Tesa - Soc de poble - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Tesa - Soc de poble

Soc de poble
I'm from the Country
Jo sóc de poble
I am from the village
Jo sóc de poble
I am from the village
Jo sóc de poble
I am from the village
Jo sóc de poble
I am from the village
Sóc de poble sí, sóc de poble
I'm from the country, yes, I am from the country
Tire una canya però posa-me-la doble
I'll have another beer, but make it a double
Sóc de poble que li farem
I'm from the country, what can I do?
(La resta és fem que fem, la resta que li donen)
(The rest is just pretend, the rest is garbage)
Sóc de poble ho estic dient
I am from the village, I am telling you
Vinc d'un lloc on encara es coneix la gent
I come from a place where people still know each other
Sóc de poble aneu vegent
I'm from the country, you see
Viatgen "sé que dieu ay tesa ven"?
Traveling, "I know you're saying, Ay Tessa, come on?"
Per aci en el meu poble lo que peta
What's hot in my town
És eixir a l'hora de la cerveseta
Is to go out for a beer
Tenim horta apunta-ho és per si vols menjar meló
We have a garden, note it, in case you want to eat melon
Doncs, tenim bones relacions
Well, we have good relationships
Convivim sense problemes diferents generacions
We live together without problems of different generations
Que és lo que pasa?
What's the matter?
Aci encara pots asentar-te en ta uelo a la porta casa,
Here you can still sit on your porch at home,
Pa' vore com passa la vespra'
To watch the New Year's Eve pass by
Els dos asseguts a la fresca
The two of you sitting in the fresh air
Que més te cal no si t'enteraràs
What else do you need, I don't know if you'll understand
La resta és merda i vas directe al que apesta
The rest is crap and you're going straight to what stinks
Fes-li cas a aquesta bèstia fent el teu temps no es molèstia
Listen to this beast, don't bother spending your time
Un respecte als de la urbe
Respect to those in the city
Pensem en plural però m'agrada ser rural
We think in the plural, but I like to be rural
Almussafes el millor jo li pose la medalla
Almussafes is the best, I give it the medal
Antes de sopar cassalla (calla quina tralla)
Before dinner, anise (shut up, what a joke)
I estes pasa't un dia per les festes
And these days come and spend a day at the festivals
Sóc de poble sóc de poble
I'm from the country, yes, I am from the country
Tire una canya però posa-me-la doble
I'll have another beer, but make it a double
Sóc de poble que li farem
I'm from the country, what can I do?
(La resta és fem que fem, la resta que li donen)
(The rest is just pretend, the rest is garbage)
Sóc de poble sóc de poble
I'm from the country, yes, I am from the country
Tire una canya però posa-me-la doble
I'll have another beer, but make it a double
Sóc de poble que li farem
I'm from the country, what can I do?
(La resta és fem que fem, la resta que li donen)
(The rest is just pretend, the rest is garbage)
La resta és fem lo meu feten 'cream de la cream' creem el que volem
The rest is my shit, 'cream of the cream', we create what we want
Altres creuen que volen i després se passen
Others think they want it and then they get passed over
El Lore posa la base jo passe classe
Lore lays the foundation, I take the class
Des de temps immemoriables sóc la
From time immemorial I am the
Tesa d'Almussafes tu a mi no me pares
Tesa of Almussafes, you can't stop me
Sóc la que dispare els flows sonen com canons
I'm the one who fires the flows, they sound like cannons
Perquè estic enamora' de tot aço que me
Because I'm in love with all this that surrounds me
Rodeja, està terra per ella donarem guerra
This land, we will fight for it
M'aferra pensar que a ma mare li
It gives me strength to think that my mother was given
Donaren de mamar ma uela i una altra mamella
Breast milk from my grandmother and another breast
Ella perquè aço ha existit antes
Yes, because this has existed before
De que vingueres mira que deixes aci
Since you came, look at what you leave here
Solidaritat amics no fa falta ser rics
No need to be rich, my friend
La, riquesa pots trobar-la en els veïns
You can find wealth in your neighbors
Sóc de poble sóc de poble
I'm from the country, yes, I am from the country
Tire una canya però posa-me-la doble
I'll have another beer, but make it a double
Sóc de poble que li farem
I'm from the country, what can I do?
(La resta és fem que fem, la resta que li donen)
(The rest is just pretend, the rest is garbage)
Sóc de poble sóc de poble
I'm from the country, yes, I am from the country
Tire una canya però posa-me-la doble
I'll have another beer, but make it a double
Sóc de poble que li farem
I'm from the country, what can I do?
(La resta és fem que fem, la resta que li donen)
(The rest is just pretend, the rest is garbage)
Jo sóc de poble
I am from the village
Jo sóc de poble
I am from the village
Jo sóc de poble
I am from the village
Jo sóc de poble
I am from the village
La resta és fem que fem, la resta que li donen
The rest is just pretend, the rest is garbage

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