jacek Graniecki, Mateusz Schmidt

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