Teorema - Fe - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Teorema - Fe

Dirty lover yao,
Dirty lover yao,
Oro nuevo, sangre jóven,
New gold, young blood,
Traje más pa que te drogues,
I brought more for you to get high,
Soy tu dealer de dolores,
I am your dealer of dolores,
Traigo miles de colores y tonalidades,
I bring thousands of colors and shades,
Quien me oye es pasajero en el tren de mis verdades.
Whoever hears me is a passenger on the train of my truths.
El tiempo pasa solo y yo solo como un samurái,
Time goes by alone and I alone like a samurai,
En la habitación del tiempo entrenando freestyle,
In the time room training freestyle,
Hay un tiempo en que no voy a estar on line,
There's a time when I won't be online,
Me conecto por trabajo pero quiero andar más light bro,
I log in for work but I want to walk lighter bro,
La vida en una pantalla no es mi vida niña,
Life on a screen is not my life girl,
La vida es lo que me llevo en mis huevos y heridas,
Life is what I carry in my balls and wounds,
Así que no creas todo lo que digan niña,
So don't believe everything they say girl,
Nose si dios existe pero la vida vida castiga nigga,
I don't know if god exists but life punishes life nigga,
Cuantos kids partieron por el sueño americano,
How many kids left for the American dream,
A buscarse la vida con sus propias manos,
To look for life with their own hands,
Y en eso estamos con más ceros que gramos,
And that's where we're at with more zeros than grams,
Al final lo que importa es que coman mis hermanos,
In the end what matters is that my brothers eat,
Volver al barrio con los pantalones puestos,
Going back to the neighborhood with the pants on,
Sabiendo que salí y que me gané el alimento,
Knowing that I went out and that I earned the food,
Una vez renuncie al amor y no renuncien
Once I give up on love and don't give up
Mi y pude ver todo eso que nunca vi bro.
My and I could see all that I never saw bro.
Ya no me distraigo solo traigo fé,
I don't get distracted anymore I just bring faith,
Todos buscamos algo pocos sabemos que.
We are all looking for something few of us know that.
Ya no me distraigo solo traigo fé,
I don't get distracted anymore I just bring faith,
Todos buscamos algo pocos sabemos que bro.
We are all looking for something few of us know that bro.
Ya no me distraigo solo traigo fé,
I don't get distracted anymore I just bring faith,
Todos buscamos algo todos buscamos algo.
We are all looking for something, we are all looking for something.
Ya no me distraigo solo traigo fé,
I don't get distracted anymore I just bring faith,
Solo traigo y es lo único que traigo.
I only bring faith and that's the only thing I bring.
La vida me ha pegado pero me ha entregado de vuelta,
Life has hit me but it has delivered me back,
No quiero llegar a una edad pa donde no tenga respuestas,
I don't want to get to an age pa where I don't have answers,
Por ahí me dijeron que la realidad se acepta,
They told me that reality is accepted,
Que la verdad se sabe siempre y que los Te Amo se demuestran,
That the truth is always known and that I love You are shown,
Con la dos últimas si pero con la primera no,
With the last two yes but with the first no,
Mi realidad no la acepte pues con con la cambie yo,
My reality does not accept it because with faith I change it,
Caminando solo como un lobo entre la hierva,
Walking alone like a wolf through the boiling,
Decidí hacerme un destino y no hundirme en ni una mierda,
I decided to make a destiny for myself and not sink into a shit,
La calle ya está muerta y la reviven las palabras,
The street is already dead and the words revive it,
Acepta a tu sombra y una luz vendrá a cambiarla,
Accept your shadow and a light will come to change it,
A mi el mal no importa menos si manejan tantas
To me the evil doesn't matter less if they handle so many
Ratas con la mente corta pero con la lengua larga,
Rats with a short mind but a long tongue,
Corriendo tantas veces traje el sueño desde niño,
Running so many times I brought the dream since childhood,
Creer que nada vale y que vivir ya no es sencillo,
To believe that nothing is worth and that living is no longer simple,
Si mi hija escucha esto le regalaré un castillo
If my daughter hears this I will give her a castle
Cuando nazca pa que viva todo lo que no vivi yo.
When I am born, I will live everything that I did not live.
Yo se que mi madre ahora estaría feliz,
I know that my mother would be happy now,
Le agradezco sonriendo aunque su cuerpo no esté aquí,
I thank him smiling even though his body is not here,
Eterna, ella se fue pero así son las cosas,
Eternal, she's gone but that's the way it is,
Estés donde estés yo se que estas orgullosa,
Wherever you are, I know you're proud.,
Ya no me distraigo solo traigo fé,
I don't get distracted anymore I just bring faith,
Todos buscamos algo pocos sabemos que.
We are all looking for something few of us know that.
Ya no me distraigo solo traigo fé,
I don't get distracted anymore I just bring faith,
Todos buscamos algo pocos sabemos que bro.
We are all looking for something few of us know that bro.
Ya no me distraigo solo traigo fé,
I don't get distracted anymore I just bring faith,
Todos buscamos algo todos buscamos algo.
We are all looking for something, we are all looking for something.
Ya no me distraigo solo traigo fé,
I don't get distracted anymore I just bring faith,
Solo traigo y es lo único que traigo.
I only bring faith and that's the only thing I bring.

Writer(s): Mateo Elicura Cervera

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