Tereza Kesovija - Ludi Dani Naše Mladosti (Fernando) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Tereza Kesovija - Ludi Dani Naše Mladosti (Fernando)

Ludi Dani Naše Mladosti (Fernando)
Do You Still Live There, Fernando?
Da l′ jos uvijek zivis tamo
Do you still live there, where the sea touches the sky
Gdje more nebo dira i gdje kamen ljubi sol
And where the stone kisses the salt?
Da l' jos istu pjesmu znamo
Do you still know the same song
Koju pjevali smo cesto dok je sunce zvalo dan
That we sang often while the sun was calling the day?
Na zal gdje miris juga budi ljeto
On the beach where the scent of the south wakes up the summer
Puno sjecanja na nas
Full of memories of us
Da l′ jos isti vjetri njisu
Are the same winds not blowing anymore?
Grane bora, mladu travu sto je cuvala nas san
The pine branches, the young grass that protected our dream
Da li pamtis toplu kisu
Do you remember the warm rain
Kako miluje tvoj dlan i kako topi suze trag
How it caressed your palm and melted the tear's trace?
I da l' se sjecas rijeci te
And do you remember those words of yours
Kad rekla sam ti - ne, jer to je kraj
When I said to you - no, because that's the end
Ludi dani nase mladosti
Crazy days of our youth
Od ljubavi do tuge
From love to sorrow
Nismo znali kako voljeti
We didn't know how to love
Za sebe ni za druge
For ourselves or for others
Mislili smo da je svijet zbog nas
We thought the world was for us
Samo za nas
Only for us
Ludi dani nase mladosti su nestali u tami.
Crazy days of our youth have disappeared into the darkness.
Ludi dani nase mladosti, mi ostali smo sami.
Crazy days of our youth, we're left alone.

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