Chorus: Hedi do und war i net/ warum's nix wird was i net/ es schaut aus ois war i z'bled/ daß amoi ollas hinhaut is scho fast a Rarität
Chorus: If only I had, if only I hadn't
/ why doesn't anything work out
/ it seems like I'm too stupid
/ for everything to work out is almost a rarity
Flip: es wird imma bleda/ mei Leben a schlimma Fehla/ waun i amoi zum budan komm, konnst sicha sein, es z'reisst den Präser/ früha oda späta, übanosats jeda, wann'st di mit mir eilosst, is zacha no ois Büffelleder!
Flip: It's getting worse and worse
/ my life a bad mistake
/ when I finally croak, you can be sure, it'll tear the priest apart
/ sooner or later, everyone will understand
/ if you mess with me, it's still like buffalo leather!
Skero: Irgendwos passt imma net, moch was wost dahintastehst/ die Situation verschlimmert se/ de Sudarei behindert di/ wanns nur no um de Kohle geht/ loss afoch de Finga weg/ mocht's des Business ohne mi!/ wie jedn Tog des söbe, da schloft ma des Gsicht ein/ i muaß net olles hobn, dafüa bin i vü z'fäui/ dann wohn i hoit in da WG/ hob ka Haus, kann PKW/ wann's draussn regnt dann dusch i mi/ am Gang draussn is mei WC
Skero: Something's always wrong, do what you stand behind
/ the situation gets worse
/ the worry hinders you
/ if it's only about the money
/ just leave it alone
/ do the business without me!
/ like every day the same, your face falls asleep
/ I don't have to have everything, I'm too lazy for that
/ then I just live in a shared flat
/ have no house, no car
/ when it rains outside then I get wet
/ the hallway outside is my toilet
Bridge: Hed i, war i do
- hör doch das Jammern auf/ war i hed i do
- es geht doch anders auch/ hed i, war i do
- du hast daran geglaubt/ jetzt bricht dein Traum zusammen wie ein Kartenhaus
Bridge: If I had, if I were there
- stop whining
/ if I were, if I had
- there's another way
/ if I had, if I were there
- you believed in it
/ now your dream collapses like a house of cards
Huckey: Ooops
- i hobs eh scho voahea gwusst/ Des ged schief und am Schluss hängst mit de Fiass in da Luft/ Es is ka Kunst dass mas hibiagt,/ oba i hätt ned vaputzt/ daß du Zwetschkenkrampus mehr kriagst, ois an woamen Händedruck/ Do derfst eh ned übalegn/ wia des Weda is as Leben/ amoi schiach daun wieda schen/ viri und zruck wia auf da Hobibeng/ und häd i wiakli ollas gebn/ warads trotzdem nu vü z' wenig/ daß i amoi kriag wos i wü, da miassat scho a Wunda gscheng
Huckey: Ooops
- I already knew it beforehand
/ This will go wrong and in the end you'll hang with your feet in the air
/ It's no art to mess it up,
/ but I wouldn't have expected
/ that you'd get more prune devils than a warm handshake
/ You can't think about it
/ how the weather is life
/ sometimes ugly then beautiful again
/ back and forth like on the swing
/ and even if I had given everything
/ it would still be too little
/ for me to get what I want, a miracle would have to happen
Laima: Hätt I do immer dau, wos di aundern sogn/ war i längst oben, oder lagad i im Stroßngrobn/ War i net der, der i bin, wer war i daun?/ Hätt des an Sinn, bin i so, weil i net aunders kaun?/ Jeder glaubt, er mochts, er pockts, er schoffts, denn nur er is da hauma/ doch daun wird's bled, nix geht, fü z'spät, und es wird do a aundra.
Laima: If I had always done what the others say
/ I would be at the top by now, or I would be lying in the gutter
/ If I wasn't who I am, who would I be then?
/ Would that make sense, am I like this because I can't be any other way?
/ Everyone thinks he can do it, he can handle it, he can make it, because only he is the man
/ but then it gets stupid, nothing works, too late, and someone else will do it.
Huckey: Wos soi des Hediwari/ der gaunze Larifari/ ihr spüts de 1. Geign, i spü a Stradiwari/ und daun denk i ma Huckey/ i was jo eh des zaht si/ oba des ane was i: i brauch ka Haus und kan Ferrari
Huckey: What's all this "if only"
/ all the hullabaloo
/ you play the 1st violin, I play a Stradivarius
/ and then I think to myself, Huckey
/ I already know this is pointless
/ but one thing I know: I don't need a house or a Ferrari
Flip: es geht imma weita/ oiwei nur bergo, bergo, heast wird des nimma gscheita/ i reit eini in die Pleitn, meine Freind werdn reicha und reicha/ Kleida mochn d'Leit, ja söbst ois Schneida/ war i woi a Leben lang nur zweita/ trotzdem bleibt kloa/ daß i weitakämpfn wird, i bin von Haus aus Fighter/ so wias ausschaut klebt oba des Pech an mia wie Kleista/ irgendwaun is afoch Schluß damit, wann i die Buttaseitn kriag, ja dann moch i den großn Reibach
Flip: It goes on and on
/ always just uphill, uphill, you hear it won't get any better
/ I'm riding into bankruptcy, my friends are getting richer and richer
/ Clothes make the man, yes even as a tailor
/ I was probably only second all my life
/ still it remains clear
/ that I will keep fighting, I am a fighter by nature
/ it seems like bad luck sticks to me like glue
/ at some point it just ends, when I get the butter side, yes then I'll make the big bucks
Skero: Hedi do was andas gmocht/ hedi des und des net gsogt/ war i do no länga bliebn/ hed i do net untaschriebn/ hed i des net übasengn/ war i do im bett liegn bliebn/ mei ganzes Leben war andas gwesn und olles war so wundaschen
Skero: If only I had done something else
/ if only I hadn't said this and that
/ if only I had stayed longer
/ if only I hadn't signed
/ if only I hadn't overlooked it
/ if only I had stayed in bed
/ my whole life would have been different and everything would have been so wonderful
Bridge: Hed i, war i do
- hör doch das Jammern auf/ war i hed i do
- es geht doch anders auch/ hed i, war i do
- du hast doch was du brauchst/ stell dich nicht taub, jetzt wird zu diesem Sound gebounct!
Bridge: If I had, if I were there
- stop whining
/ if I were, if I had
- there's another way
/ if I had, if I were there
- you have what you need
/ don't play deaf, now we're bouncing to this sound!
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