Teo LB - Adios - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Teo LB - Adios

Hoy te digo adios
Today I say goodbye to you
Y no hasta cuando
And I don't know for how long
Voy yo con mis penas pagando mi condena
I'm going with my sorrows, paying my penalty
Hoy te digo adios
Today I say goodbye to you
Voy yo con mis penas que te valla bien nena
I'm going with my sorrows, may it go well for you, baby
La vida cambia y se tuerse hasta el putas
Life changes and twists until it fucking hurts
Tu no me discutas he visto falsos y he visto putas
Don't argue with me, I've seen phonies and I've seen whores
Gracias a Dios en los caminos existen mas rutas coji la curva
Thank God there are more routes on the paths I take, I took the curve
Y de nosotros solo quedaron recuerdos
And of us there are only memories left
Lo bueno se me olvido de lo malo me acuerdo (si)
I forgot the good, I remember the bad (yes)
Yo fui un cerdo pero tu no fuiste nada
I was a pig, but you were nothing
Bajate de las nubes no vengas con maricadas
Come down from the clouds, don't come with nonsense
Que las cagadas quedan marcadas
Because mistakes leave their mark
Y las ofensas se notan en las miradas
And offenses are noticeable in looks
Era una mierda todo lo que imaginabas
Everything you imagined was shit
Y lo que con tu pareja soñabas
And what you dreamed with your partner
Solo era eso solo eran sueños
That was just that, just dreams
Es que al amor hay ponerle cojones huevas y empeño
Because love has to be given balls, eggs, and effort
Tu siempre fuiste ajena
You were always distant
Yo no era el dueño para el dolor enciendo un leño
I was not the owner, for the pain I light a log
Y con rabia frunció en seño
And with rage I frown
Gracias a Dios mi madre hacer fuerte me enseño
Thank God my mother taught me to be strong
Y siempre dijo que de el amor me cuidara mijito
And she always said that I should take care of love, my son
Que era una mierda lo escuché de chiquito
That it was shit, I heard that when I was little
Que era un mal de necesario
That it was a necessary evil
Que era un instinto
That it was an instinct
Que todos eran iguales que no habian distintos
That they were all the same, that there were no differences
Tu amor ya lo enterré
I buried your love
Le hize la novena me tomé el tinto y me encinto
I said the novena, I drank the tinto, and I got drunk
Llevo noches enteras ahogandote en vino tinto
I spend entire nights drowning you in red wine
Y otras bebidas como unas polas frias
And other drinks like cold beers
Alcoholizado todo llevado caminando de lado a lado
Alcoholized, all carried away, walking from side to side
Prefiero estar solo que engañado y encoñado
I prefer to be alone than cheated on and angry
Sabiendo que lo hacias en el momento menos pensando
Knowing that you did it at the least expected moment
Y de pensado quiero dejarte en el pasado
And on second thought I want to leave you in the past
Ya que el viento los recuerdos se los ha llevado
Since the wind has taken away the memories
Que si me duele los amigos me han preguntado
My friends have asked if it hurts
Y he respondido
And I answered
Me he enamorado y he perdido
I fell in love and I lost
Un sentimiento sin sentido un palpito fluido
A feeling without meaning, a fluid pulse
Un chorro y brindo por que te has ido
I take a shot and toast to your departure
Es que perderte no me quita le felicidad de averte conocido
Because losing you does not take away the happiness of having known you
lo que doy lo que pido
I know what I give, I know what I ask for
lo que gano y lo que he perdido
I know what I gain and I know what I have lost
Y nuevamente escupo a cupido
And once again I spit at Cupid
No repito el error corto la flor solo mejor
I don't repeat the mistake, I cut the flower only better
Yo tengo a Dios y a ti te digo adios
I have God and I say goodbye to you
Y no niego que me duele
And I don't deny that it hurts
Esto es muy duro y no hay quien me consuele
This is very hard, and there is no one to comfort me
Nadie me dijo que los angeles eran tan crueles
No one told me that angels were so cruel
Te di mis alas y espero que vueles
I gave you my wings and I hope you fly
Que seas libre que vueles lejos
That you be free, that you fly far away
En donde quedo lo de querernos hasta viejos
Where did the part of loving each other until we were old go?
Por donde paso yo veo tu reflejo
Everywhere I go, I see your reflection
Y todo a ti se me asemeja
And everything reminds me of you
Tu hermoso pelo tus lindas cejas
Your beautiful hair, your beautiful eyebrows
Tus bellos y hasta tus orejas
Your beautiful eyes and even your ears
Tu dulce aroma ese que a mi me doma
Your sweet aroma that tames me
Hermosa dama es una diablita envuelta en llamas
Beautiful lady, you are a little devil wrapped in flames
Dejo su olor empranado en las sabanas de mi cama
You leave your smell imprinted on the sheets of my bed
Y su esencia en toda mi alma
And your essence in my whole soul
Hoy te digo adios y no hasta cuando
Today I say goodbye to you and I don't know for how long
Voy yo con mis penas pagando mi condena
I'm going with my sorrows, paying my penalty
Hoy te digo adios
Today I say goodbye to you
Voy yo con mis penas que te valla bien nena
I'm going with my sorrows, may it go well for you, baby

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