Teresa De Sio - Capinera - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Teresa De Sio - Capinera

Capinera lava 'e piatti int' 'a cucina
Capinera washes dishes in the kitchen
Ma cu 'a capa nun ce sta
But her mind is elsewhere
Lavando guarda fuori
While washing she looks outside
Terra pe ce camminà
The ground down below
Capinera tene 'o nomme d' 'a canzone
Capinera bears the name of the song
E lle piace assai e cantà
And she loves to sing it so
Ma cu 'a fatica a ore
But with the hours of toil
Pure 'a voce se ne va
Even her voice is fading
Passa annanze 'o specchio e se guarda
She passes in front of the mirror and looks at herself
E se vede chiù stanca e stanca cumm'è
And sees herself more and more tired as time goes on
Succede ch'isso manco chiù a tuccà
It happens that he doesn't even want to touch her anymore
E allora nun aspettà
And then she can't wait
È amaro st'ammore
This love of mine is bitter
Costa caro e niente te
It costs so much and gives nothing in return
E lava sti mane
And she washes her hands
L'acqua fresca che vene e va
The cool water that comes and goes
È amaro st'ammore
This love of mine is bitter
Che nun parla e nun se fa sentì
That doesn't speak and doesn't make itself heard
E nu cielo e stagione
And a sky that changes with the seasons
Passa, guarda e già se ne va
Passes by, looks and soon it is gone
Capinera tene 'e figli e 'e manna a scola
Capinera has children and sends them to school
Ogni juorno 'e va a piglià
Every day she goes to pick them up
L'aspetta sott' 'e scale
She waits for them under the stairs
Miezojuorno adda sunà
The bell will ring at noon
Quann'è 'a sera a lietto s'è guarda
When it's evening, she lies down on the bed and looks at them
Cu l'uocchie s'e magna'e vulesse vasà
She wants to eat them up with her eyes and kiss them
Ma fa chiano no nun'è scetà
But she is careful not to wake them up
E chiano le stuta 'a luce
And quietly she puts out the light
È ammaro st'ammore
This love of mine is bitter
Costa caro e niente te po'
It costs so much and gives nothing in return
E lava sti mane
And she washes her hands
L'acqua fresca che vene e va
The cool water that comes and goes
È ammaro st'ammore
This love of mine is bitter
Che nun parla e nun se fa sentì
That doesn't speak and doesn't make itself heard
E nu cielo e tempesta
And a sky that storms
È n'orchestra che te fa ballà
It's an orchestra that makes you dance

Writer(s): Teresa De Sio, Paul J Buckmaster

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