Tempo - Duele Pt.2 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Duele Pt.2 - Tempotraduction en anglais

Duele Pt.2
It Hurts Pt.2
¿En quién confía' tú, pregunto yo para empezar a hablar por usted?
Who do you trust, I ask to start speaking for you?
Voy a contar hasta tres: un, dos, tres
I'm going to count to three: one, two, three
Ahora mira a tu alrededor (Dave Crag)
Now look around you (Dave Crag)
Y dime si confías en lo que ves
And tell me if you trust what you see
Amigo', el ratón del queso (queso, wuh)
Friend, the mouse of the cheese (cheese, wuh)
¿Tú confías en quién?
Who do you trust?
Porque yo solo confio en Dios y en el proceso
Because I only trust God and the process
Dile a fulano que me venga a ver que 'toy preso
Tell so-and-so to come see me, I'm locked up
Te lo juro por mami, cabrón, se te van a ir
I swear to you by mommy, dude, they're going to leave you
Si yo lo viví, pero na', te me cuida', un beso
If I lived it, but nah, take care of yourself, a kiss
No es por presumir (presumir)
It's not to brag (brag)
Pero me queda hijueputa el drill
But I'm fucking good at drill
¿Si o no, parce? (¿Si o no, parce?)
Yes or no, dude? (Yes or no, dude?)
Decidir-dir-dir, quiene' van a morir
Decide-cide-cide, who's going to die
Y yo rápido entro y me salgo de tiempo
And I quickly enter and exit on time
¿Y qué esperaba?, es Tempo, "La máquina", papi
And what did you expect?, it's Tempo, "The Machine", daddy
Que de los 12 que comían en la mesa ahora sobran asiento' (wuh)
That of the 12 who ate at the table, now there are seats left (wuh)
Ustedes son "craftman" y yo hablo con los cabecilla'
You are "craftsmen" and I talk to the leaders
Dos cara', por eso los matan, dos velorio', por ende dos mascarilla'
Two-faced, that's why they kill them, two wakes, therefore two masks
El rey en la silla (el rey en la silla)
The king on the throne (the king on the throne)
Apartamento' en BK con los piso' en mármol
Apartments in BK with marble floors
Ya pronto hay cambio de estación, se le van a caer to'a las hoja' al árbol (ah)
The season will change soon, all the leaves will fall from the tree (ah)
Y no jueguen con fuego
And don't play with fire
Que ninguno 'e ustedes son bombero'
None of you are firefighters
Ustedes son tan porquería'
You are so filthy
Que son como el juguito de los basurero'
You're like dumpster juice
Bori, ¿llamaste al joyero? (Hello)
Bori, did you call the jeweler? (Hello)
Pa' matarla, ahora esto es por satélite (wash)
To kill her, now this is by satellite (wash)
David Sánchez Badillo (David Sánchez Badillo)
David Sánchez Badillo (David Sánchez Badillo)
El rapero 'el comando del grupo élite
The rapper from the elite group command
Ni me hablen, cabrone'
Don't even talk to me, bastards
A sin cojone' me tienen
You got me without balls
Es má', ni me miren (es má', ni me miren)
In fact, don't even look at me (in fact, don't even look at me)
Cuando me vean de frente ni me saluden, no les conviene (ah-ah)
When you see me in front of you, don't even say hello, it's not good for you (ah-ah)
Ustedes por allá y yo por acá, como yo ordene (ordene)
You over there and I over here, as I order (order)
Ustedes por allá y yo por acá
You over there and I over here
Ni me hablen, cabrone'
Don't even talk to me, bastards
A sin cojone' me tienen
You got me without balls
Es má', ni me miren
In fact, don't even look at me
Cuando me vean de frente ni me saluden, no les conviene
When you see me in front of you, don't even say hello, it's not good for you
Ustedes por allá y yo por acá, como yo ordené
You over there and I over here, as I ordered
Ustedes por allá y yo por acá (duele)
You over there and I over here (it hurts)
Duele, como duele lo que siempre hiere, ¿qué no?
It hurts, how much it hurts what always hurts, right?
La envidia es tan mala, cabrón
Envy is so bad, dude
Que hace que los sentimiento' se me acordonen
That it makes my feelings cordon off
Yo tengo el espíritu Anuel (brrr)
I have the Anuel spirit (brrr)
No dejo que una rata se me cuele (ah-ah)
I don't let a rat sneak in on me (ah-ah)
Vengan y vuelen, mamone' quieren y suelen tratar de copiar el estilo que Tempo tiene
Come and fly, suckers want and usually try to copy the style that Tempo has
Y no pueden porque es que estoy viviendo en un viaje de flore' y por ende
And they can't because I'm living on a trip of flowers and therefore
Los tengo leído' y su hipocresía no me sorprende (ah-ah)
I have them read and their hypocrisy does not surprise me (ah-ah)
Atienda, asere
Listen up, dude
En la conversación esa del "somo' o no somo'", yo que no somo'
In that conversation about "we are or we are not", I know that we are not
Porque to' el mundo sabe, cabrón, lo mamabicho que ere'
Because everyone knows, dude, how much of a motherfucker you are
Ni me hablen, cabrone' (canto 'e puerco')
Don't even talk to me, bastards (pig song)
A sin cojone' me tienen
You got me without balls
Es má', ni me miren
In fact, don't even look at me
Cuando me vean de frente ni me saluden, no les conviene (ah-ah)
When you see me in front of you, don't even say hello, it's not good for you (ah-ah)
Ustedes por allá y yo por acá, como yo ordene
You over there and I over here, as I order
Ustedes por allá y yo por acá
You over there and I over here
Ni me hablen, cabrone'
Don't even talk to me, bastards
A sin cojone' me tienen
You got me without balls
Es má', ni me miren
In fact, don't even look at me
Cuando me vean de frente ni me saluden, no les conviene
When you see me in front of you, don't even say hello, it's not good for you
Ustedes por allá y yo por acá, como yo ordene
You over there and I over here, as I order
Ustedes por allá y yo por acá
You over there and I over here
Si te enamoras del dinero
If you fall in love with money
La sangre debe ser infiel
Blood must be unfaithful
You know me?
You know me?
Tempo (Tempo)
Tempo (Tempo)

Writer(s): David Sanchez-badillo, Omar Enrique Ortiz, Juan Manuel Ferrer Bello

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