Tesa - La Khaleesi - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Tesa - La Khaleesi

La Khaleesi
The Khaleesi
Arriba la Tesa i és que no em pareu
Tesa's up here and you can't stop me
Arriba l'MC que vos deixa a zero
The MC is here to leave you at zero
cada un ovari més gran que el seu peu
Each of my ovaries is bigger than your foot
Ja ha arribat ací i no se'n va, foteu-vos!
I've arrived and I'm not leaving, screw you!
Arriba la Tesa i és que no em pareu
Tesa's up here and you can't stop me
Arriba l'MC que vos deixa a zero
The MC is here to leave you at zero
cada un ovari més gran que el seu peu
Each of my ovaries is bigger than your foot
Ja ha arribat ací i no se'n va, foteu-vos!
I've arrived and I'm not leaving, screw you!
No, no podran amb esta pava
No, they won't be able to handle this chick
Resulta que ací estic i es pensaven que no estava
Turns out I'm here and they thought I wasn't
No, soltem per la boca lava
No, we spit lava
No podran amb mi "ningun" dels teus, Calatrava
They won't be able to handle me, "none" of yours, Calatrava
Juici, això ho fem per vici
Trial, we do this for fun
Arriba la Khaleesi, no desperdici
The Khaleesi arrives, she's not to be missed
En el rap sóc Messi, surt d'aquesta crisi
In rap I'm Messi, get out of this crisis
Lícit, no podrà el desfici
Legitimate, the madness won't be able to
Ve la Khaleesi, que arrassa amb la zona
Here comes the Khaleesi, sweeping the zone
Ve la Khaleesi amb el foc de dragona
Here comes the Khaleesi with dragon fire
Fina com el lli, carrucha com Chung Lee
Fine as silk, rolls like Chung Lee
No podran en mi ni "aunque" me facen bullying
They won't be able to with me "even if" they bully me
¡Qué va! ¡Toma! ¡Qué mala persona!
No way! Take that! What a bad person!
Parlen a l'esquena, i a la cara uns maricona
They talk behind my back, and to my face they're a bunch of sissies
Digues que no et mola, que la Tesa no és bona
Say you don't like it, that Tesa's not good
Digues el que vulgues, que jo no em moc de la trona
Say what you want, I'm not moving from the throne
Arriba la Tesa, arriba la Tesa
Tesa's here, Tesa's here
Arriba la Tesa, ah
Tesa's here, ah
Arriba la Tesa i és que no em pareu
Tesa's up here and you can't stop me
Arriba l'MC que vos deixa a zero
The MC is here to leave you at zero
cada un ovari més gran que el seu peu
Each of my ovaries is bigger than your foot
Ja ha arribat ací i no se'n va, foteu-vos!
I've arrived and I'm not leaving, screw you!
Arriba la Tesa i és que no em pareu
Tesa's up here and you can't stop me
Arriba l'MC que vos deixa a zero
The MC is here to leave you at zero
cada un ovari més gran que el seu peu
Each of my ovaries is bigger than your foot
Ja ha arribat ací i no se'n va, foteu-vos!
I've arrived and I'm not leaving, screw you!
Açò misteri, Tesa ara és misery
This is a mystery, Tesa is now misery
Et segresta, et fa puré, "aunque" no som al Missouri
She kidnaps you, makes you puree, "even though" we're not in Missouri
Xucla'm el cul, de València al sud
Suck my ass, from Valencia to the south
Vinc donant-ho dur, com Lady Leshurr
I come giving it hard, like Lady Leshurr
Vinte'n, jo no sóc de Tinder
Get out, I'm not from Tinder
Sóc més de Grindr, controla l'esfínter
I'm more like Grindr, control your sphincter
No n'hi ha qui t'aguante, mante, no hi ha qui te pinte
There's no one who can stand you, dude, there's no one who can paint you
Tirant arrels com Kunta Kinte
Taking root like Kunta Kinte
Diuen que la Tesa no val, m'importa un pito
They say that Tesa is worthless, I don't give a damn
Brinde per això en el local, soc d'El Delito
I toast to that in the club, I'm from El Delito
En el corralito, també en el garito
In the corralito, also in the garito
Volen "atxantar"-me i van mal, se'ls cau un mito
They want to "screw" me and they're going wrong, they're dropping a myth
Clar, contra mi els ix car
Of course, against me they go "expensive"
Mala com Skar, clara com la mar
Bad like Skar, clear as the sea
Done vitamines, rimes fines, soc les FARC
I give vitamins, fine rhymes, I'm the FARC
I les teues, quines? No t'arrimes ni de llarg
And yours, what are they? You don't even come close
No soc dels que van de "guatipeig", no em quede en el backstage
I'm not one of those who go "show off", I don't stay in the backstage
Jo soc a primera fila
I'm in the front row
Sinó, fora, fent-me un "peig", perdona pel mareig
If not, outside, doing my "hair", sorry for the dizziness
Vaig que ni m'hi veig, fem-se'n un de tequila!
I'm going like I can't see, let's have a tequila!
Si la Tesa porta el staila més killa
If Tesa has the most killer style
Si esta, t'aniquila, reina com Atila
If this one, annihilates you, reigns like Attila
A mi, la meua mare em cridava sonona
My mother used to call me a bell
Ara sóc la Khaleesi, vinc a per la meua corona!
Now I'm the Khaleesi, I'm coming for my crown!
Arriba la Tesa, arriba la Tesa
Tesa's here, Tesa's here
Arriba la Tesa, ah
Tesa's here, ah
Sóc la Khaleesi, no em podran parar
I'm the Khaleesi, they won't be able to stop me
Arriba la Tesa amb ganes de lluitar
Here comes Tesa, eager to fight
Sóc la Khaleesi, no em podran parar
I'm the Khaleesi, they won't be able to stop me
Arriba la Tesa, nascuda per a regnar
Here comes Tesa, born to reign
Sóc la Khaleesi, no em podran parar
I'm the Khaleesi, they won't be able to stop me
Arriba la Tesa amb ganes de lluitar
Here comes Tesa, eager to fight
Sóc la Khaleesi, no em podran parar
I'm the Khaleesi, they won't be able to stop me
Arriba la Tesa, nascuda per a regnar
Here comes Tesa, born to reign
Sóc la Khaleesi (qui?)
I'm the Khaleesi (who?)
Sóc la Khaleesi (qui soc?)
I'm the Khaleesi (who am I?)
Sóc la Khaleesi (qui soc jo?)
I'm the Khaleesi (who am I?)
Arriba la Tesa, nascuda per a regnar
Here comes Tesa, born to reign

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